V Index Page
Keyword Index for the NAG Library Manual
NAG Library Manual

Keyword : Vector

C06FKF   Circular convolution or correlation of two real vectors, extra workspace for greater speed
C06PKF   Circular convolution or correlation of two complex vectors
D01ATF   One-dimensional quadrature, adaptive, finite interval, variant of D01AJF efficient on vector machines
D01AUF   One-dimensional quadrature, adaptive, finite interval, variant of D01AKF efficient on vector machines
D01GDF   Multidimensional quadrature, general product region, number-theoretic method, variant of D01GCF efficient on vector machines
D01RAF   One-dimensional quadrature, adaptive, finite interval, multiple integrands, vectorized abscissae, reverse communication
E02BFF   Evaluation of fitted cubic spline, function and optionally derivatives at a vector of points
E02DEF   Evaluation of fitted bicubic spline at a vector of points
E02JEF   Evaluation at a vector of points of a spline computed by E02JDF
F05AAF   Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization of n vectors of order m
F06DBF   Broadcast scalar into integer vector
F06DFF   Copy integer vector
F06EAF   Dot product of two real vectors
F06ECF   Add scalar times real vector to real vector
F06EDF   Multiply real vector by scalar
F06EFF   Copy real vector
F06EGF   Swap two real vectors
F06EJF   Compute Euclidean norm of real vector
F06EKF   Sum absolute values of real vector elements
F06ERF   Dot product of a real sparse and a full vector
F06ETF   Add scalar times real sparse vector to a full vector
F06EUF   Gather real sparse vector
F06EVF   Gather and set to zero real sparse vector
F06EWF   Scatter real sparse vector
F06EXF   Apply plane rotation to a real sparse and a full vector
F06FAF   Compute cosine of angle between two real vectors
F06FBF   Broadcast scalar into real vector
F06FCF   Multiply real vector by diagonal matrix
F06FDF   Multiply real vector by scalar, preserving input vector
F06FEF   Multiply real vector by reciprocal of scalar
F06FGF   Negate real vector
F06FJF   Update Euclidean norm of real vector in scaled form
F06FKF   Compute weighted Euclidean norm of real vector
F06FLF   Elements of real vector with largest and smallest absolute value
F06FPF   Apply real symmetric plane rotation to two vectors
F06GAF   Dot product of two complex vectors, unconjugated
F06GBF   Dot product of two complex vectors, conjugated
F06GCF   Add scalar times complex vector to complex vector
F06GDF   Multiply complex vector by complex scalar
F06GFF   Copy complex vector
F06GGF   Swap two complex vectors
F06GRF   Dot product of a complex sparse and a full vector, unconjugated
F06GSF   Dot product of a complex sparse and a full vector, conjugated
F06GTF   Add scalar times complex sparse vector to a full vector
F06GUF   Gather complex sparse vector
F06GVF   Gather and set to zero complex sparse vector
F06GWF   Scatter complex sparse vector
F06HBF   Broadcast scalar into complex vector
F06HCF   Multiply complex vector by complex diagonal matrix
F06HDF   Multiply complex vector by complex scalar, preserving input vector
F06HGF   Negate complex vector
F06JDF   Multiply complex vector by real scalar
F06JJF   Compute Euclidean norm of complex vector
F06JKF   Sum absolute values of complex vector elements
F06JLF   Index, real vector element with largest absolute value
F06JMF   Index, complex vector element with largest absolute value
F06KCF   Multiply complex vector by real diagonal matrix
F06KDF   Multiply complex vector by real scalar, preserving input vector
F06KEF   Multiply complex vector by reciprocal of real scalar
F06KFF   Copy real vector to complex vector
F06KJF   Update Euclidean norm of complex vector in scaled form
F06KLF   Last non-negligible element of real vector
F06KPF   Apply real plane rotation to two complex vectors
F06PAF   Matrix-vector product, real rectangular matrix
F06PBF   Matrix-vector product, real rectangular band matrix
F06PCF   Matrix-vector product, real symmetric matrix
F06PDF   Matrix-vector product, real symmetric band matrix
F06PEF   Matrix-vector product, real symmetric packed matrix
F06PFF   Matrix-vector product, real triangular matrix
F06PGF   Matrix-vector product, real triangular band matrix
F06PHF   Matrix-vector product, real triangular packed matrix
F06SAF   Matrix-vector product, complex rectangular matrix
F06SBF   Matrix-vector product, complex rectangular band matrix
F06SCF   Matrix-vector product, complex Hermitian matrix
F06SDF   Matrix-vector product, complex Hermitian band matrix
F06SEF   Matrix-vector product, complex Hermitian packed matrix
