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NAG Toolbox
NAG Toolbox News

Interface Changes

The following interfaces have changed since earlier releases of the toolbox.

Changes at Mark 25

Changes at Mark 24

Changes at Mark 23

Changes at Mark 22

Changes at Mark 25

nag_pde_2d_gen_order2_rectilinear_extractgrid (d03rz) nlev was made optional.
nag_stat_summary_onevar_combine (g01au) b was made optional.
nag_matop_real_gen_matrix_actexp (f01ga) m was made optional.
nag_matop_real_gen_matrix_actexp_rcomm (f01gb) m was made optional.
nag_matop_complex_gen_matrix_actexp (f01ha) m was made optional.
nag_matop_complex_gen_matrix_actexp_rcomm (f01hb) m was made optional.
nag_stat_pdf_multi_normal_vector (g01lb) k was made optional.
nag_tsa_uni_garch_asym1_estim (g13fa) nreg was made optional.
nag_tsa_uni_garch_asym2_estim (g13fc) nreg was made optional.
nag_tsa_uni_garch_gjr_estim (g13fe) nreg was made optional.
nag_tsa_uni_garch_exp_estim (g13fg) nreg was made optional.

Changes at Mark 24

nag_interp_nd_scat_shep (e01zm) nw and nq were made optional.
nag_opt_lsq_uncon_mod_func_comp (e04fc) maxcal was made optional; w and iw were removed from the interface; user was added to the interface.
nag_opt_lsq_uncon_quasi_deriv_comp (e04gb) w and iw were removed from the interface; user was added to the interface.
nag_opt_lsq_uncon_mod_deriv_comp (e04gd) maxcal was made optional; w and iw were removed from the interface; user was added to the interface.
nag_opt_lsq_uncon_mod_deriv2_comp (e04he) maxcal was made optional; w and iw were removed from the interface; user was added to the interface.
nag_opt_nlp1_rcomm (e04uf) nclin was removed from the interface.
nag_opt_lsq_check_deriv (e04ya) w and iw were removed from the interface; user was added to the interface.
nag_opt_lsq_check_hessian (e04yb) w and iw were removed from the interface; user was added to the interface.
nag_glopt_bnd_mcs_solve (e05jb) iinit was made optional.
nag_glopt_nlp_multistart_sqp_lsq (e05us) user was added as parameter to start; r is no longer returned.
nag_glopt_bnd_pso (e05sa) npar was made optional.
nag_correg_ssqmat_update (g02bt) mean was made optional.
nag_correg_ssqmat (g02bu) mean was made optional.
nag_correg_ridge_opt (g02ka) tau was made optional.
nag_correg_pls_wold (g02lb) tau and maxit where made optional.
nag_mv_prin_comp (g03aa) weight was removed from the interface; wt was made optional.
nag_mv_canon_corr (g03ad) weight was removed from the interface; wt was made optional.
nag_mv_factor (g03ca) weight was removed from the interface; wt was made optional.
nag_mv_discrim (g03da) weight was removed from the interface; wt was made optional.
nag_mv_cluster_kmeans (g03ef) weight was removed from the interface; wt was made optional.
nag_rand_quasi_uniform (g05ym) rcord was made optional.
nag_smooth_fit_spline (g10ab) weight was removed from the interface; wt was made optional.
nag_smooth_fit_spline_parest (g10ac) tol was made optional; weight was removed from the interface; wt was made optional.
nag_smooth_data_order (g10za) weight was removed from the interface; wt was made optional.
nag_contab_tabulate_percentile (g11bb) weight was removed from the interface; wt was made optional.
nag_mip_iqp_dense (h02cb) n was made optional.

