/* nag_ieee_is_finite (x07aac) Example Program.
* Copyright 2023 Numerical Algorithms Group.
* Mark 29.3, 2023.
#include <nag.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
static void diagnose(const char *c, double x) {
Nag_Boolean isfin, isnan;
if (strcmp(c, "Quiet NaN"))
printf("\nDiagnosis of value \"%s\" which prints as %12.4e\n", c, x);
printf("\nDiagnosis of value \"%s\"\n", c);
/* nag_ieee_is_finite (x07aac).
* Determines whether its argument has a finite value. */
isfin = nag_ieee_is_finite(x);
if (isfin)
printf("\"%s\" is finite\n", c);
printf("\"%s\" is not finite\n", c);
/* nag_ieee_is_nan (x07abc).
* Determines whether its argument is a NaN (Not A Number). */
isnan = nag_ieee_is_nan(x);
if (isnan)
printf("\"%s\" is NaN\n", c);
printf("\"%s\" is not NaN\n", c);
if (x < 0.0)
printf("\"%s\" compares less than zero.\n", c);
printf("\"%s\" does not compare less than zero.\n", c);
if (x == 0.0)
printf("\"%s\" compares equal to zero.\n", c);
printf("\"%s\" does not compare equal to zero.\n", c);
if (x > 0.0)
printf("\"%s\" compares greater than zero.\n", c);
printf("\"%s\" does not compare greater than zero.\n", c);
int main(void) {
Integer exit_status = 0;
double neginf, qnan, x, y, zero;
Integer exmode[3], newexmode[3];
printf("nag_ieee_is_finite (x07aac) Example Program Results\n\n");
/* Turn exception halting mode off for the three common exceptions
* overflow, division-by-zero, and invalid operation. */
printf("Turn exception halting off ...\n");
exmode[0] = exmode[1] = exmode[2] = 0;
/* nag_ieee_set_exception_mode (x07cbc).
* Sets behaviour of floating point exceptions. */
/* Check that exception halting mode for the three common exceptions
* was really turned off. */
/* nag_ieee_get_exception_mode (x07cac).
* Gets current behaviour of floating point exceptions. */
printf("Exception halting mode is now: %" NAG_IFMT " %" NAG_IFMT " %" NAG_IFMT
newexmode[0], newexmode[1], newexmode[2]);
/* Look at some ordinary numbers. */
x = 1.0;
diagnose("one", x);
x = -2.0;
diagnose("-two", x);
zero = 0.0;
diagnose("zero", zero);
/* Generate an infinity and a NaN and look at their properties. */
/* nag_ieee_create_infinity (x07bac). Creates a signed infinite value. */
nag_ieee_create_infinity(-1, &neginf);
diagnose("-Infinity", neginf);
/* nag_ieee_create_nan (x07bbc). Creates a NaN (Not A Number). */
nag_ieee_create_nan(1, &qnan);
diagnose("Quiet NaN", qnan);
/* Do some operations which purposely raise exceptions. */
printf("\nTry to cause overflow - no trap should occur:\n");
/* nag_machine_real_largest (X02ALC). The largest positive model number. */
x = nag_machine_real_largest;
y = x * x;
printf("y = huge * huge = %12.4e\n\n", y);
printf("Try to cause NaN - no trap should occur:\n");
y = zero / zero;
if (nag_ieee_is_nan(y))
printf("y = 0.0 / 0.0 = NaN\n\n");
printf("y = 0.0 / 0.0 = %12.4e\n\n", y);
printf("Try to cause division by zero - no trap should occur:\n");
x = 1.0;
y = x / zero;
printf("y = 1.0 / 0.0 = %12.4e\n", y);
return exit_status;