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NAG Toolbox: nag_correg_corrmat_nearest (g02aa)
nag_correg_corrmat_nearest (g02aa) computes the nearest correlation matrix, in the Frobenius norm, to a given square, input matrix.
ifail] = g02aa(
g, 'n',
n, 'errtol',
errtol, 'maxits',
maxits, 'maxit',
ifail] = nag_correg_corrmat_nearest(
g, 'n',
n, 'errtol',
errtol, 'maxits',
maxits, 'maxit',
Note: the interface to this routine has changed since earlier releases of the toolbox:
A correlation matrix may be characterised as a real square matrix that is symmetric, has a unit diagonal and is positive semidefinite.
nag_correg_corrmat_nearest (g02aa) applies an inexact Newton method to a dual formulation of the problem, as described by
Qi and Sun (2006). It applies the improvements suggested by
Borsdorf and Higham (2010).
Borsdorf R and Higham N J (2010) A preconditioned (Newton) algorithm for the nearest correlation matrix IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 30(1) 94–107
Qi H and Sun D (2006) A quadratically convergent Newton method for computing the nearest correlation matrix SIAM J. Matrix AnalAppl 29(2) 360–385
Compulsory Input Parameters
- 1:
– double array
ldg, the first dimension of the array, must satisfy the constraint
, the initial matrix.
Optional Input Parameters
- 1:
– int64int32nag_int scalar
the first dimension of the array
g and the second dimension of the array
g. (An error is raised if these dimensions are not equal.)
The size of the matrix .
- 2:
– double scalar
The termination tolerance for the Newton iteration. If then is used.
- 3:
– int64int32nag_int scalar
maxits specifies the maximum number of iterations used for the iterative scheme used to solve the linear algebraic equations at each Newton step.
If , is used.
- 4:
– int64int32nag_int scalar
Specifies the maximum number of Newton iterations.
If , is used.
Output Parameters
- 1:
– double array
A symmetric matrix with the diagonal set to .
- 2:
– double array
Contains the nearest correlation matrix.
- 3:
– int64int32nag_int scalar
The number of Newton steps taken.
- 4:
– int64int32nag_int scalar
The number of function evaluations of the dual problem.
- 5:
– double scalar
The norm of the gradient of the last Newton step.
- 6:
– int64int32nag_int scalar
unless the function detects an error (see
Error Indicators and Warnings).
Error Indicators and Warnings
Errors or warnings detected by the function:
Cases prefixed with W are classified as warnings and
do not generate an error of type NAG:error_n. See nag_issue_warnings.
Constraint: .
Constraint: .
Constraint: .
Newton iteration fails to converge in iterations.
- W
Machine precision is limiting convergence.
The array returned in
x may still be of interest.
An intermediate eigenproblem could not be solved. This should not occur. Please contact
NAG with details of your call.
An unexpected error has been triggered by this routine. Please
Your licence key may have expired or may not have been installed correctly.
Dynamic memory allocation failed.
The returned accuracy is controlled by
errtol and limited by
machine precision.
Further Comments
Arrays are internally allocated by nag_correg_corrmat_nearest (g02aa). The total size of these arrays is real elements and integer elements.
This example finds the nearest correlation matrix to:
Open in the MATLAB editor:
function g02aa_example
fprintf('g02aa example results\n\n');
g = [ 2, -1, 0, 0;
-1, 2, -1, 0;
0, -1, 2, -1;
0, 0, -1, 2];
[g, x, iter, feval, nrmgrd, ifail] = ...
fprintf('\n Nearest Correlation Matrix\n');
fprintf('\n Number of Newton steps taken: %d\n', iter);
fprintf(' Number of function evaluations: %d\n', feval);
if (nrmgrd > 4*x02aj)
fprintf(' Norm of gradient of last Newton step: %6.4f\n', nrmgrd);
g02aa example results
Nearest Correlation Matrix
1.0000 -0.8084 0.1916 0.1068
-0.8084 1.0000 -0.6562 0.1916
0.1916 -0.6562 1.0000 -0.8084
0.1068 0.1916 -0.8084 1.0000
Number of Newton steps taken: 3
Number of function evaluations: 4
Norm of gradient of last Newton step: 0.0000
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, 64-bit version, 64-bit version)
© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford, UK. 2009–2015