#!/usr/bin/env python3
"``naginterfaces.library.opt.handle_solve_nldf`` Python Example."
# NAG Copyright 2022.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
import numpy as np
from naginterfaces.base import utils
from naginterfaces.library import opt
[docs]def main():
Example for :func:`naginterfaces.library.opt.handle_solve_nldf`.
General nonlinear data-fitting with constraints.
Solve a nonlinear regression problem using
both least squares and robust regression.
>>> main()
naginterfaces.library.opt.handle_solve_nldf Python Example Results.
First solve the problem using least squares loss function
E04GN, Nonlinear Data-Fitting
Status: converged, an optimal solution found
Final objective value 4.590715E+01
Primal variables:
idx Lower bound Value Upper bound
1 -1.00000E+00 9.43732E-02 inf
2 0.00000E+00 7.74046E-01 1.00000E+00
Now solve the problem using SmoothL1 loss function
E04GN, Nonlinear Data-Fitting
Status: converged, an optimal solution found
Final objective value 1.294635E+01
Primal variables:
idx Lower bound Value Upper bound
1 -1.00000E+00 9.69201E-02 inf
2 0.00000E+00 7.95110E-01 1.00000E+00
'naginterfaces.library.opt.handle_solve_nldf Python Example Results.'
def cb_lsqfun(x, nres, inform, data):
rx = np.zeros(nres,dtype=float)
vec1 = data["vec1"]
vec2 = data["vec2"]
for i in range(nres):
rx[i] = (vec2[i] - x[0]*vec1[i]*np.sin(-x[1]*vec1[i]))
return rx, inform
def cb_lsqgrd(x, nres, rdx, inform, data):
vec1 = data["vec1"]
nvar = len(x)
for i in range(nres):
rdx[i*nvar] = -vec1[i]*np.sin(-x[1]*vec1[i])
rdx[i*nvar+1] = vec1[i]**2*x[0]*np.cos(x[1]*vec1[i])
return inform
# Data for model y = f(t;A,w) := A*t*sin(-w*t)
# Data generated using A = 0.1 and w = 0.8 and added random noise
# Residual 4, 12, 16 and 20 are outliers
data = {}
data["vec1"] = [1.0E+00,2.0E+00,3.0E+00,4.0E+00,5.0E+00,6.0E+00,7.0E+00,
data["vec2"] = [0.0523,-0.1442,-0.0422,1.8106,0.3271,0.4684,0.4593,
# Create a handle for the problem:
nvar = 2
handle = opt.handle_init(nvar=nvar)
# Define the residuals structure:
nres = 24
opt.handle_set_nlnls(handle, nres)
# Define the bounds on the variables:
opt.handle_set_simplebounds(handle, bl=[-1.0, 0.], bu=[1.e20, 1.0])
# Define the linear constraint
# Set the loss function and some printing options
for option in [
'NLDF Loss Function Type = L2',
'Print Level = 1',
'Print Options = No',
'Print solution = yes'
opt.handle_opt_set(handle, option)
# Use an explicit I/O manager for abbreviated iteration output:
iom = utils.FileObjManager(locus_in_output=False)
# Call the solver
print("First solve the problem using least squares loss function")
x = [0.3, 0.7]
handle, cb_lsqfun, cb_lsqgrd, x, nres,
data=data, io_manager=iom,
# Use robust nonlinear regression and resolve the model
print('Now solve the problem using SmoothL1 loss function')
x = [0.3, 0.7]
opt.handle_opt_set(handle, 'NLDF Loss Function Type = smoothL1')
handle, cb_lsqfun, cb_lsqgrd, x, nres,
data=data, io_manager=iom,
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest
import sys
None, verbose=True, report=False,
optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS | doctest.REPORT_NDIFF,