NAG CPP Interface
nagcpp::blas::dgemm (f06ya)

1 Purpose

dgemm performs one of the matrix-matrix operations
CαAB+βC, CαATB+βC, CαABT+βC  or CαATBT+βC,  
where A, B and C are real matrices, and α and β are real scalars; C is always m by n.

2 Specification

#include "f06/nagcpp_f06ya.hpp"
template <typename A, typename B, typename C>

void function dgemm(const string transa, const string transb, const double alpha, const A &a, const B &b, const double beta, C &&c, OptionalF06YA opt)
template <typename A, typename B, typename C>

void function dgemm(const string transa, const string transb, const double alpha, const A &a, const B &b, const double beta, C &&c)

3 Description


4 References


5 Arguments

1: transa string Input
On entry: specifies whether the operation involves A or AT.
The operation involves A.
transa='T' or 'C'
The operation involves AT.
Constraint: transa='N', 'T' or 'C'.
2: transb string Input
On entry: specifies whether the operation involves B or BT.
The operation involves B.
transb='T' or 'C'
The operation involves BT.
Constraint: transb='N', 'T' or 'C'.
3: alpha double Input
On entry: the scalar α.
4: a(:,:) double array Input
Note: the first dimension of a is given by: if transa="N": m; if transa="T"  or  transa="C": k; otherwise: 0.
Note: the second dimension of a is given by: if transa="N": k; if transa="T"  or  transa="C": m; otherwise: 0.
On entry: the matrix A; A is m by k if transa='N', or k by m if transa='T' or 'C'.
5: b(:,:) double array Input
Note: the first dimension of b is given by: if transb="N": k; if transb="T"  or  transb="C": n; otherwise: 0.
Note: the second dimension of b is given by: if transb="N": n; if transb="T"  or  transb="C": k; otherwise: 0.
On entry: the matrix B; B is k by n if transb='N', or n by k if transb='T' or 'C'.
6: beta double Input
On entry: the scalar β.
7: c(m,n) double array Input/Output
On entry: the m by n matrix C.
If beta=0.0, c need not be set.
On exit: the updated matrix C.
8: opt OptionalF06YA Input/Output
Optional parameter container, derived from Optional.

5.1Additional Quantities

1: m
m, the number of rows of the matrix C; the number of rows of A if transa = "N", or the number of columns of A if transa = "T"​ or ​"C"
2: n
n, the number of columns of the matrix C; the number of columns of B if transb = "N", or the number of rows of B if transb = "T"​ or ​"C"
3: k
k, the number of columns of A if transa = "N", or the number of rows of A if transa = "T"​ or ​"C"; the number of rows of B if transb = "N", or the number of columns of B if transb = "T"​ or ​"C"

6 Exceptions and Warnings

All errors and warnings have an associated numeric error code field, errorid, stored either as a member of the thrown exception object (see errorid), or as a member of opt.ifail, depending on how errors and warnings are being handled (see Error Handling for more details).
Raises: ErrorException
On entry, error in parameter transa.
Constraint: transa = "N","T"​ or ​"C".
On entry, error in parameter transb.
Constraint: transb = "N","T"​ or ​"C".
On entry, error in parameter m.
Constraint: m0.
On entry, error in parameter n.
Constraint: n0.
On entry, error in parameter k.
Constraint: k0.
On entry, argument value must be a value x value array.
Supplied argument has value dimensions.
On entry, argument value must be a value x value array.
Supplied argument was a value x value array.
On entry, argument value must be a value x value array.
Not all of the sizes for the supplied array could be ascertained.
On entry, the raw data component of value is null.
On entry, unable to ascertain a value for value.
On entry, the data in value is stored in value Major Order.
The data was expected to be in value Major Order.
An unexpected error has been triggered by this routine.
Dynamic memory allocation failed.

7 Accuracy

Not applicable.

8 Parallelism and Performance

Please see the description for the underlying computational routine in this section of the FL Interface documentation.

9 Further Comments


10 Example

Examples of the use of this method may be found in the examples for: real_​nmf_​rcomm.