Source code for naginterfaces.library.examples.glopt.handle_solve_mcs_ex
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"``naginterfaces.library.opt.handle_solve_mcs`` Python Example."
# NAG Copyright 2021.
from math import exp
from naginterfaces.base import utils
from naginterfaces.library import opt
from naginterfaces.library import glopt
[docs]def main():
Example for :func:`naginterfaces.library.glopt.handle_solve_mcs`.
Global optimization by multi-level coordinate search.
>>> main()
naginterfaces.library.glopt.handle_solve_mcs Python Example Results.
Global optimization of the Peaks objective function.
Final objective value is -6.55113
Global optimum is (0.22828, -1.62553)
'naginterfaces.library.glopt.handle_solve_mcs Python Example Results.'
print('Global optimization of the Peaks objective function.')
# Define the 'Peaks' functions
objfun = lambda x, inform: (
3.*(1. - x[0])**2*exp(-x[0]**2 - (x[1] + 1.)**2)
- (10.*(x[0]/5. - x[0]**3 - x[1]**5)*exp(-x[0]**2 - x[1]**2))
- 1./3.0*exp(-(x[0] + 1.)**2 - x[1]**2),
# Create the problem in the NAG Optimization Modelling Suite.
# Define an empty problem with 2 variables
nvar = 2
handle = opt.handle_init(nvar)
# Define the objective for the problem as being nonlinear
idxfd=list(range(1, nvar+1)),
# Declare the simple bounds for the variables (both are in [-3., 3.])
bl=[-3., -3.],
bu=[3., 3.],
# Set some optional parameters
for option in [
'MCS Max Objective Calls = 100000',
'MCS Print Frequency = 10',
'Print Solution = yes',
opt.handle_opt_set(handle, option)
# Use an explicit I/O manager for abbreviated iteration output
iom = utils.FileObjManager(locus_in_output=False)
# Solve the problem
soln = glopt.handle_solve_mcs(handle, objfun=objfun, io_manager=iom)
# Destroy the handle
# Extract the solution and print it
objval = soln.rinfo[0]
print('Final objective value is {:.5f}'.format(objval))
'Global optimum is (' +
', '.join(['{:.5f}'.format(xi) for xi in soln.x]) +
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest
import sys
None, verbose=True, report=False,
optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS | doctest.REPORT_NDIFF,