Routine Name |
Mark of Introduction |
Purpose |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DGESV nagf_lapack_dgesv Computes the solution to a real system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DGESVX nagf_lapack_dgesvx Uses the factorization to compute the solution, error-bound and condition estimate for a real system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
22 | DSGESV nagf_lapack_dsgesv Computes the solution to a real system of linear equations using mixed precision arithmetic |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DGETRF nagf_lapack_dgetrf factorization of real by matrix |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DGETRS nagf_lapack_dgetrs Solution of real system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07ADF (DGETRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DGEEQU nagf_lapack_dgeequ Computes row and column scalings intended to equilibrate a general real matrix and reduce its condition number |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DGECON nagf_lapack_dgecon Estimate condition number of real matrix, matrix already factorized by F07ADF (DGETRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DGERFS nagf_lapack_dgerfs Refined solution with error bounds of real system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DGETRI nagf_lapack_dgetri Inverse of real matrix, matrix already factorized by F07ADF (DGETRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZGESV nagf_lapack_zgesv Computes the solution to a complex system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZGESVX nagf_lapack_zgesvx Uses the factorization to compute the solution, error-bound and condition estimate for a complex system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
22 | ZCGESV nagf_lapack_zcgesv Computes the solution to a complex system of linear equations using mixed precision arithmetic |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZGETRF nagf_lapack_zgetrf factorization of complex by matrix |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZGETRS nagf_lapack_zgetrs Solution of complex system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07ARF (ZGETRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZGEEQU nagf_lapack_zgeequ Computes row and column scalings intended to equilibrate a general complex matrix and reduce its condition number |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZGECON nagf_lapack_zgecon Estimate condition number of complex matrix, matrix already factorized by F07ARF (ZGETRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZGERFS nagf_lapack_zgerfs Refined solution with error bounds of complex system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZGETRI nagf_lapack_zgetri Inverse of complex matrix, matrix already factorized by F07ARF (ZGETRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DGBSV nagf_lapack_dgbsv Computes the solution to a real banded system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DGBSVX nagf_lapack_dgbsvx Uses the factorization to compute the solution, error-bound and condition estimate for a real banded system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DGBTRF nagf_lapack_dgbtrf factorization of real by band matrix |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DGBTRS nagf_lapack_dgbtrs Solution of real band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07BDF (DGBTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DGBEQU nagf_lapack_dgbequ Computes row and column scalings intended to equilibrate a real banded matrix and reduce its condition number |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DGBCON nagf_lapack_dgbcon Estimate condition number of real band matrix, matrix already factorized by F07BDF (DGBTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DGBRFS nagf_lapack_dgbrfs Refined solution with error bounds of real band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZGBSV nagf_lapack_zgbsv Computes the solution to a complex banded system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZGBSVX nagf_lapack_zgbsvx Uses the factorization to compute the solution, error-bound and condition estimate for a complex banded system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZGBTRF nagf_lapack_zgbtrf factorization of complex by band matrix |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZGBTRS nagf_lapack_zgbtrs Solution of complex band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07BRF (ZGBTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZGBEQU nagf_lapack_zgbequ Computes row and column scalings intended to equilibrate a complex banded matrix and reduce its condition number |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZGBCON nagf_lapack_zgbcon Estimate condition number of complex band matrix, matrix already factorized by F07BRF (ZGBTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZGBRFS nagf_lapack_zgbrfs Refined solution with error bounds of complex band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DGTSV nagf_lapack_dgtsv Computes the solution to a real tridiagonal system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DGTSVX nagf_lapack_dgtsvx Uses the factorization to compute the solution, error-bound and condition estimate for a real tridiagonal system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DGTTRF nagf_lapack_dgttrf factorization of real tridiagonal matrix |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DGTTRS nagf_lapack_dgttrs Solves a real tridiagonal system of linear equations using the factorization computed by F07CDF (DGTTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DGTCON nagf_lapack_dgtcon Estimates the reciprocal of the condition number of a real tridiagonal matrix using the factorization computed by F07CDF (DGTTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DGTRFS nagf_lapack_dgtrfs Refined solution with error bounds of real tridiagonal