This manual relates to an old release of the Library.
The documentation for the current release is also available on this site.

NAG AD Library
f11jc (real_symm_solve_ichol)

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1 Purpose

f11jc is the AD Library version of the primal routine f11jcf. Based (in the C++ interface) on overload resolution, f11jc can be used for primal, tangent and adjoint evaluation. It supports tangents and adjoints of first order.

2 Specification

C++ Header Interface
#include <dco.hpp>
#include <nagad.h>
namespace nag {
namespace ad {
void f11jc ( void *&ad_handle, const char *method, const Integer &n, const Integer &nnz, const ADTYPE a[], const Integer &la, const Integer irow[], const Integer icol[], Integer ipiv[], const Integer istr[], const ADTYPE b[], const ADTYPE &tol, const Integer &maxitn, ADTYPE x[], ADTYPE &rnorm, Integer &itn, ADTYPE work[], const Integer &lwork, Integer &ifail)
The function is overloaded on ADTYPE which represents the type of active arguments. ADTYPE may be any of the following types:
Note: this function can be used with AD tools other than dco/c++. For details, please contact NAG.

3 Description

f11jc is the AD Library version of the primal routine f11jcf.
f11jcf solves a real sparse symmetric system of linear equations, represented in symmetric coordinate storage format, using a conjugate gradient or Lanczos method, with incomplete Cholesky preconditioning. For further information see Section 3 in the documentation for f11jcf.

4 References

Barrett R, Berry M, Chan T F, Demmel J, Donato J, Dongarra J, Eijkhout V, Pozo R, Romine C and Van der Vorst H (1994) Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems: Building Blocks for Iterative Methods SIAM, Philadelphia
Meijerink J and Van der Vorst H (1977) An iterative solution method for linear systems of which the coefficient matrix is a symmetric M-matrix Math. Comput. 31 148–162
Paige C C and Saunders M A (1975) Solution of sparse indefinite systems of linear equations SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 12 617–629
Salvini S A and Shaw G J (1995) An evaluation of new NAG Library solvers for large sparse symmetric linear systems NAG Technical Report TR1/95

5 Arguments

In addition to the arguments present in the interface of the primal routine, f11jc includes some arguments specific to AD.
A brief summary of the AD specific arguments is given below. For the remainder, links are provided to the corresponding argument from the primal routine. A tooltip popup for all arguments can be found by hovering over the argument name in Section 2 and in this section.
1: ad_handle – Pointer to AD Data Input/Output
On entry: a handle to the AD configuration data object, as created by x10aa.
2: method – character Input
3: n – Integer Input
4: nnz – Integer Input
5: a(la) – ADTYPE array Input
6: la – Integer Input
7: irow(la) – Integer array Input
8: icol(la) – Integer array Input
9: ipiv(n) – Integer array Input
10: istr(n+1) – Integer array Input
11: b(n) – ADTYPE array Input
12: tolADTYPE Input
13: maxitn – Integer Input
14: x(n) – ADTYPE array Input/Output
15: rnormADTYPE Output
16: itn – Integer Output
17: work(lwork) – ADTYPE array Workspace
18: lwork – Integer Input
19: ifail – Integer Input/Output

6 Error Indicators and Warnings

f11jc preserves all error codes from f11jcf and in addition can return:
An unexpected AD error has been triggered by this routine. Please contact NAG.
See Section 4.8.2 in the NAG AD Library Introduction for further information.
The routine was called using a mode that has not yet been implemented.
On entry: ad_handle is nullptr.
This check is only made if the overloaded C++ interface is used with arguments not of type double.
A C++ exception was thrown.
The error message will show the details of the C++ exception text.
Dynamic memory allocation failed for AD.
See Section 4.8.1 in the NAG AD Library Introduction for further information.

7 Accuracy

Not applicable.

8 Parallelism and Performance

f11jc is not threaded in any implementation.

9 Further Comments


10 Example

The following examples are variants of the example for f11jcf, modified to demonstrate calling the NAG AD Library.
Description of the primal example.
This example solves a symmetric positive definite system of equations using the conjugate gradient method, with incomplete Cholesky preconditioning.

10.1 Adjoint modes

Language Source File Data Results
Fortran f11jc_a1w_fe.f90 f11jc_a1w_fe.d f11jc_a1w_fe.r
C++ f11jc_a1w_hcppe.cpp f11jc_a1w_hcppe.d f11jc_a1w_hcppe.r

10.2 Tangent modes

Language Source File Data Results
Fortran f11jc_t1w_fe.f90 f11jc_t1w_fe.d f11jc_t1w_fe.r
C++ f11jc_t1w_hcppe.cpp f11jc_t1w_hcppe.d f11jc_t1w_hcppe.r

10.3 Passive mode

Language Source File Data Results
Fortran f11jc_p0w_fe.f90 f11jc_p0w_fe.d f11jc_p0w_fe.r
C++ f11jc_p0w_hcppe.cpp f11jc_p0w_hcppe.d f11jc_p0w_hcppe.r