NAG Library Manual, Mark 29.1
Interfaces:  FL   CL   CPP   AD 

NAG FL Interface Introduction
Example description

 E02RAF Example Program Results

 The given series coefficients are
    0.1000E+01   0.1000E+01   0.5000E+00   0.1667E+00   0.4167E-01
    0.8333E-02   0.1389E-02   0.1984E-03   0.2480E-04

 Numerator coefficients
    0.1000E+01   0.5000E+00   0.1071E+00   0.1190E-01   0.5952E-03

 Denominator coefficients
    0.1000E+01  -0.5000E+00   0.1071E+00  -0.1190E-01   0.5952E-03

 Zeros of approximant are at

     Real part    Imag part
   -0.5792E+01  -0.1734E+01
   -0.5792E+01   0.1734E+01
   -0.4208E+01   0.5315E+01
   -0.4208E+01  -0.5315E+01

 Poles of approximant are at

     Real part    Imag part
    0.5792E+01   0.1734E+01
    0.4208E+01  -0.5315E+01
    0.4208E+01   0.5315E+01
    0.5792E+01  -0.1734E+01