system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZGTSV nagf_lapack_zgtsv Computes the solution to a complex tridiagonal system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZGTSVX nagf_lapack_zgtsvx Uses the factorization to compute the solution, error-bound and condition estimate for a complex tridiagonal system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZGTTRF nagf_lapack_zgttrf factorization of complex tridiagonal matrix |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZGTTRS nagf_lapack_zgttrs Solves a complex tridiagonal system of linear equations using the factorization computed by F07CDF (DGTTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZGTCON nagf_lapack_zgtcon Estimates the reciprocal of the condition number of a complex tridiagonal matrix using the factorization computed by F07CDF (DGTTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZGTRFS nagf_lapack_zgtrfs Refined solution with error bounds of complex tridiagonal system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DPOSV nagf_lapack_dposv Computes the solution to a real symmetric positive definite system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DPOSVX nagf_lapack_dposvx Uses the Cholesky factorization to compute the solution, error-bound and condition estimate for a real symmetric positive definite system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
23 | DSPOSV nagf_lapack_dsposv Computes the solution to a real symmetric positive definite system of linear equations using mixed precision arithmetic |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DPOTRF nagf_lapack_dpotrf Cholesky factorization of real symmetric positive definite matrix |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DPOTRS nagf_lapack_dpotrs Solution of real symmetric positive definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07FDF (DPOTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DPOEQU nagf_lapack_dpoequ Computes row and column scalings intended to equilibrate a real symmetric positive definite matrix and reduce its condition number |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DPOCON nagf_lapack_dpocon Estimate condition number of real symmetric positive definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07FDF (DPOTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DPORFS nagf_lapack_dporfs Refined solution with error bounds of real symmetric positive definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DPOTRI nagf_lapack_dpotri Inverse of real symmetric positive definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07FDF (DPOTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZPOSV nagf_lapack_zposv Computes the solution to a complex Hermitian positive definite system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZPOSVX nagf_lapack_zposvx Uses the Cholesky factorization to compute the solution, error-bound and condition estimate for a complex Hermitian positive definite system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
23 | ZCPOSV nagf_lapack_zcposv Computes the solution to a complex Hermitian positive definite system of linear equations using mixed precision arithmetic |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZPOTRF nagf_lapack_zpotrf Cholesky factorization of complex Hermitian positive definite matrix |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZPOTRS nagf_lapack_zpotrs Solution of complex Hermitian positive definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07FRF (ZPOTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZPOEQU nagf_lapack_zpoequ Computes row and column scalings intended to equilibrate a complex Hermitian positive definite matrix and reduce its condition number |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZPOCON nagf_lapack_zpocon Estimate condition number of complex Hermitian positive definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07FRF (ZPOTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZPORFS nagf_lapack_zporfs Refined solution with error bounds of complex Hermitian positive definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZPOTRI nagf_lapack_zpotri Inverse of complex Hermitian positive definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07FRF (ZPOTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DPPSV nagf_lapack_dppsv Computes the solution to a real symmetric positive definite system of linear equations, packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DPPSVX nagf_lapack_dppsvx Uses the Cholesky factorization to compute the solution, error-bound and condition estimate for a real symmetric positive definite system of linear equations, packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DPPTRF nagf_lapack_dpptrf Cholesky factorization of real symmetric positive definite matrix, packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DPPTRS nagf_lapack_dpptrs Solution of real symmetric positive definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07GDF (DPPTRF), packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DPPEQU nagf_lapack_dppequ Computes row and column scalings intended to equilibrate a real symmetric positive definite matrix and reduce its condition number, packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DPPCON nagf_lapack_dppcon Estimate condition number of real symmetric positive definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07GDF (DPPTRF), packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DPPRFS nagf_lapack_dpprfs Refined solution with error bounds of real symmetric positive definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DPPTRI nagf_lapack_dpptri Inverse of real symmetric positive definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07GDF (DPPTRF), packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZPPSV nagf_lapack_zppsv Computes the solution to a complex Hermitian positive definite system