Function |
Purpose |
CommE04RA | Communication structure initialised by handle_init. |
CommE04WB | Communication structure initialised by nlp1_init. |
e04fgf | handle_solve_dfls_rcomm Reverse communication derivative-free (DFO) solver for a nonlinear least squares objective function with bounded variables |
e04kff | handle_solve_bounds_foas First-order active-set method for box constrained nonlinear optimization with low memory requirements |
e04mtf | handle_solve_lp_ipm Linear programming (LP), sparse, interior point method (IPM) |
e04ptf | handle_solve_socp_ipm Solve second-order cone programming (SOCP) and other convex related problems, such as, quadratically constrained quadratic programming (QCQP), quadratic programming (QP), sparse, interior point method (IPM) |
e04raf | handle_init Initialization of a handle for the NAG optimization modelling suite for problems, such as, linear programming (LP), quadratic programming (QP), nonlinear programming (NLP), least squares (LSQ) problems, linear semidefinite programming (SDP) or SDP with bilinear matrix inequalities (BMI-SDP) |
e04rbf | handle_set_group Define a set of variables which form a second-order cone to a problem initialized by handle_init |
e04ref | handle_set_linobj Define a linear objective function to a problem initialized by handle_init |
e04rff | handle_set_quadobj Define a linear or a quadratic objective function to a problem initialized by handle_init |
e04rgf | handle_set_nlnobj Define a nonlinear objective function to a problem initialized by handle_init |
e04rhf | handle_set_simplebounds Define bounds of variables of a problem initialized by handle_init |
e04rjf | handle_set_linconstr Define a block of linear constraints to a problem initialized by handle_init |
e04rkf | handle_set_nlnconstr Define a block of nonlinear constraints to a problem initialized by handle_init |
e04rlf | handle_set_nlnhess Define a structure of Hessian of the objective, constraints or the Lagrangian to a problem initialized by handle_init |
e04rmf | handle_set_nlnls Define a nonlinear least squares objective function for a problem initialized by handle_init |
e04ryf | handle_print Print information about a problem handle initialized by handle_init |
e04rzf | handle_free Destroy the problem handle initialized by handle_init and deallocate all the memory used |
e04stf | handle_solve_ipopt Run an interior point solver on a sparse nonlinear programming problem (NLP) initialized by handle_init and defined by other functions from the suite |
e04ucf | nlp1_solve Nonlinear programming (NLP), dense, active-set SQP method, using function values and optionally first derivatives, recommended |
e04uef | nlp1_option_string Supply optional parameter values to nlp1_solve(_old) or e04uff (no CPP interface) from a character string |
e04wbf | nlp1_init Initialization function for e04dgf (no CPP interface), e04mff (no CPP interface), e04ncf (no CPP interface), e04nff (no CPP interface), e04nkf (no CPP interface), nlp1_solve(_old), e04uff (no CPP interface), e04ugf (no CPP interface) and e04usf (no CPP interface) |
e04zmf | handle_opt_set Option setting routine for the solvers from the NAG optimization modelling suite |
e04znf | handle_opt_get Option getting routine for the solvers from the NAG optimization modelling suite |