a00ad {NAGFWrappers} | R Documentation |
a00ad prints information about the version of the NAG Library in use.
R interface to the NAG Fortran routine A00ADF.
string The implementation title which usually lists the target platform, operating system and compiler. |
string The working or basic precision of the implementation. Some functions may perform operations in reduced precision or additional precision, but the great majority will perform all operations in basic precision. See the introduction to the Fortran library for definitions of these precisions. |
string The product code for the NAG Library implementation that is being used. The code has a discernible structure, but it is not necessary to know the details of this structure. The product code can be used to differentiate between individual product licence codes. |
integer The major mark of the NAG Library implementation that is being used. |
integer The minor mark of the NAG Library implementation that is being used. |
string The target hardware for the NAG Library implementation that is being used. |
string The target operating system for the NAG Library implementation that is being used. |
string The compiler used to build the NAG Library implementation that is being used. |
string The subsidiary library, if any, that must be linked with the NAG Library implementation that is being used. If the implementation does not require a subsidiary library then the string '(self-contained)'will be returned in vend. |
boolean Specifies whether or not a valid licence has been found for the NAG Library implementation that is being used. |
ans<-a00ad() if (1){ writeLines(toString(cat(sprintf(" *** Start of NAG Toolbox for MATLAB implementation details ***\n\n","\n")))) impl<-ans$IMPL writeLines(sprintf(" Implementation title: %s\n",impl,"\n")) prec<-ans$PREC writeLines(toString(cat(sprintf(" Precision: %s\n",prec,"\n")))) pcode<-ans$PCODE writeLines(toString(cat(sprintf(" Product Code: %s\n",pcode,"\n")))) mkmaj<-ans$MKMAJ mkmin<-ans$MKMIN writeLines(toString(cat(sprintf(" Mark: %d.%d\n",mkmaj,mkmin,"\n")))) vend<-ans$VEND if (match(vend,"(self-contained)")==1){ writeLines(toString(cat(sprintf(" Vendor Library: None\n","\n")))) } else { writeLines(toString(cat(sprintf(" Vendor Library: %s\n",vend,"\n")))) } writeLines(toString(cat(sprintf(" Applicable to:\n","\n")))) hdware<-ans$HDWARE writeLines(toString(cat(sprintf(" hardware - %s\n",hdware,"\n")))) opsys<-ans$OPSYS writeLines(toString(cat(sprintf(" op. sys. - %s\n",opsys,"\n")))) fcomp<-ans$FCOMP writeLines(toString(cat(sprintf(" compiler - %s\n",fcomp,"\n")))) writeLines(toString(cat(sprintf(" and compatible systems.\n\n","\n")))) writeLines(toString(cat(sprintf(" *** End of NAG Toolbox for MATLAB implementation details ***\n\n","\n")))) licval<-ans$LICVAL if(licval){ pcode<-ans$PCODE writeLines(toString(cat(sprintf(" A valid licence was found for %s\n\n",pcode,"\n")))) }else { pcode<-ans$PCODE writeLines(toString(cat(sprintf(" A valid licence was not found for %s\n\n",pcode,"\n")))) } }