of linear equations, packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZPPSVX nagf_lapack_zppsvx Uses the Cholesky factorization to compute the solution, error-bound and condition estimate for a complex Hermitian positive definite system of linear equations, packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZPPTRF nagf_lapack_zpptrf Cholesky factorization of complex Hermitian positive definite matrix, packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZPPTRS nagf_lapack_zpptrs Solution of complex Hermitian positive definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07GRF (ZPPTRF), packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZPPEQU nagf_lapack_zppequ Computes row and column scalings intended to equilibrate a complex Hermitian positive definite matrix and reduce its condition number, packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZPPCON nagf_lapack_zppcon Estimate condition number of complex Hermitian positive definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07GRF (ZPPTRF), packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZPPRFS nagf_lapack_zpprfs Refined solution with error bounds of complex Hermitian positive definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZPPTRI nagf_lapack_zpptri Inverse of complex Hermitian positive definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07GRF (ZPPTRF), packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DPBSV nagf_lapack_dpbsv Computes the solution to a real symmetric positive definite banded system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DPBSVX nagf_lapack_dpbsvx Uses the Cholesky factorization to compute the solution, error-bound and condition estimate for a real symmetric positive definite banded system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DPBTRF nagf_lapack_dpbtrf Cholesky factorization of real symmetric positive definite band matrix |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DPBTRS nagf_lapack_dpbtrs Solution of real symmetric positive definite band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07HDF (DPBTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DPBEQU nagf_lapack_dpbequ Computes row and column scalings intended to equilibrate a real symmetric positive definite banded matrix and reduce its condition number |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DPBCON nagf_lapack_dpbcon Estimate condition number of real symmetric positive definite band matrix, matrix already factorized by F07HDF (DPBTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DPBRFS nagf_lapack_dpbrfs Refined solution with error bounds of real symmetric positive definite band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZPBSV nagf_lapack_zpbsv Computes the solution to a complex Hermitian positive definite banded system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZPBSVX nagf_lapack_zpbsvx Uses the Cholesky factorization to compute the solution, error-bound and condition estimate for a complex Hermitian positive definite banded system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZPBTRF nagf_lapack_zpbtrf Cholesky factorization of complex Hermitian positive definite band matrix |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZPBTRS nagf_lapack_zpbtrs Solution of complex Hermitian positive definite band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07HRF (ZPBTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZPBEQU nagf_lapack_zpbequ Computes row and column scalings intended to equilibrate a complex Hermitian positive definite banded matrix and reduce its condition number |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZPBCON nagf_lapack_zpbcon Estimate condition number of complex Hermitian positive definite band matrix, matrix already factorized by F07HRF (ZPBTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZPBRFS nagf_lapack_zpbrfs Refined solution with error bounds of complex Hermitian positive definite band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DPTSV nagf_lapack_dptsv Computes the solution to a real symmetric positive definite tridiagonal system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DPTSVX nagf_lapack_dptsvx Uses the factorization to compute the solution, error-bound and condition estimate for a real symmetric positive definite tridiagonal system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DPTTRF nagf_lapack_dpttrf Computes the factorization of a real symmetric positive definite tridiagonal matrix |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DPTTRS nagf_lapack_dpttrs Solves a real symmetric positive definite tridiagonal system using the factorization computed by F07JDF (DPTTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DPTCON nagf_lapack_dptcon Computes the reciprocal of the condition number of a real symmetric positive definite tridiagonal system using the factorization computed by F07JDF (DPTTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DPTRFS nagf_lapack_dptrfs Refined solution with error bounds of real symmetric positive definite tridiagonal system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZPTSV nagf_lapack_zptsv Computes the solution to a complex Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZPTSVX nagf_lapack_zptsvx Uses the factorization to compute the solution, error-bound and condition estimate for a complex Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZPTTRF nagf_lapack_zpttrf Computes the factorization of a complex Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal matrix |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZPTTRS nagf_lapack_zpttrs Solves a complex Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal system using the factorization computed by F07JRF (ZPTTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZPTCON nagf_lapack_zptcon Computes the reciprocal of the condition number of a complex Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal system using the factorization computed by F07JRF (ZPTTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZPTRFS nagf_lapack_zptrfs Refined solution with error bounds of complex Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
