NAG AD Library
G01 (Stat)
Simple Calculations on Statistical Data

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G01 (Stat) Chapter Introduction (FL Interface) – A description of the Chapter and an overview of the algorithms available.

Mark of

g01ea_a1w_f 27 nagf_stat_prob_normal_a1w
Computes probabilities for the standard Normal distribution
g01ec_a1w_f 27.1 nagf_stat_prob_chisq_a1w
Computes probabilities for χ2 distribution
g01fb_a1w_f 27.1 nagf_stat_inv_cdf_students_t_a1w
Computes deviates for Student's t-distribution
g01fc_a1w_f 27.1 nagf_stat_inv_cdf_chisq_a1w
Computes deviates for the χ2 distribution
g01fe_a1w_f 27.1 nagf_stat_inv_cdf_beta_a1w
Computes deviates for the beta distribution
g01gc_a1w_f 27 nagf_stat_prob_chisq_noncentral_a1w
Computes probabilities for the non-central χ2 distribution
g01ha_a1w_f 27.1 nagf_stat_prob_bivariate_normal_a1w
Computes probability for the bivariate Normal distribution