
naginterfaces.library.quad.dim1_fin_osc(f, a, b, epsabs, epsrel, lw=800, liw=None, data=None)[source]

dim1_fin_osc is an adaptive integrator, especially suited to oscillating, nonsingular integrands, which calculates an approximation to the integral of a function over a finite interval :

Deprecated since version dim1_fin_osc will be removed in naginterfaces Please use dim1_fin_osc_fn() instead. See also the Replacement Calls document.

For full information please refer to the NAG Library document for d01ak

fcallable retval = f(x, data=None)

must return the value of the integrand at a given point.


The point at which the integrand must be evaluated.

dataarbitrary, optional, modifiable in place

User-communication data for callback functions.


The value of the integrand at .


, the lower limit of integration.


, the upper limit of integration. It is not necessary that .


The absolute accuracy required. If is negative, the absolute value is used. See Accuracy.


The relative accuracy required. If is negative, the absolute value is used. See Accuracy.

lwint, optional

The value of (together with that of ) imposes a bound on the number of sub-intervals into which the interval of integration may be divided by the function. The number of sub-intervals cannot exceed . The more difficult the integrand, the larger should be.

liwNone or int, optional

Note: if this argument is None then a default value will be used, determined as follows: .

The number of sub-intervals into which the interval of integration may be divided cannot exceed .

dataarbitrary, optional

User-communication data for callback functions.


The approximation to the integral .


An estimate of the modulus of the absolute error, which should be an upper bound for .

wfloat, ndarray, shape

Details of the computation see Further Comments for more information.

iwint, ndarray, shape

contains the actual number of sub-intervals used. The rest of the array is used as workspace.

(errno )

On entry, .

Constraint: .

(errno )

On entry, .

Constraint: .

(errno )

The maximum number of subdivisions () has been reached: , and .

(errno )

Round-off error prevents the requested tolerance from being achieved: and .

(errno )

Extremely bad integrand behaviour occurs around the sub-interval .


In the NAG Library the traditional C interface for this routine uses a different algorithmic base. Please contact NAG if you have any questions about compatibility.

dim1_fin_osc is based on the QUADPACK routine QAG (see Piessens et al. (1983)). It is an adaptive function, using the Gauss -point and Kronrod -point rules. A ‘global’ acceptance criterion (as defined by Malcolm and Simpson (1976)) is used. The local error estimation is described in Piessens et al. (1983).

Because dim1_fin_osc is based on integration rules of high order, it is especially suitable for nonsingular oscillating integrands.

dim1_fin_osc requires you to supply a function to evaluate the integrand at a single point.

The function dim1_fin_osc_vec() uses an identical algorithm but requires you to supply a function to evaluate the integrand at an array of points. Therefore, dim1_fin_osc_vec() will be more efficient if the evaluation can be performed in vector mode on a vector-processing machine.


Malcolm, M A and Simpson, R B, 1976, Local versus global strategies for adaptive quadrature, ACM Trans. Math. Software (1), 129–146

Piessens, R, 1973, An algorithm for automatic integration, Angew. Inf. (15), 399–401

Piessens, R, de Doncker–Kapenga, E, Überhuber, C and Kahaner, D, 1983, QUADPACK, A Subroutine Package for Automatic Integration, Springer–Verlag