NAG Library Manual, Mark 30.2
Interfaces:  FL   CL   CPP   AD 

NAG AD Library Introduction
Example description

 D02BJ_A1W_F Example Program Results
 Case : no intermediate output, root-finding

  Calculation with TOL = 0.1E-04
   Root of Y(1) = 0.0 at  7.288
   Solution is      -0.0000       0.4749      -0.7601

  Derivatives calculated: First order adjoints
  Computational mode    : algorithmic

  Derivatives: (hit point w.r.t. parameters)
      dx/dg      = -0.18991E+03
      dx/ddrag   = -0.34254E+02
      dx/dheight =  0.10519E+01
      dx/dvel    =  0.24309E+02
      dx/dangle  =  0.26049E+01