// example of using:
// nagcpp::opt::handle_solve_socp_ipm (e04pt)
// nagcpp::opt::handle_set_linobj (e04re)
// nagcpp::opt::handle_set_simplebounds (e04rh)
// nagcpp::opt::handle_set_linconstr (e04rj)
// nagcpp::opt::handle_set_group (e04rb)
// in addition, the following routines are implicitly
// called via the communication class:
// nagcpp::opt::handle_init (e04ra)
// nagcpp::opt::handle_opt_set (e04zm)
// nagcpp::opt::handle_free (e04rz)
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "e04/nagcpp_class_CommE04RA.hpp"
#include "e04/nagcpp_e04pt.hpp"
#include "e04/nagcpp_e04rb.hpp"
#include "e04/nagcpp_e04re.hpp"
#include "e04/nagcpp_e04rh.hpp"
#include "e04/nagcpp_e04rj.hpp"
int main(void) {
std::cout << "nagcpp::opt::handle_solve_socp_ipm Example" << std::endl;
try {
// initialise the problem handle
nagcpp::types::f77_integer n = 3;
nagcpp::opt::CommE04RA handle(n);
// set objective function (e04re)
std::vector<double> c = {10.0, 20.0, 1.0};
nagcpp::opt::handle_set_linobj(handle, c);
// set box constraints (e04rh)
std::vector<double> xl = {-2.0, -2.0, -1.0e20};
std::vector<double> xu = {2.0, 2.0, 1.0e20};
nagcpp::opt::handle_set_simplebounds(handle, xl, xu);
// set linear constraints (e04rj)
std::vector<double> bla = {-1.0e20, 1.0};
std::vector<double> bua = {1.5, 1.0e20};
std::vector<nagcpp::types::f77_integer> irowa = {1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2};
std::vector<nagcpp::types::f77_integer> icola = {1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3};
std::vector<double> a = {-0.1, -0.1, 1.0, -0.06, 1.0, 1.0};
nagcpp::opt::handle_set_linconstr(handle, bla, bua, irowa, icola, a);
// create the cone constraints (e04rb)
std::string cone_type = "QUAD";
std::vector<nagcpp::types::f77_integer> vidx_cone = {3, 1, 2};
nagcpp::types::f77_integer idgroup = 0;
nagcpp::opt::handle_set_group(handle, cone_type, vidx_cone, idgroup);
// turn off printing of intermediate progress output
std::vector<double> x;
std::vector<double> u;
std::vector<double> uc;
std::vector<double> rinfo;
std::vector<double> stats;
// call SOCP interior point solver (e04pt)
handle_solve_socp_ipm(handle, x, u, uc, rinfo, stats, nullptr);
// print the solution
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Optional X:" << std::endl;
std::cout << " i Value" << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i) {
std::cout << std::setw(3) << i << std::setw(17) << x[i] << std::endl;
} catch (nagcpp::error_handler::Exception &e) {
std::cout << e.msg << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;