NAG Library Manual, Mark 29.3
Interfaces:  FL   CL   CPP   AD 

NAG FL Interface Introduction
Example description

 E04RNF Example Program Results

  E04SV, NLP-SDP Solver (Pennon)
 Begin of Options
     Print File                    =                   6     * d
     Print Level                   =                   2     * d
     Print Options                 =                 Yes     * d
     Monitoring File               =                  -1     * d
     Monitoring Level              =                   4     * d
     Monitor Frequency             =                   0     * d
     Infinite Bound Size           =         1.00000E+20     * d
     Task                          =            Maximize     * U
     Stats Time                    =                  No     * d
     Dimacs Measures               =               Check     * d
     Hessian Density               =                Auto     * d
     Init Value P                  =         1.00000E+00     * d
     Init Value Pmat               =         1.00000E+00     * d
     Initial P                     =           Automatic     * d
     Initial U                     =           Automatic     * d
     Initial X                     =           Automatic     * U
     Inner Iteration Limit         =                 100     * d
     Inner Stop Criteria           =           Heuristic     * d
     Inner Stop Tolerance          =         1.00000E-02     * d
     Linesearch Mode               =                Auto     * d
     Outer Iteration Limit         =                 100     * d
     P Min                         =         1.05367E-08     * d
     P Update Speed                =                  12     * d
     Pmat Min                      =         1.05367E-08     * d
     Preference                    =               Speed     * d
     Presolve Block Detect         =                 Yes     * d
     Stop Criteria                 =                Soft     * d
     Stop Tolerance 1              =         1.00000E-06     * d
     Stop Tolerance 2              =         1.00000E-07     * d
     Stop Tolerance Feasibility    =         1.00000E-07     * d
     Transform Constraints         =                Auto     * d
     U Update Restriction          =         5.00000E-01     * d
     Umat Update Restriction       =         3.00000E-01     * d
 End of Options
 Problem Statistics
   No of variables                 42
     free (unconstrained)           1
     bounded                       41
   No of lin. constraints           1
     nonzeroes                     41
   No of matrix inequal.            1
     detected matrix inq.           1
       linear                       1
       nonlinear                    0
       max. dimension               5
     detected normal inq.           0
       linear                       0
       nonlinear                    0
   Objective function          Linear
 Begin of options modified by the solver
     Hessian Density               =               Dense     * S
     Linesearch Mode               =            Fullstep     * S
     Transform Constraints         =          Equalities     * S
 End of Options
  it|  objective |  optim  |   feas  |  compl  | pen min |inner
   0  0.00000E+00  4.80E+01  5.90E-01  2.37E+00  1.00E+00   0
   1 -2.25709E+00  2.53E-03  7.15E-01  2.76E+00  1.00E+00   6
   2 -9.90666E-01  1.29E-03  1.38E-02  1.25E+00  4.65E-01   5
   3 -3.96590E-01  1.52E-03  2.07E-02  5.42E-01  2.16E-01   5
   4 -1.52400E-01  6.63E-04  1.42E-02  2.26E-01  1.01E-01   5
   5 -5.45545E-02  5.47E-03  9.33E-03  8.91E-02  4.68E-02   5
   6 -1.62316E-02  1.05E-02  3.18E-03  3.33E-02  2.18E-02   5
   7 -2.39571E-03  6.74E-03  3.90E-04  1.22E-02  1.01E-02   5
   8  3.39831E-03  5.41E-04  4.33E-05  4.43E-03  4.71E-03   6
   9  6.27924E-03  2.25E-03  3.47E-06  1.64E-03  2.19E-03   5
  10  7.23641E-03  4.07E-03  4.79E-07  5.77E-04  1.02E-03   4
  11  7.56230E-03  5.26E-04  1.76E-05  2.08E-04  4.74E-04   4
  12  7.67523E-03  1.18E-02  2.18E-06  7.69E-05  2.21E-04   3
  13  7.71758E-03  4.26E-03  2.51E-07  2.94E-05  1.03E-04   3
  14  7.73491E-03  4.34E-06  2.95E-08  1.11E-05  4.77E-05   4
  it|  objective |  optim  |   feas  |  compl  | pen min |inner
  15  7.74186E-03  8.50E-07  2.29E-09  3.96E-06  2.22E-05   4
  16  7.74450E-03  7.25E-08  1.58E-10  1.29E-06  1.03E-05   4
  17  7.74545E-03  2.51E-09  8.39E-12  3.32E-07  4.81E-06   4
  18  7.74574E-03  5.19E-10  3.49E-13  4.73E-08  2.24E-06   4
 Status: converged, an optimal solution found
 Final objective value                7.745738E-03
 Relative precision                   2.815426E-07
 Optimality                           5.188682E-10
 Feasibility                          3.486927E-13
 Complementarity                      4.732416E-08
 DIMACS error 1                       2.594341E-10
 DIMACS error 2                       0.000000E+00
 DIMACS error 3                       0.000000E+00
 DIMACS error 4                       1.743464E-13
 DIMACS error 5                       4.676597E-08
 DIMACS error 6                       4.662494E-08
 Iteration counts
   Outer iterations                             18
   Inner iterations                             81
   Linesearch steps                            186
 Evaluation counts
   Augm. Lagr. values                          100
   Augm. Lagr. gradient                        100
   Augm. Lagr. hessian                          81

   Weight        Row of design matrix
    0.09         1.00   -1.00    1.00   -1.00    1.00
    0.25         1.00   -0.70    0.49   -0.34    0.24
    0.32         1.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00
    0.25         1.00    0.70    0.49    0.34    0.24
    0.09         1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00
 only those rows with a weight >  0.1E-04 are shown