NAG CPP Interface


1 Description

As described in Solving the KKT System, e04pt can internally work either with the normal equations formulation [equation] or with the augmented system [equation] and [equation]
Used by: nps_p_socpneas in e04ptf.
CommE04RA::setter_nps_p_socpneas returns a reference to the communication class itself.

2 Specification

CommE04RA SOCPSystemFormulation(std::string value = Default =‘’AUTO‘’ )
CommE04RA SOCPSystemFormulation(std::string value = Default =‘’AUTO‘’ , OptionalE04ZM opt)

3 Arguments

1: value std::string Scalar
On entry: the required value of the argument.
Default =‘’AUTO‘’
2: opt OptionalE04ZM Scalar
Optional argument container, derived from Optional.