Function |
Mark of Introduction |
Purpose |
h02bkc | 29.3 (Experimental) | nag_mip_handle_solve_milp Mixed integer linear programming (MILP), large-scale, branch and bound method |
h02buc | 5 | nag_mip_ilp_mpsx_convert Read MPSX data for IP, LP or QP problem from a file |
h02bvc | 5 | nag_mip_ilp_print Free memory allocated by h02buc |
h02ddc | 30.3 | nag_mip_handle_solve_minlp Mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) |
h02xxc | 5 | nag_ip_init Initialize option structure to null values |
h02xyc | 5 | nag_ip_read Read optional parameter values from a file |
h02xzc | 5 | nag_ip_free Free NAG allocated memory from option structures |
h03abc | 3 | nag_mip_transportation Classical transportation algorithm |
h03bbc | 25 | nag_mip_tsp_simann Travelling Salesman Problem, simulated annealing |
h05aac | 24 | nag_mip_best_subset_given_size_revcomm Best subsets of size (reverse communication) |
h05abc | 24 | nag_mip_best_subset_given_size Best subsets of size (direct communication) |
h02bbc | 5
(Deprecated) |
nag_mip_ilp_dense Solves integer programming problems using a branch and bound method |
h02dac | 25
(Deprecated) |
nag_mip_sqp Mixed integer nonlinear programming |
h02zkc | 25
(Deprecated) |
nag_mip_optset Option setting routine for h02dac |
h02zlc | 25
(Deprecated) |
nag_mip_optget Option getting routine for h02dac |