NAG Library Manual, Mark 30.2
Interfaces:  FL   CL   CPP   AD 

NAG FL Interface Introduction
Example description
    Program g02mcfe

!     G02MCF Example Program Text

!     Mark 30.2 Release. NAG Copyright 2024.

!     .. Use Statements ..
      Use nag_library, Only: g02maf, g02mcf, nag_wp
!     .. Implicit None Statement ..
      Implicit None
!     .. Parameters ..
      Integer, Parameter               :: nin = 5, nout = 6
!     .. Local Scalars ..
      Integer                          :: i, ifail, ip, k, ktype, ldb, ldd,    &
                                          ldnb, lisx, lnk, lropt, m, mnstep,   &
                                          mtype, n, nstep, pred, prey
!     .. Local Arrays ..
      Real (Kind=nag_wp), Allocatable  :: b(:,:), d(:,:), fitsum(:,:),         &
                                          nb(:,:), nk(:), ropt(:), y(:)
      Integer, Allocatable             :: isx(:)
!     .. Intrinsic Procedures ..
      Intrinsic                        :: max, repeat
!     .. Executable Statements ..
      Write (nout,*) 'G02MCF Example Program Results'
      Write (nout,*)

!     Skip heading in data file
      Read (nin,*)

!     Read in the problem size
      Read (nin,*) n, m

!     Read in the model specification
      Read (nin,*) mtype, pred, prey, mnstep

!     Use all of the variables
      lisx = 0
      Allocate (isx(lisx))

!     Optional arguments (using defaults)
      lropt = 0
      Allocate (ropt(lropt))

!     Read in the data
      ldd = n
      Allocate (y(n),d(ldd,m))
      Read (nin,*)(d(i,1:m),y(i),i=1,n)

!     Allocate output arrays
      ldb = m
      Allocate (b(ldb,mnstep+2),fitsum(6,mnstep+1))

!     Call the model fitting routine
      ifail = -1
      Call g02maf(mtype,pred,prey,n,m,d,ldd,isx,lisx,y,mnstep,ip,nstep,b,ldb,  &
      If (ifail/=0) Then
        If (ifail/=112 .And. ifail/=161 .And. ifail/=162 .And. ifail/=163)     &
!         IFAIL = 112, 161, 162 and 163 are warnings, so no need to terminate
!         if they occur
          Go To 100
        End If
      End If

!     Read in the number of additional parameter estimates required and the
!     way they will be specified
      Read (nin,*) ktype, lnk
      ldnb = ip
      Allocate (nk(lnk),nb(ip,lnk))

!     Read in the target values
      Read (nin,*) nk(1:lnk)

!     Calculate the additional parameter estimates
      ifail = 0
      Call g02mcf(nstep,ip,b,ldb,fitsum,ktype,nk,lnk,nb,ldnb,ifail)

      Write (nout,*) 'Parameter Estimates from G02MAF'
      Write (nout,*) ' Step ', repeat(' ',max((ip-2),0)*5),                    &
        ' Parameter Estimate'
      Write (nout,*) repeat('-',5+ip*10)
      Do k = 1, nstep
        Write (nout,99999) k, b(1:ip,k)
      End Do
      Write (nout,*)

      Write (nout,*) 'Additional Parameter Estimates from G02MCF'
      Write (nout,*) '  NK  ', repeat(' ',max((ip-2),0)*5),                    &
        ' Parameter Estimate'
      Write (nout,*) repeat('-',5+ip*10)
      Do k = 1, lnk
        Write (nout,99998) nk(k), nb(1:ip,k)
      End Do

100   Continue
99999 Format (2X,I3,10(1X,F9.3))
99998 Format (1X,F4.1,10(1X,F9.3))
    End Program g02mcfe