This page provides a search of keywords and returns related routines and chapters with details of the mark of introduction, a short description of its purpose and a list of related keywords.
Keywords may be added below, using the TAB or arrow keys or the mouse to complete words from the drop down menu, separate the keywords with white space.
The ENTER key will return a list of related routines, futher keywords may be added, and ENTER re-pressed to refine the search list.
, -
and _
, plus =
and @
as described below. Thus for example use pade not Padé and black-scholes not Black–Scholes. (Keywords are shown with richer formatting in the returned results.)
for example @a4a correspnding to the GAMS heirarchy: A = Arithmetic, error analysis ; A4 = Complex ; A4a = Standard precision.
, routines are indexed under the long and short name and also where applicable the corresponding BLAS or LAPACK name so this tool may
be used to translate between the names, for example the key =dgesv returns f07aaf and nagf_lapack_dgesv.
will return the page with the search box initialised with real eigenvalue
and the results returned.