Program f03bn_t1w_fe
! F03BN_T1W_F Example Program Text
! Mark 29.3 Release. NAG Copyright 2023.
! .. Use Statements ..
Use iso_c_binding, Only: c_ptr
Use nagad_library, Only: f03bn_t1w_f, f07ar_t1w_f, &
nagad_t1w_set_derivative, nagad_t1w_w_ctype, &
x10aa_t1w_f, x10ab_t1w_f, Assignment (=)
Use nag_library, Only: nag_wp, x04daf
! .. Implicit None Statement ..
Implicit None
! .. Parameters ..
Real (Kind=nag_wp), Parameter :: two = 2.0_nag_wp
Integer, Parameter :: nin = 5, nout = 6
! .. Local Scalars ..
Type (c_ptr) :: ad_handle
Type (nagad_t1w_w_ctype) :: d
Integer :: i, ifail, j, k, lda, n
! .. Local Arrays ..
Type (nagad_t1w_w_ctype), Allocatable :: a(:,:), a_in(:,:)
Complex (Kind=nag_wp), Allocatable :: ac(:,:,:)
Integer :: id(2)
Integer, Allocatable :: ipiv(:)
! .. Intrinsic Procedures ..
Intrinsic :: cmplx
! .. Executable Statements ..
Write (nout,*) 'F03BN_T1W_F Example Program Results'
! Skip heading in data file
Read (nin,*)
Read (nin,*) n
lda = n
Allocate (a(lda,n),ac(lda,n,2),a_in(lda,n),ipiv(n))
Read (nin,*)(ac(i,1:n,1),i=1,n)
a_in(1:n,1:n) = ac(1:n,1:n,1)
! Create AD configuration data object
ifail = 0
Call x10aa_t1w_f(ad_handle,ifail)
Do i = 1, n
Do j = 1, n
Do k = 1, 2
If (k==1) Then
Call nagad_t1w_set_derivative(a_in(i,j)%vreal,1.0_nag_wp)
Call nagad_t1w_set_derivative(a_in(i,j)%vimag,1.0_nag_wp)
End If
! LU Factorize A
! The NAG name equivalent of zgetrf is f07arf
a = a_in
ifail = 0
Call f07ar_t1w_f(ad_handle,n,n,a,lda,ipiv,ifail)
If (i==1 .And. j==1 .And. k==1) Then
Write (nout,*)
Flush (nout)
ac(1:n,1:n,1) = a(1:n,1:n)
ifail = 0
Call x04daf('g','n',n,n,ac,lda,'Array A after factorization', &
Write (nout,*)
Write (nout,*) 'Pivots'
Write (nout,99999) ipiv(1:n)
Write (nout,*)
Flush (nout)
99999 Format (1X,8(1X,I13))
End If
ifail = 0
Call f03bn_t1w_f(ad_handle,n,a,lda,ipiv,d,id,ifail)
If (i==1 .And. j==1 .And. k==1) Then
Write (nout,99998) d%vreal%value, d%vimag%value, id
Write (nout,*)
Write (nout,99997) two**id(1)*d%vreal%value, &
99998 Format (1X,'D = (',F13.5,',',F13.5,'), ID = (',I0,', ',I0,')')
99997 Format (1X,'Value of determinant = (',E13.5,',',E13.5,')')
End If
If (k==1) Then
ac(i,j,1) = d%vreal%tangent
ac(i,j,2) = d%vimag%tangent
a_in(i,j)%vreal%tangent = 0.0_nag_wp
ac(i,j,1) = ac(i,j,1) + cmplx(0.0_nag_wp,d%vreal%tangent,kind= &
ac(i,j,2) = ac(i,j,2) + cmplx(0.0_nag_wp,d%vimag%tangent,kind= &
a_in(i,j)%vimag%tangent = 0.0_nag_wp
End If
End Do
End Do
End Do
Write (nout,*)
Write (nout,*) ' Derivatives calculated: First order tangents'
Write (nout,*) ' Computational mode : algorithmic'
Write (nout,*)
Write (nout,*) ' Derivatives of scaled determinant of A w.r.t. A'
Write (nout,*)
Call x04daf('General',' ',n,n,ac,n,' d(dreal)/da',ifail)
Write (nout,*)
Call x04daf('General',' ',n,n,ac(1,1,2),n,' d(dimag)/da',ifail)
! Remove computational data object
Call x10ab_t1w_f(ad_handle,ifail)
End Program f03bn_t1w_fe