NAG CL Interface
E02 (Fit)
Curve and Surface Fitting

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E02 (Fit) Chapter Introduction – A description of the Chapter and an overview of the algorithms available.

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e02adc 5 nag_fit_dim1_cheb_arb
Computes the coefficients of a Chebyshev series polynomial for arbitrary data
e02aec 5 nag_fit_dim1_cheb_eval
Evaluates the coefficients of a Chebyshev series polynomial
e02afc 5 nag_fit_dim1_cheb_glp
Computes the coefficients of a Chebyshev series polynomial for interpolated data
e02agc 7 nag_fit_dim1_cheb_con
Least squares polynomial fit, values and derivatives may be constrained, arbitrary data points
e02ahc 7 nag_fit_dim1_cheb_deriv
Derivative of fitted polynomial in Chebyshev series form
e02ajc 7 nag_fit_dim1_cheb_integ
Integral of fitted polynomial in Chebyshev series form
e02akc 7 nag_fit_dim1_cheb_eval2
Evaluation of fitted polynomial in one variable from Chebyshev series form
e02alc 24 nag_fit_dim1_minimax_polynomial
Minimax curve fit by polynomials
e02bac 2 nag_fit_dim1_spline_knots
Least squares curve cubic spline fit (including interpolation), one variable
e02bbc 2 nag_fit_dim1_spline_eval
Evaluation of fitted cubic spline, function only
e02bcc 2 nag_fit_dim1_spline_deriv
Evaluation of fitted cubic spline, function and derivatives
e02bdc 2 nag_fit_dim1_spline_integ
Evaluation of fitted cubic spline, definite integral
e02bec 2 nag_fit_dim1_spline_auto
Least squares cubic spline curve fit, automatic knot placement, one variable
e02bfc 24 nag_fit_dim1_spline_deriv_vector
Evaluation of fitted cubic spline, function and optionally derivatives at a vector of points
e02cac 7 nag_fit_dim2_cheb_lines
Least squares surface fit by polynomials, data on lines parallel to one independent coordinate axis
e02cbc 7 nag_fit_dim2_cheb_eval
Evaluation of fitted polynomial in two variables
e02dac 8 nag_fit_dim2_spline_panel
Least squares surface fit, bicubic splines
e02dcc 2 nag_fit_dim2_spline_grid
Least squares bicubic spline fit with automatic knot placement, two variables (rectangular grid)
e02ddc 2 nag_fit_dim2_spline_sctr
Least squares bicubic spline fit with automatic knot placement, two variables (scattered data)
e02dec 2 nag_fit_dim2_spline_evalv
Evaluation of bicubic spline, at a set of points
e02dfc 2 nag_fit_dim2_spline_evalm
Evaluation of bicubic spline, at a mesh of points
e02dhc 23 nag_fit_dim2_spline_derivm
Evaluation of spline surface at mesh of points with derivatives
e02gac 7 nag_fit_glin_l1sol
L1-approximation by general linear function
e02gcc 7 nag_fit_glin_linf
L-approximation by general linear function
e02jdc 24 nag_fit_dim2_spline_ts_sctr
Spline approximation to a set of scattered data using a two-stage approximation method
e02jec 24 nag_fit_dim2_spline_ts_evalv
Evaluation at a vector of points of a spline computed by e02jdc
e02jfc 24 nag_fit_dim2_spline_ts_evalm
Evaluation at a mesh of points of a spline computed by e02jdc
e02rac 7 nag_fit_pade_app
Padé approximants
e02rbc 7 nag_fit_pade_eval
Evaluation of fitted rational function as computed by e02rac
e02zac 8 nag_fit_dim2_spline_sort
Sort two-dimensional data into panels for fitting bicubic splines
e02zkc 24 nag_fit_opt_set
Option setting routine
e02zlc 24 nag_fit_opt_get
Option getting routine