
naginterfaces.library.quad.dim1_fin_brkpts(f, a, b, points, epsabs, epsrel, maxsub, data=None)[source]

dim1_fin_brkpts is a general purpose integrator which calculates an approximation to the integral of a function over a finite interval :

where the integrand may have local singular behaviour at a finite number of points within the integration interval.

For full information please refer to the NAG Library document for d01rl

fcallable (fv, iflag) = f(x, iflag, data=None)

must return the values of the integrand at a set of points.

xfloat, ndarray, shape

The abscissae, , for , at which function values are required.



dataarbitrary, optional, modifiable in place

User-communication data for callback functions.

fvfloat, array-like, shape

must contain the values of the integrand . for all .


Set to force an immediate exit with = -1.


, the lower limit of integration.


, the upper limit of integration. It is not necessary that .

Note: if , the function will immediately return with , , and .

pointsfloat, array-like, shape

The user-specified break-points.


, the absolute accuracy required. If is negative, . See Accuracy.


, the relative accuracy required. If is negative, . See Accuracy.


, the upper bound on the total number of subdivisions dim1_fin_brkpts may use to generate new segments. This does not include the initial segments of the interval generated from the supplied break-points. If , only the initial segments will be evaluated.

Suggested value: a value in the range to is adequate for most problems.

dataarbitrary, optional

User-communication data for callback functions.


The approximation to the integral .


An estimate of the modulus of the absolute error, which should be an upper bound for .

rinfofloat, ndarray, shape

Details of the computation. See Further Comments for more information.

iinfoint, ndarray, shape

Details of the computation. See Further Comments for more information.

(errno )

On entry, .

Constraint: .

(errno )

On entry, break-points are specified outside : and .

(errno )

On entry, .

Constraint: .

(errno )

Exit from with .

(errno )

The maximum number of subdivisions () has been reached: .

(errno )

Round-off error prevents the requested tolerance from being achieved: and .

(errno )

Extremely bad integrand behaviour occurs around the sub-interval .

(errno )

Round-off error is detected in the extrapolation table.

(errno )

The integral is probably divergent or slowly convergent.


dim1_fin_brkpts is based on the QUADPACK routine QAGP (see Piessens et al. (1983)). It is very similar to dim1_fin_general(), but allows you to supply ‘break-points’, points at which the integrand is known to be difficult. It employs an adaptive algorithm, using the Gauss -point and Kronrod -point rules. The algorithm, described in de Doncker (1978), incorporates a global acceptance criterion (as defined by Malcolm and Simpson (1976)) together with the -algorithm (see Wynn (1956)) to perform extrapolation. The user-supplied ‘break-points’ always occur as the end points of some sub-interval during the adaptive process. The local error estimation is described in Piessens et al. (1983).

dim1_fin_brkpts requires you to supply a function to evaluate the integrand at an array of points.


de Doncker, E, 1978, An adaptive extrapolation algorithm for automatic integration, ACM SIGNUM Newsl. (13(2)), 12–18

Malcolm, M A and Simpson, R B, 1976, Local versus global strategies for adaptive quadrature, ACM Trans. Math. Software (1), 129–146

Piessens, R, de Doncker–Kapenga, E, Überhuber, C and Kahaner, D, 1983, QUADPACK, A Subroutine Package for Automatic Integration, Springer–Verlag

Wynn, P, 1956, On a device for computing the transformation, Math. Tables Aids Comput. (10), 91–96