NAG Library Manual, Mark 29.1
Interfaces:  FL   CL   CPP   AD 

NAG FL Interface Introduction
Example description

 E04FFF Example Program Results

    E04F(F|G), Derivative-free solver for nonlinear least squares functions
 Begin of Options
     Print File                    =                   6     * d
     Print Level                   =                   2     * d
     Print Options                 =                 Yes     * d
     Print Solution                =                 All     * U
     Monitoring File               =                  -1     * d
     Monitoring Level              =                   4     * d
     Dfo Print Frequency           =                   1     * d
     Dfo Monitor Frequency         =                   0     * d
     Infinite Bound Size           =         1.00000E+20     * d
     Stats Time                    =                  No     * d
     Time Limit                    =         1.00000E+06     * d
     Dfo Initial Interp Points     =          Coordinate     * d
     Dfo Max Objective Calls       =                 500     * d
     Dfo Max Soft Restarts         =                   5     * d
     Dfo Max Unsucc Soft Restarts  =                   3     * d
     Dfo Maximum Slow Steps        =                  20     * d
     Dfo Noise Level               =         0.00000E+00     * d
     Dfo Noisy Problem             =                  No     * d
     Dfo Number Initial Points     =                   0     * d
     Dfo Number Interp Points      =                   0     * d
     Dfo Number Soft Restarts Pts  =                   3     * d
     Dfo Random Seed               =                  -1     * d
     Dfo Starting Trust Region     =         1.00000E-01     * d
     Dfo Trust Region Slow Tol     =         1.02648E-04     * d
     Dfo Trust Region Tolerance    =         5.00000E-06     * U
     Dfo Version                   =              Latest     * U
     Dfls Small Residuals Tol      =         1.08158E-12     * d
 End of Options
 Problem Statistics
   No of variables                  4
     free (unconstrained)           2
     bounded                        2
   Objective function    LeastSquares
     No of residuals               11
   step |    obj        rho    |    nf   |
      1 |  1.72E-03  1.00E-01  |     6   |
      2 |  6.41E-04  1.00E-01  |     7   |
      3 |  4.52E-04  1.00E-01  |     8   |
      4 |  4.05E-04  1.00E-02  |     9   |
      5 |  4.04E-04  1.00E-02  |    10   |
      6 |  4.03E-04  1.00E-02  |    14   |
      7 |  4.02E-04  1.00E-02  |    15   |
      8 |  4.02E-04  1.00E-03  |    20   |
      9 |  4.02E-04  7.07E-05  |    21   |
     10 |  4.02E-04  7.07E-05  |    23   | s
  Status: Converged, small trust region size
  Value of the objective                    4.02423E-04
  Number of objective function evaluations           27
  Number of steps                                    10
 Primal variables:
   idx   Lower bound       Value       Upper bound
     1       -inf       1.81300E-01         inf
     2   2.00000E-01    5.90128E-01    1.00000E+00
     3       -inf       2.56929E-01         inf
     4   3.00000E-01    3.00000E-01         inf