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Chapter Contents
Chapter Introduction
NAG Toolbox

NAG Toolbox: nag_pde_2d_gen_order2_rectilinear_extractgrid (d03rz)


    1  Purpose
    2  Syntax
    7  Accuracy
    9  Example


nag_pde_2d_gen_order2_rectilinear_extractgrid (d03rz) is designed to be used in conjunction with nag_pde_2d_gen_order2_rectilinear (d03rb). It can be called from the monitr to obtain the number of grid points and their x,y coordinates on a solution grid.


[npts, x, y, ifail] = d03rz(level, nlev, xmin, ymin, dxb, dyb, lgrid, istruc, lenxy)
[npts, x, y, ifail] = nag_pde_2d_gen_order2_rectilinear_extractgrid(level, nlev, xmin, ymin, dxb, dyb, lgrid, istruc, lenxy)
Note: the interface to this routine has changed since earlier releases of the toolbox:
At Mark 25: nlev was made optional


nag_pde_2d_gen_order2_rectilinear_extractgrid (d03rz) extracts the number of grid points and their x,y coordinates on a specific solution grid produced by nag_pde_2d_gen_order2_rectilinear (d03rb). It must be called only from within the monitr. The arguments nlev, xmin, ymin, dxb, dyb, lgrid and istruc to monitr must be passed unchanged to nag_pde_2d_gen_order2_rectilinear_extractgrid (d03rz).




Compulsory Input Parameters

1:     level int64int32nag_int scalar
The grid level at which the coordinates are required.
Constraint: 1levelnlev.
2:     nlev int64int32nag_int scalar
3:     xmin – double scalar
4:     ymin – double scalar
5:     dxb – double scalar
6:     dyb – double scalar
nlev, xmin, ymin, dxb and dyb as supplied to monitr must be passed unchanged to nag_pde_2d_gen_order2_rectilinear_extractgrid (d03rz).
7:     lgrid: int64int32nag_int array
The dimension of the array lgrid must be at least nlev
lgrid as supplied to monitr must be passed unchanged to nag_pde_2d_gen_order2_rectilinear_extractgrid (d03rz).
8:     istruc: int64int32nag_int array
The dimension of the array istruc must be at least lgridnlev+2×nrows+npts+1 where nrows is stored in istruclgridnlev and is the number of rows in the grid at level nlev
istruc as supplied to monitr must be passed unchanged to nag_pde_2d_gen_order2_rectilinear_extractgrid (d03rz).
9:     lenxy int64int32nag_int scalar
The dimension of the arrays x and y.
Constraint: lenxynpts.

Optional Input Parameters


Output Parameters

1:     npts int64int32nag_int scalar
The number of grid points in the grid level level.
2:     xlenxy – double array
3:     ylenxy – double array
xi and yi contain the x,y coordinates respectively of the ith grid point, for i=1,2,,npts.
4:     ifail int64int32nag_int scalar
ifail=0 unless the function detects an error (see Error Indicators and Warnings).

Error Indicators and Warnings

Errors or warnings detected by the function:
On entry,level<1,
The dimension of the arrays x and y is too small for the requested grid level, i.e., lenxy<npts.
An unexpected error has been triggered by this routine. Please contact NAG.
Your licence key may have expired or may not have been installed correctly.
Dynamic memory allocation failed.


Not applicable.

Further Comments



See Example in nag_pde_2d_gen_order2_rectilinear (d03rb).
function d03rz_example

fprintf('d03rz example results\n\n');

global iout xsol ysol usol vsol inds;

ts    = 0;
twant = [0.25; 1];
dt    = [0.001; 1e-07; 0];
tols  = 0.1;
tolt  = 0.05;
opti  = int64([5;0;0;0]);
optr = [1, 1; 1, 1; 1, 1];
rwk  = zeros(426000, 1);
iwk  = zeros(117037, 1, 'int64');
lenlwk = int64(6000);
itrace = int64(0);
ind  = int64(0);
inds  = int64(0);

