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Chapter Contents
Chapter Introduction
NAG Toolbox

NAG Toolbox: nag_pde_1d_parab_coll_interp (d03py)


    1  Purpose
    2  Syntax
    7  Accuracy
    9  Example


nag_pde_1d_parab_coll_interp (d03py) may be used in conjunction with either nag_pde_1d_parab_coll (d03pd) or nag_pde_1d_parab_dae_coll (d03pj). It computes the solution and its first derivative at user-specified points in the spatial coordinate.


[up, rsave, ifail] = d03py(u, xbkpts, npoly, xp, itype, rsave, 'npde', npde, 'nbkpts', nbkpts, 'npts', npts, 'intpts', intpts)
[up, rsave, ifail] = nag_pde_1d_parab_coll_interp(u, xbkpts, npoly, xp, itype, rsave, 'npde', npde, 'nbkpts', nbkpts, 'npts', npts, 'intpts', intpts)
Note: the interface to this routine has changed since earlier releases of the toolbox:
At Mark 22: lrsave was removed from the interface


nag_pde_1d_parab_coll_interp (d03py) is an interpolation function for evaluating the solution of a system of partial differential equations (PDEs), or the PDE components of a system of PDEs with coupled ordinary differential equations (ODEs), at a set of user-specified points. The solution of a system of equations can be computed using nag_pde_1d_parab_coll (d03pd) or nag_pde_1d_parab_dae_coll (d03pj) on a set of mesh points; nag_pde_1d_parab_coll_interp (d03py) can then be employed to compute the solution at a set of points other than those originally used in nag_pde_1d_parab_coll (d03pd) or nag_pde_1d_parab_dae_coll (d03pj). It can also evaluate the first derivative of the solution. Polynomial interpolation is used between each of the break-points xbkptsi, for i=1,2,,nbkpts. When the derivative is needed (itype=2), the array xpintpts must not contain any of the break-points, as the method, and consequently the interpolation scheme, assumes that only the solution is continuous at these points.




Note: the arguments u, npts, npde, xbkpts, nbkpts, rsave and lrsave must be supplied unchanged from either nag_pde_1d_parab_coll (d03pd) or nag_pde_1d_parab_dae_coll (d03pj).

Compulsory Input Parameters

1:     unpdenpts – double array
The PDE part of the original solution returned in the argument u by the function nag_pde_1d_parab_coll (d03pd) or nag_pde_1d_parab_dae_coll (d03pj).
2:     xbkptsnbkpts – double array
xbkptsi, for i=1,2,,nbkpts, must contain the break-points as used by nag_pde_1d_parab_coll (d03pd) or nag_pde_1d_parab_dae_coll (d03pj).
Constraint: xbkpts1<xbkpts2<<xbkptsnbkpts.
3:     npoly int64int32nag_int scalar
The degree of the Chebyshev polynomial used for approximation as used by nag_pde_1d_parab_coll (d03pd) or nag_pde_1d_parab_dae_coll (d03pj).
Constraint: 1npoly49.
4:     xpintpts – double array
xpi, for i=1,2,,intpts, must contain the spatial interpolation points.
  • xbkpts1xp1<xp2<<xpintptsxbkptsnbkpts;
  • if itype=2, xpixbkptsj, for i=1,2,,intpts and j=2,3,,nbkpts-1.
5:     itype int64int32nag_int scalar
Specifies the interpolation to be performed.
The solution at the interpolation points are computed.
Both the solution and the first derivative at the interpolation points are computed.
Constraint: itype=1 or 2.
6:     rsavelrsave – double array
The array rsave contains information required by nag_pde_1d_parab_coll_interp (d03py) as returned by nag_pde_1d_parab_coll (d03pd) or nag_pde_1d_parab_dae_coll (d03pj). The contents of rsave must not be changed from the call to nag_pde_1d_parab_coll (d03pd) or nag_pde_1d_parab_dae_coll (d03pj). Some elements of this array are overwritten on exit.

