NAG Library Manual, Mark 30.2
Interfaces:  FL   CL   CPP   AD 

NAG CL Interface Introduction
Example description

nag_quad_dim1_quad_wt_alglog_1 (d01spc) Example Program Results
(User-supplied callback f_cos, first invocation.)

Integral of cos(10*pi*x) on [a,b]
a       - lower limit of integration    =    0.0000
b       - upper limit of integration    =    1.0000
epsabs  - absolute accuracy requested   =    0.00e+00
epsrel  - relative accuracy requested   =    1.00e-04

alpha   - weight function parameter     =    0.0000
beta    - weight function parameter     =    0.0000
wt_func - weight function used          =  Nag_Alg_loga
result  - approximation to the integral =   -0.04899
abserr  - estimate of absolute error    =    1.14e-07
qp.fun_count  - function evaluations    =  110
qp.num_subint - subintervals used       =    4

(User-supplied callback f_sin, first invocation.)

Integral of sin(10*x) on [a,b]
a       - lower limit of integration    =    0.0000
b       - upper limit of integration    =    1.0000
epsabs  - absolute accuracy requested   =    0.00e+00
epsrel  - relative accuracy requested   =    1.00e-04

alpha   - weight function parameter     =   -0.5000
beta    - weight function parameter     =   -0.5000
wt_func - weight function used          =  Nag_Alg
result  - approximation to the integral =    0.53502
abserr  - estimate of absolute error    =    1.94e-12
qp.fun_count  - function evaluations    =   50
qp.num_subint - subintervals used       =    2