for iout = 1:2
  tout = twant(iout);
  [ts, dt, rwk, iwk, ind, ifail] = ...
          ts, tout, dt, tols, tolt, @inidom, @pdedef, ...
          @bndary, @pdeiv, @monitr, opti, optr, ...
          rwk, iwk, lenlwk, itrace, ind);
  fprintf('Time = %8.4f\n', ts);
  fprintf('Total number of accepted timesteps = %d\n', iwk(1));
  fprintf('Total number of rejected timesteps = %d\n', iwk(2));
  fprintf('\n             T o t a l  n u m b e r  o f    \n');
  fprintf('          Residual  Jacobian    Newton  Lin sys\n');
  fprintf('             evals     evals     iters    iters\n');
  fprintf(' At level \n');
  maxlev = opti(1);
  for j = 1:maxlev
    if (iwk(j+2) ~= 0)
      fprintf('%6d %10d %10d %10d %10d\n', j, iwk(j+2), iwk(j+2+maxlev), ...
                                 iwk(j+2+2*maxlev), iwk(j+2+3*maxlev) );
  fprintf('\n             M a x i m u m  n u m b e r  o f\n');
  fprintf('              Newton iters    Lin sys iters \n');
  fprintf(' At level \n');
  for j = 1:maxlev
    if (iwk(j+2) ~= 0)
      fprintf('%6d%14d%14d\n', j, iwk(j+2+4*maxlev), iwk(j+2+5*maxlev) );

% Plot solutions u and v at t=1.0
fig1 =  figure;
title('2D Burgers'' equation at t=1 on disjoint domain: u');
fig2 =  figure;
title('2D Burgers'' equation at t=1 on disjoint domain: v');

function [res] = bndary(npts, npde, t, x, y, u, ut, ux, uy, nbnds, ...
                        nbpts, llbnd, ilbnd, lbnd, res)

  epsilon = 1e-3;

  for k = llbnd(1):nbpts
     i = lbnd(k);
     a = (-4.0d0*x(i)+4.0d0*y(i)-t)/(32.0d0*epsilon);
     if (a <= 0.0d0)
        res(i,1) = u(i,1) - (0.75d0-0.25d0/(1.0d0+exp(a)));
        res(i,2) = u(i,2) - (0.75d0+0.25d0/(1.0d0+exp(a)));
        res(i,1) = u(i,1) - (0.75d0-0.25d0*exp(-a)/(exp(-a)+1.0d0));
        res(i,2) = u(i,2) - (0.75d0+0.25d0*exp(-a)/(exp(-a)+1.0d0));

function [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, nx, ny, npts, nrows, nbnds, nbpts, ...
          lrow, irow, icol, llbnd, ilbnd, lbnd, ierr] = inidom(maxpts, ierr)

  nrows = int64(11);
  npts  = int64(105);
  nbnds = int64(28);
  nbpts = int64(72);

  lrow  = zeros(nrows, 1, 'int64');
  irow  = zeros(nrows, 1, 'int64');
  icol  = zeros(npts, 1, 'int64');
  llbnd = zeros(nbnds, 1, 'int64');
  ilbnd = zeros(nbnds, 1, 'int64');
  lbnd  = zeros(nbpts, 1, 'int64');

icold = int64([0,1,2,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, ...
                  10,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,0,1,2,3,4,5,8,9,10,0,1,2,3,4,5, ...
                  6,7,8,9,10,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, ...

ilbndd = int64([1,2,3,4,1,4,1,2,3,4,3,4,1,2,12,23,34,41,14,41,12, ...

irowd  = int64([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]);

lbndd  = int64([2,4,15,26,37,46,57,68,79,88,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,96,...
                   29,40,49,60,72,73,74,75,76,77,67,56,45,36,25,33,32,42, ...

llbndd = int64([1,2,11,18,19,24,31,37,42,48,53,55,56,58,59,60,61,62, ...

lrowd  = int64([1,4,15,26,37,46,57,68,79,88,97]);

nx = int64(11);
ny = int64(11);

