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NAG Toolbox

NAG Toolbox: nag_correg_ssqmat_update (g02bt)


    1  Purpose
    2  Syntax
    7  Accuracy
    9  Example


nag_correg_ssqmat_update (g02bt) updates the sample means and sums of squares and cross-products, or sums of squares and cross-products of deviations about the mean, for a new observation. The data may be weighted.


[sw, xbar, c, ifail] = g02bt(wt, x, sw, xbar, c, 'mean_p', mean_p, 'm', m, 'incx', incx)
[sw, xbar, c, ifail] = nag_correg_ssqmat_update(wt, x, sw, xbar, c, 'mean_p', mean_p, 'm', m, 'incx', incx)
Note: the interface to this routine has changed since earlier releases of the toolbox:
At Mark 24: mean_p was made optional
At Mark 23: incx was made optional (default 1)


nag_correg_ssqmat_update (g02bt) is an adaptation of West's WV2 algorithm; see West (1979). This function updates the weighted means of variables and weighted sums of squares and cross-products or weighted sums of squares and cross-products of deviations about the mean for observations on m variables Xj, for j=1,2,,m. For the first i-1 observations let the mean of the jth variable be x-ji-1, the cross-product about the mean for the jth and kth variables be cjki-1 and the sum of weights be Wi-1. These are updated by the ith observation, xij, for j=1,2,,m, with weight wi as follows:
Wi=Wi-1+wi,  x-ji=x-ji-1+wiWixj-x-ji-1,  j=1,2,,m  
cjki=cjki- 1+wiWixj-x-ji- 1xk-x-ki- 1Wi- 1,   j= 1,2,,m;k=j,j+ 1,2,,m.  
The algorithm is initialized by taking x-j1=x1j, the first observation and cij1=0.0.
For the unweighted case wi=1 and Wi=i for all i.


Chan T F, Golub G H and Leveque R J (1982) Updating Formulae and a Pairwise Algorithm for Computing Sample Variances Compstat, Physica-Verlag
West D H D (1979) Updating mean and variance estimates: An improved method Comm. ACM 22 532–555


Compulsory Input Parameters

1:     wt – double scalar
The weight to use for the current observation, wi.
For unweighted means and cross-products set wt=1.0. The use of a suitable negative value of wt, e.g., -wi will have the effect of deleting the observation.
2:     xm×incx – double array
xj-1×incx+1 must contain the value of the jth variable for the current observation, j=1,2,,m.
3:     sw – double scalar
The sum of weights for the previous observations, Wi-1.
The update procedure is initialized.
All elements of xbar and c are set to zero.
Constraint: sw0.0 and sw+wt0.0.
4:     xbarm – double array
If sw=0.0, xbar is initialized, otherwise xbarj must contain the weighted mean of the jth variable for the previous i-1 observations, x-ji-1, for j=1,2,,m.
5:     cm×m+m/2 – double array
If sw0.0, c must contain the upper triangular part of the matrix of weighted sums of squares and cross-products or weighted sums of squares and cross-products of deviations about the mean. It is stored packed form by column, i.e., the cross-product between the jth and kth variable, kj, is stored in ck×k-1/2+j.

Optional Input Parameters

1:     mean_p – string (length ≥ 1)
Default: 'M'
Indicates whether nag_correg_ssqmat_update (g02bt) is to calculate sums of squares and cross-products, or sums of squares and cross-products of deviations about the mean.
The sums of squares and cross-products of deviations about the mean are calculated.
The sums of squares and cross-products are calculated.
Constraint: mean_p='M' or 'Z'.
2:     m int64int32nag_int scalar
Default: the dimension of the array xbar.
m, the number of variables.
Constraint: m1.
3:     incx int64int32nag_int scalar
Default: 1
The increment of x. Two situations are common.
If incx=1, the data values are to be found in consecutive locations in x, i.e., in a column.
If incx=ldx, for some positive integer ldx, the data values are to be found as a row of an array with first dimension ldx.
Constraint: incx>0.

Output Parameters

1:     sw – double scalar
Contains the updated sum of weights, Wi.
2:     xbarm – double array
xbarj contains the weighted mean of the jth variable, x-ji, for j=1,2,,m.
3:     cm×m+m/2 – double array
The update sums of squares and cross-products stored as on input.
4:     ifail int64int32nag_int scalar
ifail=0 unless the function detects an error (see Error Indicators and Warnings).

Error Indicators and Warnings

Errors or warnings detected by the function:
On entry,m<1,
On entry,sw<0.0.
On entry,sw+wt<0.0, the current weight causes the sum of weights to be less than 0.0.
On entry,mean_p'M' or 'Z'.
An unexpected error has been triggered by this routine. Please contact NAG.
Your licence key may have expired or may not have been installed correctly.
Dynamic memory allocation failed.


For a detailed discussion of the accuracy of this method see Chan et al. (1982) and West (1979).

Further Comments

nag_correg_ssqmat_update (g02bt) may be used to update the results returned by nag_correg_ssqmat (g02bu).
nag_correg_ssqmat_to_corrmat (g02bw) may be used to calculate the correlation matrix from the matrix of sums of squares and cross-products of deviations about the mean and the matrix may be scaled using to produce a variance-covariance matrix.


A program to calculate the means, the required sums of squares and cross-products matrix, and the variance matrix for a set of 3 observations of 3 variables.
function g02bt_example

fprintf('g02bt example results\n\n');

wt = [0.1300  1.3070  0.3700];
x  = [9.1231  0.9310  0.0009;
      3.7011  0.0900  0.0099;
      4.5230  0.8870  0.0999];
[m,n] = size(x);
cn = (m*(m+1))/2;
m = int64(m);

sw   = 0;
xbar = zeros(n,1);
c    = zeros(cn,1);

% Update one observatio at a time
for j = 1:n
  [sw, xbar, c, ifail] = g02bt( ...
                                wt(j), x(:,j), sw, xbar, c);


mtitle = 'Sums of squares and cross-products:';
uplo   = 'Upper';
diag   = 'Non-unit';
[ifail] = x04cc( ...
                 uplo, diag, m, c, mtitle);

% Convert the sums of squares and cross-products to a variance matrix
v = c/(sw-1);
mtitle = 'Variance matrix:';
[ifail] = x04cc( ...
                 uplo, diag, m, v, mtitle);

g02bt example results

    1.3299    0.3334    0.9874

 Sums of squares and cross-products:
             1          2          3
 1      8.7569     3.6978     4.0707
 2                 1.5905     1.6861
 3                            1.9297

 Variance matrix:
             1          2          3
 1     10.8512     4.5822     5.0443
 2                 1.9709     2.0893
 3                            2.3912

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Chapter Contents
Chapter Introduction
NAG Toolbox

© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford, UK. 2009–2015