NAG Library Manual, Mark 30.2
Interfaces:  FL   CL   CPP   AD 

NAG FL Interface Introduction
Example description

 F12ASF Example Program Results

 Iteration   1, No. converged =   0, norm of estimates =  0.5947E-06
 Iteration   2, No. converged =   1, norm of estimates =  0.1478E-08
 Iteration   3, No. converged =   2, norm of estimates =  0.3293E-10
 Iteration   4, No. converged =   2, norm of estimates =  0.5941E-13
 Iteration   5, No. converged =   2, norm of estimates =  0.8408E-15
 Iteration   6, No. converged =   3, norm of estimates =  0.8134E-17

 The    4 generalized Ritz values closest to (5000.000,   0.000) are:

        1     (  4829.8497 ,     0.0000 )
        2     (  5279.5223 ,    -0.0000 )
        3     (  4400.6310 ,     0.0000 )
        4     (  5749.7160 ,    -0.0000 )