Optional Input Parameters

1:     npde int64int32nag_int scalar
Default: the first dimension of the array u.
The number of PDEs.
Constraint: npde1.
2:     nbkpts int64int32nag_int scalar
Default: the dimension of the array xbkpts.
The number of break-points.
Constraint: nbkpts2.
3:     npts int64int32nag_int scalar
Default: the second dimension of the array u.
The number of mesh points as used by nag_pde_1d_parab_coll (d03pd) or nag_pde_1d_parab_dae_coll (d03pj).
Constraint: npts=nbkpts-1×npoly+1.
4:     intpts int64int32nag_int scalar
Default: the dimension of the array xp.
The number of interpolation points.
Constraint: intpts1.

Output Parameters

1:     upnpdeintptsitype – double array
If itype=1, upij1, contains the value of the solution Uixj,tout, at the interpolation points xj=xpj, for j=1,2,,intpts and i=1,2,,npde.
If itype=2, upij1 contains Uixj,tout and upij2 contains Ui x at these points.
2:     rsavelrsave – double array
3:     ifail int64int32nag_int scalar
ifail=0 unless the function detects an error (see Error Indicators and Warnings).

Error Indicators and Warnings

Errors or warnings detected by the function:
On entry,itype1 or 2,
or xbkptsi, for i=1,2,,nbkpts, are not ordered.
On entry, the interpolation points xpi, for i=1,2,,intpts, are not in strictly increasing order, or when itype=2, at least one of the interpolation points stored in xp is equal to one of the break-points stored in xbkpts.
You are attempting extrapolation, that is, one of the interpolation points xpi, for some i, lies outside the interval [xbkpts1,xbkptsnbkpts]. Extrapolation is not permitted.
An unexpected error has been triggered by this routine. Please contact NAG.
Your licence key may have expired or may not have been installed correctly.
Dynamic memory allocation failed.


See the documents for nag_pde_1d_parab_coll (d03pd) or nag_pde_1d_parab_dae_coll (d03pj).

Further Comments



See Example in nag_pde_1d_parab_coll (d03pd).
function d03py_example

fprintf('d03py example results\n\n');

% Solution of an elliptic-parabolic pair of PDEs
% (derived from a fourth-order PDE).

% Set values for problem parameters.
npde = 2;

% Number of points on interpolated mesh, number of break points.
intpts = 6;
nbkpts = 10;

% Order of Chebyshev polynomial.
npoly = int64(3);

npts   = (nbkpts-1)*npoly + 1;
lisave = npde*npts + 24;

% Define some arrays.
rsave   = zeros(4000, 1);
u       = zeros(npde, npts);
isave   = zeros(lisave, 1, 'int64');
lwsav   = false(100, 1);
iwsav   = zeros(505, 1, 'int64');
rwsav   = zeros(1100, 1);
cwsav   = {''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''};
% Set up the points on the interpolation grid.
xinterp = [-1:0.4:1];

% Number of output points in time.
niter  = 20;

% Prepare to store plotting results.
tsav   = zeros(niter, 1);
usav   = zeros(2, niter, npts);
isav   = 0;

% Set the break points.
hx     = 2/(nbkpts-1);
xbkpts = [-1:hx:1];

% Set initial conditions.
m      = int64(0);
ts     = 0.0;
tout   = 0.1e-4;
acc    = 1.0e-4;
itask  = int64(1);
itrace = int64(0);
ind0   = int64(0);

alpha  = -log(tout)/(niter-1);

% Output algorithmic details and interpolation points.
fprintf('polynomial degree = %4d    no. of elements = %4d\n', npoly, nbkpts-1);
fprintf('accuracy requirement = %10.3e    number of points = %5d', acc, npts);
fprintf('\n\n t / x       ');
fprintf('%8.4f', xinterp);

% Loop over exponentially increasing endpoints of integration 0.0001 --> 1. 
% Set itask = 1: normal computation of output values at t = tout.
for iter = 1:niter

  tout = exp(alpha*(iter - niter));

