NAG Library Manual, Mark 29.1
Interfaces:  FL   CL   CPP   AD 

NAG FL Interface Introduction
Example description

 G13AFF Example Program Results

 Convergence was achieved after  25 cycles

 Final values of the PAR parameters and the constant are as follows
    -0.0543   -0.5548   -0.6734    9.9848

 Residual sum of squares is  9397.220  with  25 degrees of freedom

 The corresponding SD array holds
    0.3457   0.2636   0.1665   7.4170

 The correlation matrix is as follows
          1       2       3       4
 1   1.0000  0.8072  0.3548 -0.0404
 2   0.8072  1.0000  0.4681 -0.0491
 3   0.3548  0.4681  1.0000 -0.0376
 4  -0.0404 -0.0491 -0.0376  1.0000

 The residuals consist of  29 values
    19.6275   -5.3093    9.7983   15.2412   -9.1693
    16.1107   15.3929   -5.4500  -27.6205  -18.1306
     5.7202  -13.0881  -22.7151  -14.9256    4.6930
    33.5406   19.7138  -27.3360   32.1231  -11.7681
     1.1524   -1.7756   23.6821  -10.6238   13.9619
    -5.2727  -28.7868  -20.6573   -2.2555

 The state set consists of  4 values
      64.000    -30.985    -20.657     -2.256