- naginterfaces.library.roots.contfn_brent(a, b, f, eps=1.1102230246251565e-13, eta=0.0, data=None)[source]¶
locates a simple zero of a continuous function in a given interval using Brent’s method, which is a combination of nonlinear interpolation, linear extrapolation and bisection.For full information please refer to the NAG Library document for c05ay
- Parameters
- afloat
, the lower bound of the interval.
- bfloat
, the upper bound of the interval.
- fcallable retval = f(x, data=None)
must evaluate the function whose zero is to be determined.
- Parameters
- xfloat
The point at which the function must be evaluated.
- dataarbitrary, optional, modifiable in place
User-communication data for callback functions.
- Returns
- retvalfloat
The value of evaluated at .
- epsfloat, optional
The termination tolerance on (see Notes).
- etafloat, optional
A value such that if , is accepted as the zero. may be specified as (see Accuracy).
- dataarbitrary, optional
User-communication data for callback functions.
- Returns
- xfloat
If the function exits successfully or = 2, is the final approximation to the zero. If = 3, is likely to be a pole of . Otherwise, contains no useful information.
- Raises
- NagValueError
- (errno )
On entry, .
Constraint: .
- (errno )
On entry, and .
Constraint: .
- (errno )
On entry, and have the same sign with neither equalling : and .
- Warns
- NagAlgorithmicWarning
- (errno )
No further improvement in the solution is possible. is too small: . The final value of returned is an accurate approximation to the zero.
- (errno )
The function values in the interval might contain a pole rather than a zero. Reducing may help in distinguishing between a pole and a zero.
- Notes
attempts to obtain an approximation to a simple zero of the function given an initial interval such that . The same core algorithm is used bycontfn_brent_rcomm()
whose specification should be consulted for details of the method used.The approximation to the zero is determined so that at least one of the following criteria is satisfied:
- References
Brent, R P, 1973, Algorithms for Minimization Without Derivatives, Prentice–Hall