Known Issues for the NAG Library CL Interface
This document reflects all reported and resolved issues that affect recent releases of the NAG Library CL Interface.
Some of these issues may have been fixed at intermediate "point" releases of the Library, while other fixes are scheduled for incorporation at future releases. For library Marks where those fixes are not yet incorporated, a workaround for the known issue is provided wherever possible.
To find the Mark and point release number of your library, call NAG function  a00aac( ).
For issues that affect releases of other interfaces, please also see

Order the issues by
Synopsis Overflow may occur if the function attempts to scale the polynomial coefficients.
Description In rare circumstances overflow may be observed if scale = Nag_TRUE .
Severity Non-critical
Issue Since Mark 7
Workaround Set argument scale = Nag_FALSE .
Synopsis d06acc returns fail . code = NE_MESH_ERROR error for some boundary meshes due to an internal scaling issue.
Description d06acc returns fail . code = NE_MESH_ERROR error for some boundary meshes due to an internal scaling issue.
Severity Non-critical
Issue Since Mark 7
Fixed at Mark 28.4
Workaround Scale input boundary mesh prior to calling d06acc so that = 0 and = 1 .
Synopsis e01shc will occasionally incorrectly identify a point as being outside the region defined by the interpolant.
Description e01shc will occasionally incorrectly identify a point as being outside the region defined by the interpolant. This leads to the function value being extrapolated rather than interpolated and can lead to incorrect results.
Severity Non-critical
Issue Since Mark 26.0
Fixed at Mark 27.1
Workaround None.
Synopsis stats and rinfo were not correctly filled by the presolver.
Description The arrays stats and rinfo were not correctly filled when the problem was entirely solved by the presolver. It now returns the correct values.
The optional parameter Print Solution now correctly writes the linear constraints dual variables when no bounds are defined on the variables.
Severity Non-critical
Issue Since Mark 26.1
Fixed at Mark 27
Workaround Don't rely on rinfo 0 , rinfo 1 to hold the primal and dual objective in this case and recompute it as c x and b y , respectively.
Synopsis e04mtc does not report the correct solution when 3 or more columns are proportional to each other in the constraint matrix.
Description e04mtc does not report the correct solution when 3 or more columns are proportional to each other in the constraint matrix. In such a case, the solution reported may be infeasible.
Severity Non-critical
Issue Since Mark 26.1
Fixed at Mark 27
Workaround A workaround is to disable the more complex presolve operations by setting the optional parameter LP Presolve = BASIC . This may slow down the solver depending on the problem.
Synopsis In some very rare cases, the solution reported presents big violations on a small number of linear constraints.
Description In some very rare cases, the solution reported presents big violations on a small number of linear constraints.
Severity Non-critical
Issue Since Mark 26.1
Fixed at Mark 27.1
Workaround A workaround is to deactivate the more complex presolver operations with the optional parameter LP Presolve = BASIC .
Synopsis In some very rare cases, e04mtc reports problem infeasibility for a feasible problem.
Description In some very rare cases, the solver reports problem infeasibility when there are numerical difficulties.
Severity Non-critical
Issue Since Mark 26.1
Fixed at Mark 28.6
Workaround Unfortunately there is no convenient workaround.
Synopsis In some very rare cases, at presolve phase the solver declares unboundedness on a bounded problem.
Description In some very rare cases, especially when there are a large amount of singleton variables, the solver might report unbounded error message on a bounded problem.
Severity Non-critical
Issue Since Mark 26.1
Fixed at Mark 29.0
Workaround A workaround is to deactivate the more complex presolver operations with the optional parameter LP Presolve = BASIC . This may slow down the solver depending on the problem.
Synopsis In some cases the solver declares dual infeasibility during presolving for feasible and bounded problems.
Description For a bounded problem, the solver reports dual infeasibility during dominated columns removal at the presolving stage.
Severity Non-critical
Issue Since Mark 26.1
Fixed at Mark 29.1
Workaround A workaround is to deactivate the more complex presolver operations with the optional parameter LP Presolve = BASIC . This may slow down the solver depending on the problem.
e04mtc and e04ptc
Synopsis Infeasible bounds defined by e04rjc of a variable are ignored and infeasibility is not reported.
Description When infeasible bounds are defined by e04rjc for a variable, instead of reporting problem infeasibility, the bounds are overridden and wrong solution may be reported.
Severity Non-critical
Issue Since Mark 26.1
Fixed at Mark 27.1
Workaround A workaround is to deactivate the more complex presolver operations with the optional parameter LP Presolve = BASIC for e04mtc and SOCP Presolve = BASIC for e04ptc.
e04nrc, e04vkc and e04wec
Synopsis Optional parameters List and Nolist are not handled correctly.
