D02NHF Example Program Results Warning: Equation(=i1) and possibly other equations are implicit and in calculating the initial values the equations will be treated as implicit. In above message i1 = 1 Initial Y : 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Initial YDOT : -0.0400 0.0400 0.0000 Warning: Equation(=i1) and possibly other equations are implicit and in calculating the initial values the equations will be treated as implicit. In above message i1 = 1 X Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) 10.000 0.84135 0.00002 0.15863 HUSED = 0.91752E+00 HNEXT = 0.91752E+00 TCUR = 0.10885E+02 NST = 51 NRE = 118 NJE = 14 NQU = 4 NQ = 4 NITER = 68 Max err comp = 3