NAG Library Manual, Mark 30.1
Interfaces:  FL   CL   CPP   AD 

NAG FL Interface Introduction
Example description

 F08VNF Example Program Results

 Number of infinite generalized singular values (K)
 Number of finite generalized singular values (L)
 Numerical rank of (A**H B**H)**H (K+L)

 Finite generalized singular values
       2.0720E+00   1.1058E+00

 Unitary matrix U
                              1                           2
 1  ( -1.3038E-02, -3.2595E-01) ( -1.4039E-01, -2.6167E-01)
 2  (  4.2764E-01, -6.2582E-01) (  8.6298E-02, -3.8174E-02)
 3  ( -3.2595E-01,  1.6428E-01) (  3.8163E-01, -1.8219E-01)
 4  (  1.5906E-01, -5.2151E-03) ( -2.8207E-01,  1.9732E-01)
 5  ( -1.7210E-01, -1.3038E-02) ( -5.0942E-01, -5.0319E-01)
 6  ( -2.6336E-01, -2.4772E-01) ( -1.0861E-01,  2.8474E-01)
                              3                           4
 1  (  2.5177E-01, -7.9789E-01) ( -5.0956E-02, -2.1750E-01)
 2  ( -3.2188E-01,  1.6112E-01) (  1.1979E-01,  1.6319E-01)
 3  (  1.3231E-01, -1.4565E-02) ( -5.0671E-01,  1.8615E-01)
 4  (  2.1598E-01,  1.8813E-01) ( -4.0163E-01,  2.6787E-01)
 5  (  3.6488E-02,  2.0316E-01) (  1.9271E-01,  1.5574E-01)
 6  (  1.0906E-01, -1.2712E-01) ( -8.8159E-02,  5.6169E-01)
                              5                           6
 1  ( -4.5947E-02,  1.4052E-04) ( -5.2773E-02, -2.2492E-01)
 2  ( -8.0311E-02, -4.3605E-01) ( -3.8117E-02, -2.1907E-01)
 3  (  5.9714E-02, -5.8974E-01) ( -1.3850E-01, -9.0941E-02)
 4  ( -4.6443E-02,  3.0864E-01) ( -3.7354E-01, -5.5148E-01)
 5  (  5.7843E-01, -1.2439E-01) ( -1.8815E-02, -5.5686E-02)
 6  (  1.5763E-02,  4.7130E-02) (  6.5007E-01,  4.9173E-03)

 Unitary matrix V
                              1                           2
 1  (  9.8930E-01,  1.0471E-19) ( -1.1461E-01,  9.0250E-02)
 2  ( -1.1461E-01, -9.0250E-02) ( -9.8930E-01,  1.0471E-19)

 Unitary matrix Q
                              1                           2
 1  (  7.0711E-01,  0.0000E+00) (  0.0000E+00,  0.0000E+00)
 2  (  0.0000E+00,  0.0000E+00) (  7.0711E-01,  0.0000E+00)
 3  (  7.0711E-01,  0.0000E+00) (  0.0000E+00,  0.0000E+00)
 4  (  0.0000E+00,  0.0000E+00) (  7.0711E-01,  0.0000E+00)
                              3                           4
 1  (  6.9954E-01, -1.1784E-18) (  8.1044E-02, -6.3817E-02)
 2  ( -8.1044E-02, -6.3817E-02) (  6.9954E-01,  1.1784E-18)
 3  ( -6.9954E-01,  1.1784E-18) ( -8.1044E-02,  6.3817E-02)
 4  (  8.1044E-02,  6.3817E-02) ( -6.9954E-01, -1.1784E-18)

 Nonsingular upper triangular matrix R
                              1                           2
 1  ( -2.7118E+00,  0.0000E+00) ( -1.4390E+00, -1.0315E+00)
 2                              ( -1.8583E+00,  0.0000E+00)
                              3                           4
 1  ( -7.6930E-02,  1.3613E+00) ( -2.8137E-01, -3.2425E-02)
 2  ( -1.0760E+00,  3.1016E-02) (  1.3292E+00,  3.6772E-01)
 3  (  3.2537E+00,  0.0000E+00) ( -6.3858E-17,  3.4216E-33)
 4                              ( -2.1084E+00,  0.0000E+00)

 Estimate of reciprocal condition number for R

 Error estimate for the generalized singular values