Description Functions e04nrc, e04vkc and e04wec do not handle optional parameters List and Nolist correctly. Specifying List does not alter the behaviour of subsequent functions in the suite, and specifying Nolist erroneously reports an error.
Severity Non-critical
Issue Since Mark 8
Fixed at Mark 27.3
Workaround Function e04nsc should be used instead to set optional parameters List or Nolist .
Synopsis Information about the last constraint might not be printed.
Description If the problem has a nonlinear objective function without a linear part and objrow < nf , the last constraint is not printed in the final information about the solution (Rows section).
Severity Non-critical
Issue Since Mark 8
Fixed at Mark 26
Workaround None.
f11bec, f11bsc, f11gec and f11gsc
Synopsis Multithreaded versions of the functions f11bec, f11bsc, f11gec and f11gsc may produce slightly different results when run on multiple threads.
Description Multithreaded versions of the functions f11bec, f11bsc, f11gec and f11gsc may produce slightly different results when run on multiple threads, e.g., the number of iterations to solution and the computed matrix norms and termination criteria reported by the associated monitoring functions. A bug affecting f11bec and f11gec has been fixed, and parallel vector dot products have been modified in all functions to improve consistency of results.
Severity Non-critical
Issue Since Mark 26
Fixed at Mark 27.1
Workaround None.
f16qec and f16tec
Synopsis f16qec and f16tec reference diagonal elements when unit diagonal entries are assumed.
Description f16qec and f16tec reference and copy diagonal elements when unit diagonal entries are assumed.
Severity Critical
Issue Since Mark 7
Fixed at Mark 28
Workaround Nothing needs to be done unless diagonal entries of the target matrix contain useful data prior to a call of f16qec or f16tec with diag = Nag_UnitDiag , in which case the useful data should be saved and copied back to the diagonal of the target matrix after the call to either f16qec or f16tec.
Synopsis f16qfc, if called with pdb that violates minimum contraints, will produce a segmentation fault.
Description f16qfc, if called with pdb that violates minimum contraints, will produce a segmentation fault.
Severity Critical
Issue Since Mark 7
Fixed at Mark 28
Workaround Call f16qfc with pdb that meets the documented minimum contraint.
f16rdc, f16rec, f16udc, f16uec, f16ufc and f16ugc
Synopsis Incorrect Frobenius norm returned in some cases.
Description When calling one of the functions: f16rdc, f16rec, f16udc, f16uec, f16ufc and f16ugc with order = Nag_RowMajor and norm = Nag_FrobeniusNorm , the returned norm can be incorrect.
Severity Critical
Issue Since Mark 23
Fixed at Mark 28
Workaround These functions will return the correct norm if the order argument is set to Nag_ColMajor and the uplo argument is flipped, i.e., from Nag_Upper to Nag_Lower or vice versa.
Synopsis f16smc returns wrong update of A when a is stored in row major order and y is to be conjugated.
Description When f16smc is called with order = Nag_RowMajor and conj = Nag_Conj , A is updated as though conj = Nag_NoConj .
Severity Critical
Issue Since Mark 8
Fixed at Mark 28
Workaround Call f16smc with conj = Nag_NoConj and conjugate y prior to call.
Synopsis f16tac stops program execution when called with pda < n .
Description f16tac, when called with pda < n does not return error code fail . code = NE_INT_2 , but terminates program execution.
Severity Critical
Issue Since Mark 8
Fixed at Mark 28
Workaround Call f16tac with pda max 1 , n .
Synopsis f16tfc returns incorrect results when computing a transposed copy of a matrix.
Description f16tfc returns incorrect results when computing a transposed copy of a matrix.
Severity Critical
Issue Since Mark 7
Fixed at Mark 28
Workaround Call f01cwf with alpha = one and beta = zero ; for row-ordered matrices, m and n should be switched.
Synopsis If the first row or column of the weight matrix h consists only of zeros, then the function will fail to find the nearest correlation matrix for that weight matrix.
Description An error can occur when the first row or column of the weight matrix h consists only of zeros, then the function will fail to find the nearest correlation matrix for that weight matrix.
Severity Critical
Issue Since Mark 25
Fixed at Mark 30.1
Workaround The workaround is to apply a small weight (relative to other non-zero weights given in h ) to one of the elements in the first row/column.
Synopsis When mean = Nag_AboutZero , output arguments a and a_serr are not initialized.
