NAG Library Manual, Mark 30.3
Interfaces:  FL   CL   CPP   AD 

NAG CL Interface Introduction
Example description

nag_correg_lars_param (g02mcc) Example Program Data
20 6                          :: n,m
Nag_LARS_LAR Nag_LARS_CenteredNormalized
Nag_LARS_Centered  6          :: mtype,pred,prey,mnstep
10.28  1.77  9.69 15.58  8.23 10.44    -46.47
 9.08  8.99 11.53  6.57 15.89 12.58    -35.80
17.98 13.10  1.04 10.45 10.12 16.68   -129.22
14.82 13.79 12.23  7.00  8.14  7.79    -42.44
17.53  9.41  6.24  3.75 13.12 17.08    -73.51
 7.78 10.38  9.83  2.58 10.13  4.25    -26.61
11.95 21.71  8.83 11.00 12.59 10.52    -63.90
14.60 10.09 -2.70  9.89 14.67  6.49    -76.73
 3.63  9.07 12.59 14.09  9.06  8.19    -32.64
 6.35  9.79  9.40 12.79  8.38 16.79    -83.29
 4.66  3.55 16.82 13.83 21.39 13.88    -16.31
 8.32 14.04 17.17  7.93  7.39 -1.09     -5.82
10.86 13.68  5.75 10.44 10.36 10.06    -47.75
 4.76  4.92 17.83  2.90  7.58 11.97     18.38
 5.05 10.41  9.89  9.04  7.90 13.12    -54.71
 5.41  9.32  5.27 15.53  5.06 19.84    -55.62
 9.77  2.37  9.54 20.23  9.33  8.82    -45.28
14.28  4.34 14.23 14.95 18.16 11.03    -22.76
10.17  6.80  3.17  8.57 16.07 15.93   -104.32
 5.39  2.67  6.37 13.56 10.68  7.35    -55.94 :: End of d, y
Nag_LARS_StepNumber  5        :: ktype,lnk
0.2 1.2 3.2 4.5 5.2           :: End of nk