Changes at Mark 23

nag_roots_contfn_interval_rcomm (c05av) fx is no longer an output parameter.
nag_roots_contfn_brent_rcomm (c05az) fx is no longer an output parameter.
nag_pde_3d_ellip_helmholtz (d03fa) lwrk was added as an optional parameter.
nag_inteq_volterra2 (d05ba) work was made an output parameter.
nag_interp_1d_aitken (e01aa) n1 is no longer an optional input parameter; n2 is no longer an input parameter.
nag_interp_1d_everett (e01ab) n1 is no longer an optional input parameter; n2 is no longer an input parameter.
nag_glopt_bnd_mcs_init (e05ja) n was removed from the interface.
nag_lapack_dstegr (f08jl) abstol was made an optional input parameter.
nag_lapack_zstegr (f08jy) abstol was made an optional input parameter.
nag_lapack_dgesvd (f08kb) work was made an output parameter.
nag_lapack_zgesvd (f08kp) rwork was made an output parameter.
nag_lapack_dggsvd (f08va) iwork was made an output parameter.
nag_lapack_zggsvd (f08vn) iwork was made an output parameter.
nag_stat_summary_1var (g01aa) wt is no longer an output parameter; output parameters were reordered.
nag_stat_summary_2var (g01ab) wt is no longer an output parameter.
nag_stat_frequency_table (g01ae) iclass is no longer an input parameter; cb was made optional; k was made a compulsory input parameter.
nag_stat_contingency_table (g01af) num was made optional (default 0).
nag_stat_plot_scatter_2var (g01ag) output parameters were reordered.
nag_stat_plot_scatter_normal (g01ah) only the first nobs elements of work are returned; istand was made optional (default 1); lwork is no longer an input parameter; output parameters were reordered.
nag_stat_plot_histogram (g01aj) xmin was made optional (default 0); xmax was made optional (default 0); ispace was made optional (default 0); itype was made optional (default 0); output parameters were reordered.
nag_stat_quantiles (g01am) rv is no longer an output parameter.
nag_stat_plot_stem_leaf (g01ar) range was made optional (default 'E'); prt was made optional (default 'P'); unit was made optional (default 0); output parameters were reordered.
nag_stat_plot_box_whisker (g01as) prt was made optional (default 'P'); output parameters were reordered.
nag_stat_test_shapiro_wilk (g01dd) a was made optional, calwts is no longer an input parameter; output parameters were reordered.
nag_stat_prob_normal (g01ea) tail was made optional (default 'L').
nag_stat_prob_students_t (g01eb) tail was made optional (default 'L').
nag_stat_prob_chisq (g01ec) tail was made optional (default 'L').
nag_stat_prob_f (g01ed) tail was made optional (default 'L').
nag_stat_prob_beta (g01ee) tol was removed from the interface.
nag_stat_prob_gamma (g01ef) tail was made optional (default 'L').
nag_stat_inv_cdf_normal (g01fa) tail was made optional (default 'L').
nag_stat_inv_cdf_students_t (g01fb) tail was made optional (default 'L').
nag_stat_inv_cdf_beta (g01fe) tol was made optional (default 0).
nag_stat_inv_cdf_gamma (g01ff) tol was made optional (default 0).
nag_stat_prob_students_t_noncentral (g01gb) tol was made optional (default 0).
nag_stat_prob_chisq_noncentral (g01gc) tol was made optional (default 0).
nag_stat_prob_f_noncentral (g01gd) tol was made optional (default 0).
nag_stat_prob_beta_noncentral (g01ge) tol was made optional (default 0).