% check maxpts against rough estimate of npts
  if (maxpts < nx*ny)
     ierr = -1;

  xmin = 0;
  ymin = 0;
  xmax = 1;
  ymax = 1;

lrow(1:nrows)  = lrowd(1:nrows);
irow(1:nrows)  = irowd(1:nrows);
llbnd(1:nbnds) = llbndd(1:nbnds);
ilbnd(1:nbnds) = ilbndd(1:nbnds);
lbnd(1:nbpts)  = lbndd(1:nbpts);
icol(1:npts)   = icold(1:npts);

function [res] = pdedef(npts, npde, t, x, y, u, ut, ux, uy, uxx, uxy, uyy)
  res = zeros(npts, npde);

  epsilon = 1e-3;
  uxxyy = epsilon*(uxx(1:npts,1:2)+uyy(1:npts,1:2));
  uuxuy(1:npts,1) = -u(1:npts,1).*ux(1:npts,1)-u(1:npts,2).*uy(1:npts,1);
  uuxuy(1:npts,2) = -u(1:npts,1).*ux(1:npts,2)-u(1:npts,2).*uy(1:npts,2);
  res(1:npts,1:2) = ut(1:npts,1:2)-(uuxuy+uxxyy);

function [u] = pdeiv(npts, npde, t, x, y)
  u = zeros(npts, npde);

  epsilon = 1e-3;

  for i = 1:npts
    a = (-4.0d0*x(i)+4.0d0*y(i)-t)/(32.0d0*epsilon);
    if (a <= 0.0d0)
       u(i,1) = 0.75d0 - 0.25d0/(1.0d0+exp(a));
       u(i,2) = 0.75d0 + 0.25d0/(1.0d0+exp(a));
       u(i,1) = 0.75d0 - 0.25d0*exp(-a)/(exp(-a)+1.0d0);
       u(i,2) = 0.75d0 + 0.25d0*exp(-a)/(exp(-a)+1.0d0);

function [ierr] = ...
    monitr(npde, t, dt, dtnew, tlast, nlev, xmin, ymin, dxb, dyb, lgrid, ...
                 istruc, lsol, sol, ierr)


  global iout xsol ysol usol vsol inds;

  if (tlast && iout == 2)
    for level = int64(1:nlev)
      ipsol = lsol(level);

      % Get grid information
      [npts, x, y, ifail] = ...
               level, xmin, ymin, dxb, dyb, lgrid, istruc, lenxy);
      % Get exact solution
      [uex] = pdeiv(npts, npde, t, x, y);

      xsol(inds+1:inds+npts) = x(1:npts);
      ysol(inds+1:inds+npts) = y(1:npts);
      usol(inds+1:inds+npts) = sol(ipsol+1:ipsol+npts);
      vsol(inds+1:inds+npts) = sol(ipsol+npts+1:ipsol+npts+npts);
      inds = inds + npts;
d03rz example results

Time =   0.2500
Total number of accepted timesteps = 14
Total number of rejected timesteps = 0

             T o t a l  n u m b e r  o f    
          Residual  Jacobian    Newton  Lin sys
             evals     evals     iters    iters
 At level 
     1        196         14         28         14
     2        196         14         28         22
     3        196         14         28         25
     4        196         14         28         31
     5        141         10         21         29

             M a x i m u m  n u m b e r  o f
              Newton iters    Lin sys iters 
 At level 
     1             2             1
     2             2             1
     3             2             1
     4             2             2
     5             3             2

Time =   1.0000
Total number of accepted timesteps = 45
Total number of rejected timesteps = 0

             T o t a l  n u m b e r  o f    
          Residual  Jacobian    Newton  Lin sys
             evals     evals     iters    iters
 At level 
     1        630         45         90         45
     2        630         45         90         78
     3        630         45         90         87
     4        630         45         90        124
     5        575         41         83        122

             M a x i m u m  n u m b e r  o f
              Newton iters    Lin sys iters 
 At level 
     1             2             1
     2             2             1
     3             2             1
     4             2             2
     5             3             2

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Chapter Contents
Chapter Introduction
NAG Toolbox

© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford, UK. 2009–2015