NAG Library Manual, Mark 29.1
Interfaces:  FL   CL   CPP   AD 

NAG FL Interface Introduction
Example description

 H02BFF Example Program Results
 *** IP solver
 Linear constraints......         3        First integer solution..       OFF
 Variables...............         6        Max depth of the tree...        75
 Feasibility tolerance...  1.05E-08        Print level.............         1
 Infinite bound size.....  1.00E+20        EPS (machine precision).  1.11E-16
 Integer feasibility tol.  1.00E-05        Iteration limit.........        50
 Max number of nodes.....      NONE
 ** Workspace provided with MAXDPT =    75: LRWORK = 10075  LIWORK =  9679
 ** Workspace required with MAXDPT =    75: LRWORK =   677  LIWORK =  2587
 Varbl   State     Value     Lower Bound   Upper Bound    Lagr Mult   Residual
 OATMEAL  EQ    4.00000       4.00000       4.00000       3.000       0.000
 CHICKEN  LL    0.00000       0.00000       3.00000       24.00       0.000
 EGGS     LL    0.00000       0.00000       2.00000       13.00       0.000
 MILK     LL    5.00000       5.00000       8.00000       9.000       0.000
 PIE      EQ    2.00000       2.00000       2.00000       20.00       0.000
 BACON    LL    0.00000       0.00000       2.00000       19.00       0.000
 L Con   State     Value     Lower Bound   Upper Bound    Lagr Mult   Residual
 ENERGY   FR    2080.00       2000.00         None        0.000       80.00
 PROTEIN  FR    64.0000       55.0000         None        0.000       9.000
 CALCIUM  FR    1477.00       800.000         None        0.000       677.0