NAG Library Manual, Mark 30.2
Interfaces:  FL   CL   CPP   AD 

NAG CL Interface Introduction
Example description

nag_blast_dsyr2k (f16yrc) Example Program Data
  4  2                        :Values of n and k
  Nag_Lower                   :Value of uplo
  Nag_NoTrans                 :Value of trans
 -1.0  1.0                    :Values of alpha and beta
 -3.00  -5.00
 -1.00   1.00
  2.00  -1.00
  1.00   1.00                 :End of matrix A
  3.00  -2.00
 -1.00   1.00
  2.00  -1.00
  1.00   0.00                 :End of matrix B
 -3.96  -4.87
  0.40   0.31  -8.02
 -0.27   0.07  -5.95   0.12   :End of matrix C