This manual relates to an old release of the Library.
The documentation for the current release is also available on this site.

NAG CL Interface
f02wgc (real_​gen_​partialsvd)

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1 Purpose

f02wgc returns leading terms in the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a real general matrix and computes the corresponding left and right singular vectors.

2 Specification

#include <nag.h>
void  f02wgc (Nag_OrderType order, Integer m, Integer n, Integer k, Integer ncv,
void (*av)(Integer *iflag, Integer m, Integer n, const double x[], double ax[], Nag_Comm *comm),
Integer *nconv, double sigma[], double u[], Integer pdu, double v[], Integer pdv, double resid[], Nag_Comm *comm, NagError *fail)
The function may be called by the names: f02wgc, nag_eigen_real_gen_partialsvd or nag_real_partial_svd.

3 Description

f02wgc computes a few, k, of the largest singular values and corresponding vectors of an m×n matrix A. The value of k should be small relative to m and n, for example kO(min(m,n)). The full singular value decomposition (SVD) of an m×n matrix A is given by
A=UΣVT ,  
where U and V are orthogonal and Σ is an m×n diagonal matrix with real diagonal elements, σi, such that
σ1 σ2 σ min(m,n) 0 .  
The σi are the singular values of A and the first min(m,n) columns of U and V are the left and right singular vectors of A.
If Uk, Vk denote the leading k columns of U and V respectively, and if Σk denotes the leading principal submatrix of Σ, then
Ak Uk Σk VTk  
is the best rank-k approximation to A in both the 2-norm and the Frobenius norm.
The singular values and singular vectors satisfy
Avi = σi ui   and   ATui = σi vi   so that   ATA νi = σi2 νi ​ and ​ A AT ui = σ i 2 u i ,  
where ui and vi are the ith columns of Uk and Vk respectively.
Thus, for mn, the largest singular values and corresponding right singular vectors are computed by finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors for the symmetric matrix ATA. For m<n, the largest singular values and corresponding left singular vectors are computed by finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors for the symmetric matrix AAT. These eigenvalues and eigenvectors are found using functions from Chapter F12. You should read the F12 Chapter Introduction for full details of the method used here.
The real matrix A is not explicitly supplied to f02wgc. Instead, you are required to supply a function, av, that must calculate one of the requested matrix-vector products Ax or ATx for a given real vector x (of length n or m respectively).

4 References

Wilkinson J H (1978) Singular Value Decomposition – Basic Aspects Numerical Software – Needs and Availability (ed D A H Jacobs) Academic Press

5 Arguments

1: order Nag_OrderType Input
On entry: the order argument specifies the two-dimensional storage scheme being used, i.e., row-major ordering or column-major ordering. C language defined storage is specified by order=Nag_RowMajor. See Section 3.1.3 in the Introduction to the NAG Library CL Interface for a more detailed explanation of the use of this argument.
Constraint: order=Nag_RowMajor or Nag_ColMajor.
2: m Integer Input
On entry: m, the number of rows of the matrix A.
Constraint: m0.
If m=0, an immediate return is effected.
3: n Integer Input
On entry: n, the number of columns of the matrix A.
Constraint: n0.
If n=0, an immediate return is effected.
4: k Integer Input
On entry: k, the number of singular values to be computed.
Constraint: 0<k<min(m,n)-1.
5: ncv Integer Input
On entry: the dimension of the arrays sigma and resid. This is the number of Lanczos basis vectors to use during the computation of the largest eigenvalues of ATA (mn) or AAT (m<n).
At present there is no a priori analysis to guide the selection of ncv relative to k. However, it is recommended that ncv2×k+1. If many problems of the same type are to be solved, you should experiment with varying ncv while keeping k fixed for a given test problem. This will usually decrease the required number of matrix-vector operations but it also increases the internal storage required to maintain the orthogonal basis vectors. The optimal ‘cross-over’ with respect to CPU time is problem dependent and must be determined empirically.
Constraint: k<ncvmin(m,n).
6: av function, supplied by the user External Function
av must return the vector result of the matrix-vector product Ax or ATx, as indicated by the input value of iflag, for the given vector x.
The specification of av is:
void  av (Integer *iflag, Integer m, Integer n, const double x[], double ax[], Nag_Comm *comm)
1: iflag Integer * Input/Output
On entry: if iflag=1, ax must return the m-vector result of the matrix-vector product Ax.
If iflag=2, ax must return the n-vector result of the matrix-vector product ATx.
On exit: may be used as a flag to indicate a failure in the computation of Ax or ATx. If iflag is negative on exit from av, f02wgc will exit immediately with fail set to iflag.
2: m Integer Input
On entry: the number of rows of the matrix A.
3: n Integer Input
On entry: the number of columns of the matrix A.
4: x[dim] const double Input
Note: the dimension of the array x will be
  • n when iflag=1;
  • m when iflag=2.
On entry: the vector to be pre-multiplied by the matrix A or AT.
5: ax[dim] double Output
Note: the dimension of the array ax will be
  • m when iflag=1;
  • n when iflag=2.
On exit: if iflag=1, contains the m-vector result of the matrix-vector product Ax.
If iflag=2, contains the n-vector result of the matrix-vector product ATx.
6: comm Nag_Comm *
Pointer to structure of type Nag_Comm; the following members are relevant to av.
userdouble *
iuserInteger *
The type Pointer will be void *. Before calling f02wgc you may allocate memory and initialize these pointers with various quantities for use by av when called from f02wgc (see Section 3.1.1 in the Introduction to the NAG Library CL Interface).
Note: av should not return floating-point NaN (Not a Number) or infinity values, since these are not handled by f02wgc. If your code inadvertently does return any NaNs or infinities, f02wgc is likely to produce unexpected results.
7: nconv Integer * Output
On exit: the number of converged singular values found.
8: sigma[ncv] double Output
On exit: the nconv converged singular values are stored in the first nconv elements of sigma.
9: u[dim] double Output
Note: the dimension, dim, of the array u must be at least
  • max(1,pdu×ncv) when order=Nag_ColMajor;
  • max(1,m×pdu) when order=Nag_RowMajor.
where U(i,j) appears in this document, it refers to the array element
  • u[(j-1)×pdu+i-1] when order=Nag_ColMajor;
  • u[(i-1)×pdu+j-1] when order=Nag_RowMajor.
On exit: the left singular vectors corresponding to the singular values stored in sigma.
The ith element of the jth left singular vector uj is stored in U(i,j), for i=1,2,,m and j=1,2,,nconv.
10: pdu Integer Input
On entry: the stride used in the array u.
  • if order=Nag_ColMajor, pdumax(1,m);
  • if order=Nag_RowMajor, pduncv.
11: v[dim] double Output
Note: the dimension, dim, of the array v must be at least
  • max(1,pdv×ncv) when order=Nag_ColMajor;
  • max(1,n×pdv) when order=Nag_RowMajor.
where V(i,j) appears in this document, it refers to the array element
  • v[(j-1)×pdv+i-1] when order=Nag_ColMajor;
  • v[(i-1)×pdv+j-1] when order=Nag_RowMajor.
On exit: the right singular vectors corresponding to the singular values stored in sigma.
The ith element of the jth right singular vector vj is stored in V(i,j), for i=1,2,,n and j=1,2,,nconv.
12: pdv Integer Input
On entry: the stride used in the array v.
  • if order=Nag_ColMajor, pdvmax(1,n);
  • if order=Nag_RowMajor, pdvncv.
13: resid[ncv] double Output
On exit: the residual Avj-σjuj , for mn, or ATuj-σjvj , for m<n, for each of the converged singular values σj and corresponding left and right singular vectors uj and vj.
14: comm Nag_Comm *
The NAG communication argument (see Section 3.1.1 in the Introduction to the NAG Library CL Interface).
15: fail NagError * Input/Output
The NAG error argument (see Section 7 in the Introduction to the NAG Library CL Interface).
f02wgc returns with fail.code= NE_NOERROR if at least k singular values have converged and the corresponding left and right singular vectors have been computed.

