NAG CPP Interface


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1 Description

If the value of SOCP System Formulation is AUGMENTED SYSTEM, then this argument controls whether Harwell packages MA86 or MA97 is used for the sparse linear algebra factorization
Used by: nps_p_isocpldl in e04ptf.
CommE04RA::setter_nps_p_isocpldl returns a reference to the communication class itself.

2 Specification

CommE04RA SOCPFactorizationMethod(std::string value = Default =‘’MA86‘’ )
CommE04RA SOCPFactorizationMethod(std::string value = Default =‘’MA86‘’ , OptionalE04ZM opt)

3 Arguments

1: value std::string Scalar
On entry: the required value of the argument.
Default =‘’MA86‘’
2: opt OptionalE04ZM Scalar
Optional argument container, derived from Optional.