nag_stat_prob_multi_normal (g01hb) a and b were made optional; tail was removed from the interface.
nag_stat_prob_chisq_noncentral_lincomb (g01jc) tol was made optional (default 0).
nag_stat_prob_chisq_lincomb (g01jd) method was made optional (default 'D').
nag_stat_moments_quad_form (g01na) mom and mean were removed from the interface; emu was made optional.
nag_stat_moments_ratio_quad_forms (g01nb) mean and case were removed from the interface; c, ela and emu were made optional.
nag_correg_corrmat_nearest (g02aa) errtol, maxits and maxit were made optional.
nag_correg_ssqmat_update (g02bt) incx was made optional (default 1).
nag_correg_corrmat (g02bx) nonzwt was added to the interface; weight was removed from the interface; wt was made optional.
nag_correg_linregm_coeffs_const (g02cg) k was removed from the interface.
nag_correg_linregm_coeffs_noconst (g02ch) k was removed from the interface.
nag_correg_linregm_fit (g02da) weight was removed from the interface; wt was made optional.
nag_correg_linregm_obs_edit (g02dc) weight was removed from the interface; wt was made optional.
nag_correg_linregm_update (g02dd) n was made a compulsory input parameter; p was made output only.
nag_correg_linregm_var_add (g02de) weight was removed from the interface; wt was made optional.
nag_correg_linregm_fit_newvar (g02dg) weight was removed from the interface; wt was made optional.
nag_correg_linregm_fit_stepwise (g02ef) monfun was made optional; monlevel was removed from the interface.
nag_correg_glm_normal (g02ga) offset and weight were removed from the interface; v, wt, tol, maxit, iprint, eps and a were made optional.
nag_correg_glm_binomial (g02gb) offset and weight were removed from the interface; v, wt, tol, maxit, iprint and eps were made optional.
nag_correg_glm_poisson (g02gc) offset and weight were removed from the interface; v, wt, tol, maxit, iprint, eps and a were made optional.
nag_correg_glm_gamma (g02gd) offset and weight were removed from the interface; v, wt, tol, maxit, iprint, eps and a were made optional.
nag_correg_glm_predict (g02gp) wt, off, s and a were made optional; weight and offset were removed from the interface; t was made optional (default to vector of 1s).
nag_correg_robustm (g02ha) nitmon, tol and maxit were made optional.
nag_correg_robustm_wts (g02hb) nitmon, tol and maxit were made optional.
nag_correg_robustm_user (g02hd) nitmon, tol, maxit and eps were made optional.
nag_correg_robustm_corr_huber (g02hk) nitmon and tol were made optional.
nag_correg_robustm_corr_user_deriv (g02hl) nitmon and tol were made optional.
nag_correg_robustm_corr_user (g02hm) nitmon and tol were made optional.
nag_correg_mixeff_reml (g02ja) maxit and tol were made optional.
nag_correg_mixeff_ml (g02jb) maxit and tol were made optional.
nag_correg_mixeff_hier_init (g02jc) weight was removed from the interface.
nag_rand_times_arma (g05ph) ip and iq were made optional, inferred from the size of phi and theta respectively.
nag_tsa_uni_arima_estim (g13ae) nit and kfc were made optional.
nag_tsa_uni_arima_estim_easy (g13af) ires, nit, kpiv and kfc were made optional; npcc was removed from the interface.
nag_tsa_multi_inputmod_estim (g13be) isttf, kzef and kzsp were removed from the interface; iwa, imwa, zsp, kfc, nit, kef and kpriv were made optional.
nag_mip_iqp_dense (h02cb) lwrk was made optional.