Example Text Example Data |
23 | DPSTRF nagf_lapack_dpstrf Cholesky factorization, with complete pivoting, of a real, symmetric, positive semidefinite matrix |
Example Text Example Data |
23 | ZPSTRF nagf_lapack_zpstrf Cholesky factorization of complex Hermitian positive semidefinite matrix |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DSYSV nagf_lapack_dsysv Computes the solution to a real symmetric system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DSYSVX nagf_lapack_dsysvx Uses the diagonal pivoting factorization to compute the solution to a real symmetric system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DSYTRF nagf_lapack_dsytrf Bunch–Kaufman factorization of real symmetric indefinite matrix |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DSYTRS nagf_lapack_dsytrs Solution of real symmetric indefinite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07MDF (DSYTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DSYCON nagf_lapack_dsycon Estimate condition number of real symmetric indefinite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07MDF (DSYTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DSYRFS nagf_lapack_dsyrfs Refined solution with error bounds of real symmetric indefinite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DSYTRI nagf_lapack_dsytri Inverse of real symmetric indefinite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07MDF (DSYTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZHESV nagf_lapack_zhesv Computes the solution to a complex Hermitian system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZHESVX nagf_lapack_zhesvx Uses the diagonal pivoting factorization to compute the solution to a complex Hermitian system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZHETRF nagf_lapack_zhetrf Bunch–Kaufman factorization of complex Hermitian indefinite matrix |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZHETRS nagf_lapack_zhetrs Solution of complex Hermitian indefinite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07MRF (ZHETRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZHECON nagf_lapack_zhecon Estimate condition number of complex Hermitian indefinite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07MRF (ZHETRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZHERFS nagf_lapack_zherfs Refined solution with error bounds of complex Hermitian indefinite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZHETRI nagf_lapack_zhetri Inverse of complex Hermitian indefinite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07MRF (ZHETRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZSYSV nagf_lapack_zsysv Computes the solution to a complex symmetric system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZSYSVX nagf_lapack_zsysvx Uses the diagonal pivoting factorization to compute the solution to a complex symmetric system of linear equations |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZSYTRF nagf_lapack_zsytrf Bunch–Kaufman factorization of complex symmetric matrix |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZSYTRS nagf_lapack_zsytrs Solution of complex symmetric system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07NRF (ZSYTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZSYCON nagf_lapack_zsycon Estimate condition number of complex symmetric matrix, matrix already factorized by F07NRF (ZSYTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZSYRFS nagf_lapack_zsyrfs Refined solution with error bounds of complex symmetric system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZSYTRI nagf_lapack_zsytri Inverse of complex symmetric matrix, matrix already factorized by F07NRF (ZSYTRF) |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DSPSV nagf_lapack_dspsv Computes the solution to a real symmetric system of linear equations, packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | DSPSVX nagf_lapack_dspsvx Uses the diagonal pivoting factorization to compute the solution to a real symmetric system of linear equations, packed storage. Error bounds and a condition estimate are also computed. |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DSPTRF nagf_lapack_dsptrf Bunch–Kaufman factorization of real symmetric indefinite matrix, packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DSPTRS nagf_lapack_dsptrs Solution of real symmetric indefinite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07PDF (DSPTRF), packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DSPCON nagf_lapack_dspcon Estimate condition number of real symmetric indefinite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07PDF (DSPTRF), packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DSPRFS nagf_lapack_dsprfs Refined solution with error bounds of real symmetric indefinite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DSPTRI nagf_lapack_dsptri Inverse of real symmetric indefinite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07PDF (DSPTRF), packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZHPSV nagf_lapack_zhpsv Computes the solution to a complex Hermitian system of linear equations, packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZHPSVX nagf_lapack_zhpsvx Uses the diagonal pivoting factorization to compute the solution to a complex, Hermitian, system of linear equations, error bounds and condition estimates. Packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZHPTRF nagf_lapack_zhptrf Bunch–Kaufman factorization of complex Hermitian indefinite matrix, packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZHPTRS nagf_lapack_zhptrs Solution of complex Hermitian indefinite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07PRF (ZHPTRF), packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZHPCON nagf_lapack_zhpcon Estimate condition number of complex Hermitian indefinite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07PRF (ZHPTRF), packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZHPRFS nagf_lapack_zhprfs Refined solution with error bounds of complex Hermitian indefinite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZHPTRI nagf_lapack_zhptri Inverse of complex Hermitian indefinite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07PRF (ZHPTRF), packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZSPSV nagf_lapack_zspsv Computes the solution to a complex symmetric system of linear equations, packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
