is the AD Library version of the primal routine
Based (in the C++ interface) on overload resolution,
f11jc can be used for primal, tangent and adjoint
evaluation. It supports tangents and adjoints of first order.
n, nnz, la, irow(la), icol(la), istr(n+1), maxitn, lwork
Integer, Intent (Inout)
ipiv(n), ifail
Integer, Intent (Out)
ADTYPE, Intent (In)
a(la), b(n), tol
ADTYPE, Intent (Inout)
ADTYPE, Intent (Out)
rnorm, work(lwork)
Character (*), Intent (In)
Type (c_ptr), Intent (Inout)
Corresponding to the overloaded C++ function, the Fortran interface provides five routines with names reflecting the type used for active real arguments. The actual subroutine and type names are formed by replacing AD and ADTYPE in the above as follows:
The function is overloaded on ADTYPE which represents the type of active arguments. ADTYPE may be any of the following types: double, dco::ga1s<double>::type, dco::gt1s<double>::type
Note: this function can be used with AD tools other than dco/c++. For details, please contact NAG.
is the AD Library version of the primal routine
f11jcf solves a real sparse symmetric system of linear equations, represented in symmetric coordinate storage format, using a conjugate gradient or Lanczos method, with incomplete Cholesky preconditioning.
For further information see Section 3 in the documentation for f11jcf.
Barrett R, Berry M, Chan T F, Demmel J, Donato J, Dongarra J, Eijkhout V, Pozo R, Romine C and Van der Vorst H (1994) Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems: Building Blocks for Iterative Methods SIAM, Philadelphia
Meijerink J and Van der Vorst H (1977) An iterative solution method for linear systems of which the coefficient matrix is a symmetric M-matrix Math. Comput.31 148–162
Paige C C and Saunders M A (1975) Solution of sparse indefinite systems of linear equations SIAM J. Numer. Anal.12 617–629
Salvini S A and Shaw G J (1995) An evaluation of new NAG Library solvers for large sparse symmetric linear systems NAG Technical Report TR1/95
In addition to the arguments present in the interface of the primal routine,
f11jc includes some arguments specific to AD.
A brief summary of the AD specific arguments is given below. For the remainder, links are provided to the corresponding argument from the primal routine.
A tooltip popup for all arguments can be found by hovering over the argument name in Section 2 and in this section.