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E01 (Interp)

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E01 (Interp) Chapter Introduction – A description of the Chapter and an overview of the algorithms available.

Mark of

e01aac 23 nag_interp_dim1_aitken
Interpolated values, Aitken's technique, unequally spaced data, one variable
e01abc 23 nag_interp_dim1_everett
Interpolated values, Everett's formula, equally spaced data, one variable
e01aec 7 nag_interp_dim1_cheb
Interpolating functions, polynomial interpolant, data may include derivative values, one variable
e01bac 2 nag_interp_dim1_spline
Interpolating function, cubic spline interpolant, one variable
e01bec 1 nag_interp_dim1_monotonic
Interpolating function, monotonicity-preserving, piecewise cubic Hermite, one variable
e01bfc 1 nag_interp_dim1_monotonic_eval
Evaluation of interpolant computed by e01bec, function only
e01bgc 2 nag_interp_dim1_monotonic_deriv
Evaluation of interpolant computed by e01bec, function and first derivative
e01bhc 2 nag_interp_dim1_monotonic_intg
Evaluation of interpolant computed by e01bec, definite integral
e01cec 27 nag_interp_dim1_monconv_disc
Interpolating variables, monotone convex Hagan–West procedure, one variable
e01cfc 27 nag_interp_dim1_monconv_eval
Interpolated values, variables computed by e01cec, monotone convex Hagan–West procedure, one variable
e01dac 2 nag_interp_dim2_spline_grid
Interpolating function, bicubic spline interpolant, two variables
e01eac 25 nag_interp_dim2_triangulate
Triangulation of two-dimensional scattered grid, method of Renka and Cline
e01ebc 25 nag_interp_dim2_triang_bary_eval
Barycentric interpolation on function values provided on a two-dimensional scattered grid
e01rac 7 nag_interp_dim1_ratnl
Interpolating functions, rational interpolant, one variable
e01rbc 7 nag_interp_dim1_ratnl_eval
Interpolated values, evaluate rational interpolant computed by e01rac, one variable
e01sgc 8 nag_interp_dim2_scat_shep
Interpolating functions, modified Shepard's method, two variables
e01shc 8 nag_interp_dim2_scat_shep_eval
Interpolated values, evaluate interpolant computed by e01sgc, function and first derivatives, two variables
e01sjc 8 nag_interp_dim2_triang_interp
A function to generate a two-dimensional surface interpolating a set of data points, using the method of Renka and Cline
e01skc 8 nag_interp_dim2_triang_eval
A function to evaluate, at a set of points, the two-dimensional interpolant function generated by e01sjc
e01tgc 7 nag_interp_dim3_scat_shep
Interpolating functions, modified Shepard's method, three variables
e01thc 7 nag_interp_dim3_scat_shep_eval
Interpolated values, evaluate interpolant computed by e01tgc, function and first derivatives, three variables
e01tkc 23 nag_interp_dim4_scat_shep
Interpolating functions, modified Shepard's method, four variables
e01tlc 23 nag_interp_dim4_scat_shep_eval
Interpolated values, evaluate interpolant computed by e01tkc, function and first derivatives, four variables
e01tmc 23 nag_interp_dim5_scat_shep
Interpolating functions, modified Shepard's method, five variables
e01tnc 23 nag_interp_dim5_scat_shep_eval
Interpolated values, evaluate interpolant computed by e01tmc, function and first derivatives, five variables
e01zac 27 nag_interp_dimn_grid
Interpolates an n-dimensional point on grid data using either linear, cubic or modified Shepard's method
e01zmc 24 nag_interp_dimn_scat_shep
Interpolating function, modified Shepard's method, d dimensions
e01znc 24 nag_interp_dimn_scat_shep_eval
Interpolated values, evaluate interpolant computed by e01zmc, function and first derivatives, d dimensions