Changes at Mark 22

nag_sum_accelerate (c06ba) lwork was removed from the interface.
nag_ode_ivp_2nd_rkn (d02la) lrwork was removed from the interface.
nag_ode_ivp_2nd_rkn_setup (d02lx) lrwork was removed from the interface.
nag_ode_ivp_2nd_rkn_diag (d02ly) lrwork was removed from the interface.
nag_ode_ivp_2nd_rkn_interp (d02lz) lrwork was removed from the interface.
nag_ode_ivp_stiff_exp_fulljac (d02nb) nwkjac was removed from the interface; neq was made optional.
nag_ode_ivp_stiff_exp_bandjac (d02nc) nwkjac and njcpvt were removed from the interface; neq was made optional.
nag_ode_ivp_stiff_exp_sparjac (d02nd) nwkjac and njcpvt were removed from the interface; neq was made optional.
nag_ode_ivp_stiff_imp_fulljac (d02ng) nwkjac was removed from the interface; neq was made optional.
nag_ode_ivp_stiff_imp_bandjac (d02nh) nwkjac and njcpvt were removed from the interface; neq was made optional.
nag_ode_ivp_stiff_imp_sparjac (d02nj) nwkjac and njcpvt were removed from the interface; neq was made optional.
nag_ode_ivp_stiff_exp_revcom (d02nm) njcpvt was removed from the interface; neq was made optional.
nag_ode_ivp_stiff_imp_revcom (d02nn) njcpvt was removed from the interface; neq was made optional.
nag_ode_ivp_adams_roots (d02qf) lrwork and liwork were removed from the interface.
nag_ode_ivp_adams_roots (d02qf) lrwork and liwork were removed from the interface.
nag_ode_ivp_adams_roots_revcom (d02qg) lrwork and liwork were removed from the interface.
nag_ode_ivp_adams_setup (d02qw) lrwork and liwork were removed from the interface.
nag_ode_ivp_adams_diag (d02qx) lrwork and liwork were removed from the interface.
nag_ode_ivp_adams_rootdiag (d02qy) lrwork and liwork were removed from the interface.
nag_ode_ivp_adams_interp (d02qz) lrwork and liwork were removed from the interface.
nag_ode_bvp_fd_nonlin_gen (d02ra) n was made optional.
nag_ode_bvp_shoot_genpar_algeq (d02sa) npoint was made optional.
nag_ode_ivp_stiff_c1_interp (d02xk) neq was made optional.
nag_pde_1d_parab_fd (d03pc) lrsave and lisave were removed from the interface.
nag_pde_1d_parab_coll (d03pd) lrsave and lisave were removed from the interface.
nag_pde_1d_parab_keller (d03pe) lrsave and lisave were removed from the interface.
nag_pde_1d_parab_convdiff (d03pf) lrsave and lisave were removed from the interface.
nag_pde_1d_parab_dae_fd (d03ph) lrsave was removed from the interface.
nag_pde_1d_parab_dae_coll (d03pj) lrsave and lisave were removed from the interface.
nag_pde_1d_parab_dae_keller (d03pk) lrsave and lisave were removed from the interface.
nag_pde_1d_parab_convdiff_dae (d03pl) lrsave and lisave were removed from the interface.
nag_pde_1d_parab_remesh_fd (d03pp) lrsave and lisave were removed from the interface.
nag_pde_1d_parab_remesh_keller (d03pr) lrsave and lisave were removed from the interface.
nag_pde_1d_parab_convdiff_remesh (d03ps) lrsave and lisave were removed from the interface; nxi was made optional.
nag_pde_1d_parab_coll_interp (d03py) lrsave was removed from the interface.
nag_pde_2d_gen_order2_rectangle (d03ra) lenrwk was removed from the interface; lenlwk was made optional.
nag_inteq_abel2_weak (d05bd) lwk was removed from the interface.
nag_inteq_abel1_weak (d05be) lwk was removed from the interface.
nag_fit_1dspline_auto (e02be) lwrk was removed from the interface.
nag_fit_2dspline_grid (e02dc) lwrk and liwrk were removed from the interface.
nag_fit_2dspline_sctr (e02dd) lwrk was removed from the interface.
nag_opt_lsq_uncon_mod_func_comp (e04fc) liw and lw were removed from the interface.
nag_opt_lsq_uncon_quasi_deriv_comp (e04gb) liw and lw were removed from the interface.
nag_opt_lsq_uncon_mod_deriv_comp (e04gd) liw and lw were removed from the interface.
nag_opt_check_deriv (e04hc) liw and lw were removed from the interface.
nag_opt_check_deriv2 (e04hd) liw and lw were removed from the interface.
nag_opt_lsq_uncon_mod_deriv2_comp (e04he) liw and lw were removed from the interface.
nag_opt_bounds_mod_deriv_comp (e04kd) liw and lw were removed from the interface.
nag_opt_bounds_mod_deriv2_comp (e04lb) liw and lw were removed from the interface.
nag_opt_qpconvex2_sparse_solve (e04nq) lencw, leniw and lenrw were removed from the interface.
nag_opt_nlp1_sparse_solve (e04ug) lenz and leniz were made optional.
nag_opt_nlp2_sparse_solve (e04vh) lencw, leniw and lenrw were removed from the interface.
nag_opt_nlp2_sparse_jacobian (e04vj) lencw, leniw and lenrw were removed from the interface.
