NAG FL Interface
H (Mip)
Operations Research

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H (Mip) Chapter Introduction – A description of the Chapter and an overview of the algorithms available.

Mark of

h02bff 16 nagf_mip_ilp_mpsx
Interpret MPSX data file defining IP or LP problem, optimize and print solution
h02bkf 29.3 (Experimental) nagf_mip_handle_solve_milp
Mixed integer linear programming (MILP), large-scale, branch and bound method
h02buf 16 nagf_mip_ilp_mpsx_convert
Convert MPSX data file defining IP or LP problem to format required by h02bbf or e04mff/​e04mfa
h02bvf 16 nagf_mip_ilp_print
Print IP or LP solutions with user-specified names for rows and columns
h02cbf 19 nagf_mip_iqp_dense
Integer QP problem (dense)
h02ccf 19 nagf_mip_iqp_dense_optfile
Read optional parameter values for h02cbf from external file
h02cdf 19 nagf_mip_iqp_dense_optstr
Supply optional parameter values to h02cbf
h02cef 19 nagf_mip_iqp_sparse
Integer LP or QP problem (sparse), using e04nkf/​e04nka
h02cff 19 nagf_mip_iqp_sparse_optfile
Read optional parameter values for h02cef from external file
h02cgf 19 nagf_mip_iqp_sparse_optstr
Supply optional parameter values to h02cef
h02ddf 30.3 nagf_mip_handle_solve_minlp
Mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP)
h03abf 4 nagf_mip_transportation
Transportation problem, modified ‘stepping stone’ method
h03adf 18 nagf_mip_shortestpath
Shortest path problem, Dijkstra's algorithm
h03bbf 25 nagf_mip_tsp_simann
Travelling Salesman Problem, simulated annealing
h05aaf 24 nagf_mip_best_subset_given_size_revcomm
Best n subsets of size p (reverse communication)
h05abf 24 nagf_mip_best_subset_given_size
Best n subsets of size p (direct communication)
h02bbf 14
Integer LP problem (dense)
h02bzf 15
Integer programming solution, extracts further information on solution obtained by h02bbf
h02daf 25
Mixed integer nonlinear programming
h02zkf 25
Option setting routine for h02daf
h02zlf 25
Option getting routine for h02daf