

bessel_y1_real_vector returns an array of values of the Bessel function .

For full information please refer to the NAG Library document for s17ar

xfloat, array-like, shape

The argument of the function, for .

ffloat, ndarray, shape

, the function values.

ivalidint, ndarray, shape

contains the error code for , for .

No error.

On entry, is too large. contains the amplitude of the oscillation, .

On entry, , is undefined. contains .

is too close to zero, there is a danger of overflow. On failure, contains the value of at the smallest valid argument.

(errno )

On entry, .

Constraint: .

(errno )

On entry, at least one value of was invalid.

Check for more information.


bessel_y1_real_vector evaluates an approximation to the Bessel function of the second kind for an array of arguments , for .

Note: is undefined for and the function will fail for such arguments.

The function is based on four Chebyshev expansions:

For ,

For ,

where ,

and , with .

For near zero, . This approximation is used when is sufficiently small for the result to be correct to machine precision. For extremely small , there is a danger of overflow in calculating and for such arguments the function will fail.

For very large , it becomes impossible to provide results with any reasonable accuracy (see Accuracy), hence the function fails. Such arguments contain insufficient information to determine the phase of oscillation of ; only the amplitude, , can be determined and this is returned on failure. The range for which this occurs is roughly related to machine precision; the function will fail if .


NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions

Clenshaw, C W, 1962, Chebyshev Series for Mathematical Functions, Mathematical tables, HMSO