Routine |
Mark of Introduction |
Purpose |
e01aaf | 1 | nagf_interp_dim1_aitken Interpolated values, Aitken's technique, unequally spaced data, one variable |
e01abf | 1 | nagf_interp_dim1_everett Interpolated values, Everett's formula, equally spaced data, one variable |
e01aef | 8 | nagf_interp_dim1_cheb Interpolating functions, polynomial interpolant, data may include derivative values, one variable |
e01baf | 8 | nagf_interp_dim1_spline Interpolating functions, cubic spline interpolant, one variable |
e01bef | 13 | nagf_interp_dim1_monotonic Interpolating functions, monotonicity-preserving, piecewise cubic Hermite, one variable |
e01bff | 13 | nagf_interp_dim1_monotonic_eval Interpolated values, interpolant computed by e01bef, function only, one variable |
e01bgf | 13 | nagf_interp_dim1_monotonic_deriv Interpolated values, interpolant computed by e01bef, function and first derivative, one variable |
e01bhf | 13 | nagf_interp_dim1_monotonic_intg Interpolated values, interpolant computed by e01bef, definite integral, one variable |
e01cef | 27 | nagf_interp_dim1_monconv_disc Interpolating variables, monotone convex Hagan–West procedure, one variable |
e01cff | 27 | nagf_interp_dim1_monconv_eval Interpolated values, variables computed by e01cef, monotone convex Hagan–West procedure, one variable |
e01daf | 14 | nagf_interp_dim2_spline_grid Interpolating functions, fitting bicubic spline, data on rectangular grid |
e01eaf | 25 | nagf_interp_dim2_triangulate Triangulation of two-dimensional scattered grid, method of Renka and Cline |
e01ebf | 25 | nagf_interp_dim2_triang_bary_eval Barycentric interpolation on function values provided on a two-dimensional scattered grid |
e01raf | 9 | nagf_interp_dim1_ratnl Interpolating functions, rational interpolant, one variable |
e01rbf | 9 | nagf_interp_dim1_ratnl_eval Interpolated values, evaluate rational interpolant computed by e01raf, one variable |
e01saf | 13 | nagf_interp_dim2_scat Interpolating functions, method of Renka and Cline, two variables |
e01sbf | 13 | nagf_interp_dim2_scat_eval Interpolated values, evaluate interpolant computed by e01saf, two variables |
e01sgf | 18 | nagf_interp_dim2_scat_shep Interpolating functions, modified Shepard's method, two variables |
e01shf | 18 | nagf_interp_dim2_scat_shep_eval Interpolated values, evaluate interpolant computed by e01sgf, function and first derivatives, two variables |
e01tgf | 18 | nagf_interp_dim3_scat_shep Interpolating functions, modified Shepard's method, three variables |
e01thf | 18 | nagf_interp_dim3_scat_shep_eval Interpolated values, evaluate interpolant computed by e01tgf, function and first derivatives, three variables |
e01tkf | 23 | nagf_interp_dim4_scat_shep Interpolating functions, modified Shepard's method, four variables |
e01tlf | 23 | nagf_interp_dim4_scat_shep_eval Interpolated values, evaluate interpolant computed by e01tkf, function and first derivatives, four variables |
e01tmf | 23 | nagf_interp_dim5_scat_shep Interpolating functions, modified Shepard's method, five variables |
e01tnf | 23 | nagf_interp_dim5_scat_shep_eval Interpolated values, evaluate interpolant computed by e01tmf, function and first derivatives, five variables |
e01zaf | 27 | nagf_interp_dimn_grid Interpolates an -dimensional point on grid data using either linear, cubic or modified Shepard's method |
e01zmf | 24 | nagf_interp_dimn_scat_shep Interpolating function, modified Shepard's method, dimensions |
e01znf | 24 | nagf_interp_dimn_scat_shep_eval Interpolated values, evaluate interpolant computed by e01zmf, function and first derivatives, dimensions |