nag_opt_nlp2_solve (e04wd) leniw and lenrw were removed from the interface.
nag_opt_lsq_check_deriv (e04ya) liw and lw were removed from the interface.
nag_matop_real_gen_pseudinv (f01bl) m was made optional.
nag_matop_real_symm_posdef_fac (f01bu) m1 was made optional.
nag_matop_real_symm_posdef_geneig (f01bv) ma1 and mb1 were made optional.
nag_matop_real_band_pack (f01zc) m was made optional.
nag_matop_complex_band_pack (f01zd) m was made optional.
nag_eigen_real_symm_sparse_eigsys (f02fj) n was made optional.
nag_linsys_real_gen_lsqsol (f04am) m was made optional.
nag_orthog_real_gram_schmidt (f05aa) m was made optional.
nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_solver (f11ge) lwork was removed from the interface.
nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_diag (f11gf) lwork was removed from the interface.
nag_sparse_complex_herm_basic_solver (f11gs) lwork was removed from the interface.
nag_sparse_complex_herm_basic_diag (f11gt) lwork was removed from the interface.
nag_stat_contingency_table (g01af) m was made optional.
nag_correg_coeffs_pearson (g02ba) n was made optional.
nag_correg_coeffs_pearson_miss_case (g02bb) n was made optional; miss and xmiss are no longer output parameters.
nag_correg_coeffs_pearson_miss_pair (g02bc) n was made optional.
nag_correg_coeffs_zero (g02bd) n was made optional.
nag_correg_coeffs_zero_miss_case (g02be) n was made optional; miss and xmiss are no longer output parameters.
nag_correg_coeffs_zero_miss_pair (g02bf) n was made optional.
nag_correg_coeffs_pearson_subset (g02bg) n was made optional.
nag_correg_coeffs_pearson_subset_miss_case (g02bh) n was made optional; miss and xmiss are no longer output parameters.
nag_correg_coeffs_pearson_subset_miss_pair (g02bj) n was made optional.
nag_correg_coeffs_zero_subset (g02bk) n was made optional.
nag_correg_coeffs_zero_subset_miss_case (g02bl) n was made optional; miss and xmiss are no longer output parameters.
nag_correg_coeffs_zero_subset_miss_pair (g02bm) n was made optional.
nag_correg_coeffs_kspearman_overwrite (g02bn) n was made optional.
nag_correg_coeffs_kspearman_miss_case_overwrite (g02bp) n was made optional; miss and xmiss are no longer output parameters.
nag_correg_coeffs_kspearman (g02bq) n was made optional.
nag_correg_coeffs_kspearman_miss_case (g02br) n was made optional; miss and xmiss are no longer output parameters.
nag_correg_coeffs_kspearman_miss_pair (g02bs) n was made optional.
nag_correg_ssqmat (g02bu) n was made optional.
nag_correg_corrmat (g02bx) n was made optional.
nag_correg_linregm_obs_edit (g02dc) ip was made optional.
nag_correg_linregm_update (g02dd) n was made optional.
nag_correg_linregm_var_del (g02df) ip was made optional.
nag_correg_robustm_wts (g02hb) n was made optional.
nag_correg_robustm_corr_huber (g02hk) n was made optional.
nag_correg_robustm_corr_user_deriv (g02hl) n was made optional.
nag_correg_robustm_corr_user (g02hm) n was made optional.
nag_correg_mixeff_reml (g02ja) n was made optional.
nag_correg_mixeff_ml (g02jb) n was made optional.
nag_mv_prin_comp (g03aa) n was made optional.
nag_mv_canon_corr (g03ad) n was made optional.
nag_mv_rot_procrustes (g03bc) n was made optional.
nag_mv_discrim_mahal (g03db) ng was made optional.
nag_mv_discrim_group (g03dc) nobs was made optional.
nag_mv_distance_mat (g03ea) n was made optional.
nag_mv_cluster_kmeans (g03ef) n and k were made optional.
nag_mv_multidimscal_ordinal (g03fc) n was made optional.
nag_mv_z_scores (g03za) n was made optional.
nag_nonpar_test_friedman (g08ae) k was made optional.
nag_nonpar_test_cochranq (g08al) n was made optional.
nag_nonpar_randtest_triplets (g08ec) msize was made optional.
nag_contab_binary_service (g11sb) n was made optional.
nag_tsa_multi_inputmod_estim (g13be) nxxy was made optional.
nag_tsa_multi_inputmod_update (g13bg) nnv was made optional.
nag_tsa_multi_inputmod_forecast_state (g13bh) nfv was made optional.
nag_mip_ilp_info (h02bz) liwork and lrwork were removed from the interface.
nag_mip_transportation (h03ab) ma was made optional.
nag_sort_realmat_rank_rows (m01de) m2 was made optional.
nag_sort_intmat_rank_rows (m01df) m2 was made optional.
nag_sort_realmat_rank_columns (m01dj) m2 was made optional.
nag_sort_intmat_rank_columns (m01dk) m2 was made optional.

NAG Toolbox

© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford, UK. 2009–2015