NAG Library Manual, Mark 29.1
Interfaces:  FL   CL   CPP   AD 

NAG FL Interface Introduction
Example description

 E05SBF Example Program Results

 Minimization of the Schwefel function.
 Subject to one linear and two nonlinear constraints.

   Default Option Queries:

   Constraint Norm                         :                 L1              
   Maximum Iterations Completed            :          1000   DEFAULT         
   Distance Tolerance                      :        0.0001

 1. Solution without using coupled local minimizer

  Algorithm Statistics
  Total complete iterations                :          277
  Complete iterations since improvement    :            1
  Total particles converged to xb          :            0
  Total improvements to global optimum     :          117
  Total function evaluations               :         4222
  Total particles re-initialized           :            0
  Total constraints violated               :            0

  Solution Status :                  Target value achieved

  Known unconstrained objective minimum    :      -837.966
  Best Known constrained objective minimum :      -731.707
  Achieved objective value                 :      -731.708

  Comparison between known and achieved optima.
      x_target_u  x_target_c          xb
  1      -420.97     -394.15     -394.17
  2      -420.97     -433.48     -433.53

  Comparison between scaled constraint violations.
      c_target_u  c_target_c          cb
  1      0.00000     0.00000     0.00000
  2      0.04219     0.00000     0.00000
  3      0.75749     0.00000     0.00002

 2. Solution using coupled local minimizer E04UCF

  Algorithm Statistics
  Total complete iterations                :            4
  Complete iterations since improvement    :            1
  Total particles converged to xb          :            0
  Total improvements to global optimum     :            7
  Total function evaluations               :          155
  Total particles re-initialized           :            0
  Total constraints violated               :            0

  Solution Status :                  Target value achieved

  Known unconstrained objective minimum    :      -837.966
  Best Known constrained objective minimum :      -731.707
  Achieved objective value                 :      -731.706

  Comparison between known and achieved optima.
      x_target_u  x_target_c          xb
  1      -420.97     -394.15     -394.15
  2      -420.97     -433.48     -433.49

  Comparison between scaled constraint violations.
      c_target_u  c_target_c          cb
  1      0.00000     0.00000     0.00000
  2      0.04219     0.00000     0.00000
  3      0.75749     0.00000     0.00000