21 | ZSPSVX nagf_lapack_zspsvx Uses the diagonal pivoting factorization to compute the solution to a complex, symmetric, system of linear equations, error bounds and condition estimates. Packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZSPTRF nagf_lapack_zsptrf Bunch–Kaufman factorization of complex symmetric matrix, packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZSPTRS nagf_lapack_zsptrs Solution of complex symmetric system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07QRF (ZSPTRF), packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZSPCON nagf_lapack_zspcon Estimate condition number of complex symmetric matrix, matrix already factorized by F07QRF (ZSPTRF), packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZSPRFS nagf_lapack_zsprfs Refined solution with error bounds of complex symmetric system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZSPTRI nagf_lapack_zsptri Inverse of complex symmetric matrix, matrix already factorized by F07QRF (ZSPTRF), packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DTRTRS nagf_lapack_dtrtrs Solution of real triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DTRCON nagf_lapack_dtrcon Estimate condition number of real triangular matrix |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DTRRFS nagf_lapack_dtrrfs Error bounds for solution of real triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DTRTRI nagf_lapack_dtrtri Inverse of real triangular matrix |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZTRTRS nagf_lapack_ztrtrs Solution of complex triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZTRCON nagf_lapack_ztrcon Estimate condition number of complex triangular matrix |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZTRRFS nagf_lapack_ztrrfs Error bounds for solution of complex triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZTRTRI nagf_lapack_ztrtri Inverse of complex triangular matrix |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DTPTRS nagf_lapack_dtptrs Solution of real triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DTPCON nagf_lapack_dtpcon Estimate condition number of real triangular matrix, packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DTPRFS nagf_lapack_dtprfs Error bounds for solution of real triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DTPTRI nagf_lapack_dtptri Inverse of real triangular matrix, packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZTPTRS nagf_lapack_ztptrs Solution of complex triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZTPCON nagf_lapack_ztpcon Estimate condition number of complex triangular matrix, packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZTPRFS nagf_lapack_ztprfs Error bounds for solution of complex triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZTPTRI nagf_lapack_ztptri Inverse of complex triangular matrix, packed storage |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DTBTRS nagf_lapack_dtbtrs Solution of real band triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DTBCON nagf_lapack_dtbcon Estimate condition number of real band triangular matrix |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | DTBRFS nagf_lapack_dtbrfs Error bounds for solution of real band triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZTBTRS nagf_lapack_ztbtrs Solution of complex band triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZTBCON nagf_lapack_ztbcon Estimate condition number of complex band triangular matrix |
Example Text Example Data |
15 | ZTBRFS nagf_lapack_ztbrfs Error bounds for solution of complex band triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
Example Text Example Data |
23 | DPFTRF nagf_lapack_dpftrf Cholesky factorization of real symmetric positive definite matrix, Rectangular Full Packed format |
Example Text Example Data |
23 | DPFTRS nagf_lapack_dpftrs Solution of real symmetric positive definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, coefficient matrix already factorized by F07WDF (DPFTRF), Rectangular Full Packed format |
Example Text Example Data |
23 | DPFTRI nagf_lapack_dpftri Inverse of real symmetric positive definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07WDF (DPFTRF), Rectangular Full Packed format |
Example Text Example Data |
23 | DTFTRI nagf_lapack_dtftri Inverse of real triangular matrix, Rectangular Full Packed format |
Example Text Example Data |
23 | ZPFTRF nagf_lapack_zpftrf Cholesky factorization of complex Hermitian positive definite matrix, Rectangular Full Packed format |
Example Text Example Data |
23 | ZPFTRS nagf_lapack_zpftrs Solution of complex Hermitian positive definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, coefficient matrix already factorized by F07WRF (ZPFTRF), Rectangular Full Packed format |
Example Text Example Data |
23 | ZPFTRI nagf_lapack_zpftri Inverse of complex Hermitian positive definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07WRF (ZPFTRF), Rectangular Full Packed format |
Example Text Example Data |
23 | ZTFTRI nagf_lapack_ztftri Inverse of complex triangular matrix, Rectangular Full Packed format |