  % (re)start integration in time: ind0=0.
  [ts, u, x, rsave, isave, ind, user, cwsav, lwsav, iwsav, rwsav, ifail] = ...
  d03pd( ...
         m, ts, tout, @pdedef, ...
         @bndary, u, xbkpts, npoly, @uinit, ...
         acc, rsave, isave, itask, itrace, ind0, ...
         cwsav, lwsav, iwsav, rwsav);

  % Interpolation onto coarser grid for display
  itype  = int64(1);
  [uinterp, rsave, ifail] = d03py( ...
                                   u, xbkpts, npoly, xinterp, itype, rsave);

  % Output interpolated results for this time step.
  fprintf('%7.4f  u(1)', ts);
  fprintf('%8.4f', uinterp(1,:,1));
  fprintf('\n         u(2)');
  fprintf('%8.4f', uinterp(2,:,1));

  % Save this timestep for plotting.
  isav = isav+1;
  tsav(isav) = ts;
  usav(1:2,isav,1:npts) = u(1:2,1:npts);

% Output some statistics.
fprintf(' Number of integration steps in time = %6d\n', isave(1));
fprintf(' Number of function evaluations      = %6d\n', isave(2));
fprintf(' Number of Jacobian evaluations      = %6d\n', isave(3));
fprintf(' Number of iterations                = %6d\n', isave(5));

% Plot results.
fig1 = figure;
plot_results(x, tsav, squeeze(usav(1,:,:)), 'u_1');
fig2 = figure;
plot_results(x, tsav, squeeze(usav(2,:,:)), 'u_2');

function [p, q, r, ires, user] = pdedef(npde, t, x, nptl, u, ux, ires, user)
  p = zeros(npde, npde, nptl);
  q = zeros(npde, nptl);
  r = zeros(npde, nptl);

  for i = 1:double(nptl)
    q(1,i) = u(2,i);
    q(2,i) = u(1,i)*ux(2,i) - ux(1,i)*u(2,i);
    r(1,i) = ux(1,i);
    r(2,i) = ux(2,i);
    p(2,2,i) = 1;

function [beta, gamma, ires, user] = bndary(npde, t, u, ux, ibnd, ires, user)
  beta  = zeros(npde, 1);
  gamma = zeros(npde, 1);

  beta(1)  = 1;
  beta(2)  = 0;
  gamma(1) = 0;
  if (ibnd == 0)
    gamma(2) = u(1) - 1;
    gamma(2) = u(1) + 1;

function [u, user] = uinit(npde, npts, x, user)
  u = zeros(npde, npts);

  piby2 = pi/2;
  u(1,:) = -sin(piby2*x);
  u(2,:) = -piby2*piby2*u(1,:);

function plot_results(x, t, u, ident)
  % Plot array as a mesh.
  mesh(x, t, u);
  set(gca, 'YScale', 'log');
  set(gca, 'YTick', [0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1]);
  set(gca, 'YMinorGrid', 'off');
  set(gca, 'YMinorTick', 'off');

  % Label the axes, and set the title.
  title({['Solution ',ident,' of elliptic-parabolic pair'], ...
      'using Chebyshev Collocation and BDF'});

  % Set the axes limits tight to the x and y range.
  axis([x(1) x(end) t(1) t(end)]);

  % Set the view to something nice (determined empirically).
  view(-165, 44);
d03py example results

polynomial degree =    3    no. of elements =    9
accuracy requirement =  1.000e-04    number of points =    28

 t / x        -1.0000 -0.6000 -0.2000  0.2000  0.6000  1.0000

 0.0000  u(1)  1.0000  0.8090  0.3090 -0.3090 -0.8090 -1.0000
         u(2) -2.4690 -1.9961 -0.7624  0.7624  1.9961  2.4690

 0.0000  u(1)  1.0000  0.8090  0.3090 -0.3090 -0.8090 -1.0000
         u(2) -2.4687 -1.9961 -0.7624  0.7624  1.9961  2.4687

