NAG Library Manual, Mark 30.3
Interfaces:  FL   CL   CPP   AD 

NAG AD Library Introduction
Example description

F08KP_T1W_F C++ Header Example Program Results

             Singular values:
      3.999          3      1.994     0.9995

 Left singular vectors by column
          1        2        3        4        5        6
 1  -0.5634  -0.2687   0.2451   0.3787   0.0139  -0.1493
     0.0016  -0.2749   0.4657   0.2987  -0.0003  -0.0514

 2   0.1205  -0.2909   0.4329  -0.0182   0.0254  -0.0369
    -0.6108   0.1085  -0.1758  -0.0437  -0.5033  -0.2003

 3  -0.0816  -0.1660  -0.4667  -0.0800   0.2141  -0.2871
     0.1613   0.3885   0.3821  -0.2276  -0.4801  -0.0903

 4   0.1441   0.1984  -0.0034   0.2608  -0.2664  -0.3808
    -0.1532  -0.1737   0.1555  -0.5382   0.2516  -0.4744

 5  -0.2487   0.6253   0.2643   0.1002   0.5720  -0.0462
    -0.0926   0.3304  -0.0194   0.0140   0.0720  -0.1202

 6  -0.3758  -0.0307   0.1266  -0.4175  -0.0516   0.6051
     0.0793  -0.0816   0.1747  -0.4058  -0.0153  -0.3004

 Right singular vectors by row
          1        2        3        4
 1  -0.6971  -0.0867   0.0560  -0.1878
    -0.0000  -0.3548  -0.5400  -0.2253

 2   0.2403   0.0725  -0.2477   0.7026
     0.0000  -0.2336  -0.5291   0.2177

 3  -0.5123  -0.3030   0.0678   0.4418
     0.0000  -0.1735   0.5162   0.3864

 4  -0.4403   0.5294  -0.3027   0.1667
     0.0000   0.6361  -0.0346   0.0258

 Derivatives calculated: First order tangents
 Computational mode    : algorithmic

 Derivatives of Singular values w.r.t first column of A

          1        2        3        4        5        6
 1   0.3928  -0.0840   0.0569  -0.1004   0.1734   0.2620
    -0.0011   0.4258  -0.1125   0.1068   0.0646  -0.0553

 2  -0.0646  -0.0699  -0.0399   0.0477   0.1502  -0.0074
    -0.0660   0.0261   0.0933  -0.0417   0.0794  -0.0196

 3  -0.1256  -0.2218   0.2391   0.0017  -0.1354  -0.0648
    -0.2386   0.0901  -0.1958  -0.0796   0.0099  -0.0895

 4  -0.1668   0.0080   0.0352  -0.1148  -0.0441   0.1838
    -0.1315   0.0193   0.1002   0.2370  -0.0062   0.1787