6 Error Indicators and Warnings

Dynamic memory allocation failed.
See Section 3.1.2 in the Introduction to the NAG Library CL Interface for further information.
On entry, argument value had an illegal value.
The number of eigenvalues found to sufficient accuracy is zero.
On entry, k=value.
Constraint: k>0.
On entry, m=value.
Constraint: m0.
On entry, n=value.
Constraint: n0.
On entry, pdu=value.
Constraint: pdu>0.
On entry, pdv=value.
Constraint: pdv>0.
On entry, pdu=value and m=value.
Constraint: pdum.
On entry, pdu=value and ncv=value.
Constraint: pduncv.
On entry, pdv=value and n=value.
Constraint: pdvn.
On entry, pdv=value and ncv=value.
Constraint: pdvncv.
On entry, m=value, n=value and k=value.
Constraint: 0<k<min(m,n)-1.
On entry, k=value, ncv=value, m=value and n=value.
Constraint: k<ncvmin(m,n).
An error occurred during an internal call. Consider increasing the size of ncv relative to k.
An internal error has occurred in this function. Check the function call and any array sizes. If the call is correct then please contact NAG for assistance.
See Section 7.5 in the Introduction to the NAG Library CL Interface for further information.
No shifts could be applied during a cycle of the implicitly restarted Lanczos iteration.
The maximum number of iterations has been reached. The maximum number of iterations =value. The number of converged eigenvalues =value.
Could not build a full Lanczos factorization.
Your licence key may have expired or may not have been installed correctly.
See Section 8 in the Introduction to the NAG Library CL Interface for further information.
On output from user-defined function av, iflag was set to a negative value, iflag=value.

7 Accuracy

See Section 2.14.2 in the F08 Chapter Introduction.

8 Parallelism and Performance

f02wgc is threaded by NAG for parallel execution in multithreaded implementations of the NAG Library.
f02wgc makes calls to BLAS and/or LAPACK routines, which may be threaded within the vendor library used by this implementation. Consult the documentation for the vendor library for further information.
Please consult the X06 Chapter Introduction for information on how to control and interrogate the OpenMP environment used within this function. Please also consult the Users' Note for your implementation for any additional implementation-specific information.

9 Further Comments


10 Example

This example finds the four largest singular values (σ) and corresponding right and left singular vectors for the matrix A, where A is the m×n real matrix derived from the simplest finite difference discretization of the two-dimensional kernel k(s,t)dt where
k(s,t) = { s(t-1) if ​0st 1 t(s-1) if ​0t<s1 .  

10.1 Program Text

Program Text (f02wgce.c)

10.2 Program Data

Program Data (f02wgce.d)

10.3 Program Results

Program Results (f02wgce.r)