 0.0000  u(1)  1.0000  0.8090  0.3090 -0.3090 -0.8090 -1.0000
         u(2) -2.4700 -1.9961 -0.7624  0.7624  1.9961  2.4700

 0.0001  u(1)  1.0000  0.8090  0.3090 -0.3090 -0.8090 -1.0000
         u(2) -2.4724 -1.9960 -0.7624  0.7624  1.9960  2.4724

 0.0001  u(1)  1.0000  0.8090  0.3090 -0.3090 -0.8090 -1.0000
         u(2) -2.4767 -1.9959 -0.7624  0.7624  1.9959  2.4767

 0.0002  u(1)  1.0000  0.8090  0.3090 -0.3090 -0.8090 -1.0000
         u(2) -2.4840 -1.9957 -0.7623  0.7623  1.9957  2.4840

 0.0004  u(1)  1.0000  0.8089  0.3090 -0.3090 -0.8089 -1.0000
         u(2) -2.4960 -1.9953 -0.7621  0.7621  1.9953  2.4960

 0.0007  u(1)  1.0000  0.8089  0.3089 -0.3089 -0.8089 -1.0000
         u(2) -2.5142 -1.9946 -0.7619  0.7619  1.9946  2.5142

 0.0013  u(1)  1.0000  0.8087  0.3089 -0.3089 -0.8087 -1.0000
         u(2) -2.5374 -1.9933 -0.7614  0.7614  1.9933  2.5374

 0.0023  u(1)  1.0000  0.8085  0.3087 -0.3087 -0.8085 -1.0000
         u(2) -2.5611 -1.9910 -0.7605  0.7605  1.9910  2.5611

 0.0043  u(1)  1.0000  0.8081  0.3085 -0.3085 -0.8081 -1.0000
         u(2) -2.5869 -1.9866 -0.7588  0.7588  1.9866  2.5869

 0.0078  u(1)  1.0000  0.8074  0.3081 -0.3081 -0.8074 -1.0000
         u(2) -2.6183 -1.9787 -0.7558  0.7558  1.9787  2.6183

 0.0144  u(1)  1.0000  0.8063  0.3075 -0.3075 -0.8063 -1.0000
         u(2) -2.6604 -1.9643 -0.7503  0.7503  1.9643  2.6604

 0.0264  u(1)  1.0000  0.8045  0.3064 -0.3064 -0.8045 -1.0000
         u(2) -2.7128 -1.9394 -0.7402  0.7402  1.9394  2.7128

 0.0483  u(1)  1.0000  0.8020  0.3046 -0.3046 -0.8020 -1.0000
         u(2) -2.7723 -1.9042 -0.7222  0.7222  1.9042  2.7723

 0.0886  u(1)  1.0000  0.7990  0.3022 -0.3022 -0.7990 -1.0000
         u(2) -2.8331 -1.8684 -0.6915  0.6915  1.8684  2.8331

 0.1624  u(1)  1.0000  0.7962  0.2996 -0.2996 -0.7962 -1.0000
         u(2) -2.8840 -1.8423 -0.6512  0.6512  1.8423  2.8840

 0.2976  u(1)  1.0000  0.7944  0.2978 -0.2978 -0.7944 -1.0000
         u(2) -2.9140 -1.8287 -0.6218  0.6218  1.8287  2.9140

 0.5456  u(1)  1.0000  0.7939  0.2973 -0.2973 -0.7939 -1.0000
         u(2) -2.9225 -1.8250 -0.6129  0.6129  1.8250  2.9225

 1.0000  u(1)  1.0000  0.7939  0.2972 -0.2972 -0.7939 -1.0000
         u(2) -2.9233 -1.8247 -0.6120  0.6120  1.8247  2.9233

 Number of integration steps in time =     38
 Number of function evaluations      =    237
 Number of Jacobian evaluations      =      9
 Number of iterations                =     89

PDF version (NAG web site, 64-bit version, 64-bit version)
Chapter Contents
Chapter Introduction
NAG Toolbox

© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford, UK. 2009–2015