NAG Library Manual, Mark 30.2
Interfaces:  FL   CL   CPP   AD 

NAG CL Interface Introduction
Example description

nag_glopt_bnd_mcs_optset_file (e05jcc) Example Program Results

Option 'Function Evaluations Limit' has the value 100000.
Option 'Infinite Bound Size' holds its default value.
Option 'Infinite Bound Size' has the value    1.15792e+77
(User-supplied callback objfun, first invocation.)

(objfun was just called for the first time)
(User-supplied callback monit, first invocation.)

*** Begin monitoring information ***

Values controlling initial splitting of a box:
In dimension     1
Extent of initialization list in this dimension =    3
Initialization points in this dimension:
LIST(i, 1:numpts[i - 1]) = -3.00000 -1.00000  3.00000
Initial point in this dimension: LIST(i,    2)
In dimension     2
Extent of initialization list in this dimension =    3
Initialization points in this dimension:
LIST(i, 1:numpts[i - 1]) = -3.00000  0.00000  3.00000
Initial point in this dimension: LIST(i,    2)
Total sub-boxes =   180
Total function evaluations (rounded to nearest 10) =   190
Total function evaluations used in local search (rounded
  to nearest 10) =   100
Total points used in local search =     9
Total sweeps through levels =     9
Total splits by init. list =     5
Lowest level with nonsplit boxes =     6
Number of candidate minima in the 'shopping basket' =     2
Shopping basket:
xbaskt(  1,:) =  0.22828 -1.34740
xbaskt(  2,:) = -1.62553  0.20452
Best point:
xbest =  0.22828 -1.62553

*** End monitoring information ***

Final objective value =    -6.55113
Global optimum x =   0.22828 -1.62553