Description When mean = Nag_AboutZero , output arguments a and a_serr are not initialized. These values relate to a regression constant that is only relevant in the mean = Nag_AboutMean case. However, the code for mean = Nag_AboutZero should initialize them to 0.0 . This was not done, allowing previously set values or random results to be erroneously returned.
Severity Non-critical
Issue Since Mark 7
Fixed at Mark 27.3
Workaround The safest solution is to manually set these to 0.0 (but only in the mean = Nag_AboutZero case) immediately after calling this function.
Synopsis A segmentation fault is likely to occur if a model with multiple random statements is supplied to the function, where at least one of those statements does not have a Subject term.
Description A segmentation fault is likely to occur if a model with multiple random statements is supplied to the function, where at least one of those statements does not have a Subject term.
For example, a model specified using:
V1 + V2 / SUBJECT = V3
V4 + V5 / SUBJECT = V6
would not trigger the error, but one specified using:
V1 + V2
V4 + V5 / SUBJECT = V6
The error is not triggered when there is only a single random statement, so a model specified using just
V1 + V2
will not trigger the error.
Severity Critical
Issue Since Mark 27
Fixed at Mark 27.1
Workaround A workaround to this issue is to always supply a Subject term. If the required model is of the form:
V1 + V2
V4 + V5 / SUBJECT = V6
then you can specify an equivalent model by using:
V4 + V5 / SUBJECT = V6
where the variable DUMMY has a single level, and always takes a value of one. This will require adding the variable DUMMY to your dataset.
Chapter G05
Synopsis Memory leak reported from CL interface on Windows from checking tools.
Description A during-execution memory leak can be reported from checking tools on Windows when running a multi-threaded program calling d01xbc.
Severity Critical
Issue Since Mark 5
Fixed at Mark 28
Workaround Ignore warnings.
g08ckc and g08clc
Synopsis The wrong value for p is returned when aa2 is large.
Description In g08ckc and g08clc the value returned for the upper tail probability p is wrong when the calculated Anderson-Darling test statistic aa2 is large. In the case of g08ckc, when aa2 > 153.4677 the returned value of p should be zero; in the case of g08clc, when aa2 > 10.03 the returned value of p should be exp - 14.360135 .
Severity Critical
Issue Since Mark 23
Workaround Workaround for g08ckc:
Call g08ckc(...);
If (aa2 > 153.4677) p = 0.0;
Workaround for g08clc:
Call g08clc(...);
If (aa2 > 10.03) p = exp(-14.360135);
Synopsis g13fac may return a negative value as the estimate of the last β parameter (i.e., β p ) for a subset of models.
Description g13fac can result in a negative value for the estimate of the last β parameter (i.e., β p ) or, if p = 0 , the last α parameter (i.e., α q ).
This issue only affects a subset of models that have normally distributed errors and do not include an asymmetry term.
If the function did not return a negative value as the estimate of the last β parameter (or, if p = 0 , the last α parameter), then that particular model was not affected by the issue.
Severity Critical
Issue Since Mark 7
Fixed at Mark 27
Workaround None
Synopsis When what = Nag_VarianceComponent the information returned in plab and/or vinfo may be incorrect.
Description The information returned in plab and/or vinfo may be incorrect in cases where what = Nag_VarianceComponent and the underlying linear mixed effects regression model has a random variable, with a single level (so either binary or continuous), that only takes the value zero.
Severity Non-critical
Issue Since Mark 27.0
Workaround The work around is to drop the term from the model, as it does not contribute. For example, if the random part of your model was specified as: V1 + V2 / SUBJECT=V3 and the variable V2 was a continuous variable, that only takes a value of zero in the data, then this is equivalent to re-specifying the model using: V1 / SUBJECT=V3.
Synopsis In some cases, solver returns inaccurate solution when there are binary variables.
Description When there are binary variables, the accuracy of the solution will be influenced by the initial values. The solver could return inaccurate solution.
Severity Non-critical
Issue Since Mark 25
Fixed at Mark 29.1
Workaround The work around is to use integer variables with 0 and 1 as lower and upper bound, respectively.
Metis external package files use large amount of thread local storage (TLS)
Synopsis Thread Local Storage default limit was exceeded for delay loaded shared library.
Description A fair amount of thread local storage had been allocated by an auxiliary function which has now been updated to use a very small amount of thread local storage. Prior to the update, this only affected the case where the shared version of the Nag Library was delay loaded, since this assumed a small default maximum amount of thread local storage, which was in fact exceeded.
The issue had been present since the introduction of the auxiliary function at Mark 26.1. From Mark 28.6, the amount of thread local storage used is very small and this is no longer an issue.
Severity Non-critical
Issue Since Mark 26.1
Fixed at Mark 28.6
Workaround None.