NAG fl90 Library

Chapter 5: Linear Equations - Examples

Module 5.6: nag_sparse_prec - Sparse Matrix Preconditioner Set-up and Solve
Example Text
Example Data
Solution of a real, non-symmetric sparse linear system using Jacobi preconditioned TFQMR
Example Text
Example Data
Solution of a complex, non-Hermitian sparse linear system using SSOR preconditioned BiCGSTAB(l)
Example Text
Example Data
Solution of a real, non-symmetric sparse linear system using LU factorization
Example Text
Example Data
Iterative solution of a complex, non-Hermitian, sparse system of linear equations by method BiCGSTAB with Jacobi preconditioning
Example Text
Example Data
Iterative solution of a real, non-symmetric, sparse system of linear equations by method CG with SSOR preconditioning
Example Text
Example Data
Direct solution of a complex, non-Hermitian, sparse system of linear equations using LU factorization

Chapter 5 Contents
Release 4 Table of Contents
© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford, UK. 2003