This manual relates to an old release of the Library.
The documentation for the current release is also available on this site.

NAG CL Interface
e04myc (nag_opt_sparse_mps_free)

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CL Name Style:

1 Purpose

e04myc frees the memory allocated by e04mzc.

2 Specification

#include <nag.h>
void  e04myc (double **a, Integer **ha, Integer **ka, double **bl, double **bu, double **xs)
The function may be called by the names: e04myc or nag_opt_sparse_mps_free.

3 Description

e04myc should be used in conjunction with e04mzc, which reads data for a sparse linear or quadratic programming problem from an MPSX file, allocates several arrays, and initializes them with the data contained in the file. e04myc is a utility provided for the convenient freeing of this memory. It should be called in order to conserve memory which is no longer required, e.g., following a call to e04nkc (which may be used to solve the problem defined by the MPSX file). Any memory not freed will, of course, be freed when your program terminates.
e04myc can be used to free a subset of the allocated arrays by passing null pointers for those arguments which you do not wish to free.

4 References


5 Arguments

1: a double ** Input/Output
On entry: the nonzeros of the sparse constraint matrix A , to be freed. If a or *a is a null pointer, no action is taken.
On exit: if a is not null, *a is set to the null pointer.
2: ha Integer ** Input/Output
On entry: the row indices of the nonzero elements stored in a, to be freed. If ha or *ha is a null pointer, no action is taken.
On exit: if ha is not null, *ha is set to the null pointer.
3: ka Integer ** Input/Output
On entry: the indices indicating the beginning of each column of A , to be freed. If ka or *ka is a null pointer, no action is taken.
On exit: if ka is not null, *ka is set to the null pointer.
4: bl double ** Input/Output
On entry: the lower bounds of the problem variables and general constraints, to be freed. If bl or *bl is a null pointer, no action is taken.
On exit: if bl is not null, *bl is set to the null pointer.
5: bu double ** Input/Output
On entry: the upper bounds of the problem variables and general constraints, to be freed. If bu or *bu is a null pointer, no action is taken.
On exit: if bu is not null, *bu is set to the null pointer.
6: xs double ** Input/Output
On entry: a set of initial values for the variables and constraints, to be freed. If xs or *xs is a null pointer no action is taken.
On exit: if xs is not null, *xs is set to the null pointer.

6 Error Indicators and Warnings


7 Accuracy

Not applicable.

8 Parallelism and Performance

e04myc is not threaded in any implementation.

9 Further Comments

In addition to allocating the memory freed by this function, e04mzc also allocates memory to the crnames member of the options structure (if the structure is supplied as an argument). The function e04xzc should be used to free this memory. You must not use the standard C function free() for this purpose.

10 Example

See e04mzc.