NAG Library Manual, Mark 30.2
Interfaces:  FL   CL   CPP   AD 

NAG FL Interface Introduction
Example description

F07UVF Example Program Data
  4  2                                                    :Values of N and NRHS
  'L'                                                     :Value of UPLO
 ( 4.78, 4.56)
 ( 2.00,-0.30) (-4.11, 1.25)
 ( 2.89,-1.34) ( 2.36,-4.25) ( 4.15, 0.80)
 (-1.89, 1.15) ( 0.04,-3.69) (-0.02, 0.46) ( 0.33,-0.26)  :End of matrix A
 (-14.78,-32.36) (-18.02, 28.46)
 (  2.98, -2.14) ( 14.22, 15.42)
 (-20.96, 17.06) (  5.62, 35.89)
 (  9.54,  9.91) (-16.46, -1.73)                          :End of matrix B