F06SFF   Matrix-vector product, complex triangular matrix
F06SGF   Matrix-vector product, complex triangular band matrix
F06SHF   Matrix-vector product, complex triangular packed matrix
F06SMF   Rank-1 update, complex rectangular matrix, unconjugated vector
F06SNF   Rank-1 update, complex rectangular matrix, conjugated vector
F06TAF   Matrix-vector product, complex symmetric matrix
F06TCF   Matrix-vector product, complex symmetric packed matrix
F08KPF   Computes the singular value decomposition of a complex matrix, optionally computing the left and/or right singular vectors
F08KRF   Computes the singular value decomposition of a complex matrix, optionally computing the left and/or right singular vectors (divide-and-conquer)
F08PAF   Computes for real square nonsymmetric matrix, the eigenvalues, the real Schur form, and, optionally, the matrix of Schur vectors
F08PBF   Computes for real square nonsymmetric matrix, the eigenvalues, the real Schur form, and, optionally, the matrix of Schur vectors; also, optionally, computes reciprocal condition numbers for selected eigenvalues
F08PNF   Computes for complex square nonsymmetric matrix, the eigenvalues, the Schur form, and, optionally, the matrix of Schur vectors
F08PPF   Computes for real square nonsymmetric matrix, the eigenvalues, the Schur form, and, optionally, the matrix of Schur vectors; also, optionally, computes reciprocal condition numbers for selected eigenvalues
F08XAF   Computes, for a real nonsymmetric matrix pair, the generalized eigenvalues, the generalized real Schur form and, optionally, the left and/or right matrices of Schur vectors
F08XBF   Computes, for a real nonsymmetric matrix pair, the generalized eigenvalues, the generalized real Schur form and, optionally, the left and/or right matrices of Schur vectors; also, optionally, computes reciprocal condition numbers for selected eigenvalues
F08XNF   Computes, for a complex nonsymmetric matrix pair, the generalized eigenvalues, the generalized complex Schur form and, optionally, the left and/or right matrices of Schur vectors
F08XPF   Computes, for a complex nonsymmetric matrix pair, the generalized eigenvalues, the generalized complex Schur form and, optionally, the left and/or right matrices of Schur vectors; also, optionally, computes reciprocal condition numbers for selected eigenvalues
F11XAF   Real sparse nonsymmetric matrix vector multiply
F11XEF   Real sparse symmetric matrix vector multiply
F11XNF   Complex sparse non-Hermitian matrix vector multiply
F11XSF   Complex sparse Hermitian matrix vector multiply
F16DLF   Sum elements of integer vector
F16DNF   Maximum value and location, integer vector
F16DPF   Minimum value and location, integer vector
F16DQF   Maximum absolute value and location, integer vector
F16DRF   Minimum absolute value and location, integer vector
F16ECF   Real scaled vector accumulation
F16EHF   Real scaled vector accumulation preserving input
F16ELF   Sum elements of real vector
F16GCF   Complex scaled vector accumulation
F16GHF   Complex scaled vector accumulation preserving input
F16GLF   Sum elements of complex vector
F16JNF   Maximum value and location, real vector
F16JPF   Minimum value and location, real vector
F16JQF   Maximum absolute value and location, real vector
F16JRF   Minimum absolute value and location, real vector
F16JSF   Maximum absolute value and location, complex vector
F16JTF   Minimum absolute value and location, complex vector
G01AMF   Find quantiles of an unordered vector, real numbers
G02CEF   Service routine for multiple linear regression, select elements from vectors and matrices
G02CFF   Service routine for multiple linear regression, re-order elements of vectors and matrices
G13DXF   Calculates the zeros of a vector autoregressive (or moving average) operator
M01CAF   Sort a vector, real numbers
M01CBF   Sort a vector, integer numbers
M01CCF   Sort a vector, character data
M01DAF   Rank a vector, real numbers
M01DBF   Rank a vector, integer numbers
M01DCF   Rank a vector, character data
M01EAF   Rearrange a vector according to given ranks, real numbers
M01EBF   Rearrange a vector according to given ranks, integer numbers
M01ECF   Rearrange a vector according to given ranks, character data
M01EDF   Rearrange a vector according to given ranks, complex numbers
M01NAF   Binary search in set of real numbers
M01NBF   Binary search in set of integer numbers
M01NCF   Binary search in set of character data

V Index Page
Keyword Index for the NAG Library Manual
NAG Library Manual

© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford UK. 2013